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영어(2017-09-07 / 142.4KB / 560회)

2002 국가직 7급 영어 해설 ○○○ (2017-09-07 / 164.7KB / 604회)

※밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오【문1~문3】 문 1. I do not believe that I was inordinately slow to learn something of the Eskimo mentality, but I must say that the more I learnt the greater seemed to me the difficult of penetrating it. ① silently ② excessively ③impassively ④gratuitously 문 2. In dealing with Tom's behavior, you must make allowances for his strained relationship with his parents. ① forgive and forget ② look the other way ③ see eye to eye ④ take into account 문 3. The Constitution was amended to give women the right to vote. ①passed ②agreed ③changed ④celebrated ※밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오【문4~문5】 문 4. Did you notice the young man away? ① took the jewel and ran ② having taken the jewel and run ③ taking the jewel and ran ④ take the jewel and run 문 5. The university eagerly searching for a competent replacement for Professor Davis for two year before finally giving up last year. ① was ② have been ③ were ④ had been ※다음 문장을 논리적인 순서대로 바르게 배열한 것을 고르시오【문6~문7】 문 6. ㄱ. So, Climate is a long view of weather. ㄴ. On the other hand, climate refers to the typical weather patterns of an area over many years. ㄷ. Weather refers to the temperature and amount of rain, win, sun, and snow during a specific time. ㄹ. Although weather and climate are closely related, climate is different from weather. ㅁ. Most people probably spend more time thinking about weather than about climate. ① ㄹ-ㅁ-ㄴ-ㄷ-ㄱ ② ㅁ-ㄹ-ㄷ-ㄴ-ㄱ ③ ㄴ-ㄷ-ㄱ-ㅁ-ㄹ ④ ㄷ-ㄹ-ㅁ-ㄱ-ㄴ 문 7. ㄱ. Here is a good way. ㄴ. Your list might include being head of a fund-raising campaign or acting a juicy role in the senior play. ㄷ. Before you try to find a job opening, you have to answer the hardest question of your working life: "What do I want do?" ㄹ. Sit down with a piece of paper and don't get up till you have listed all the things you are proud to have accomplished. ① ㄱ-ㄷ-ㄴ-ㄹ ② ㄱ-ㄹ-ㄴ-ㄷ ③ ㄷ-ㄹ-ㄴ-ㄱ ④ ㄷ-ㄱ-ㄹ-ㄴ ※다음 대화에서 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오【문8~문9】 문 8. A: I have a coupon here. Could you see if I can use this? B: ① Of course. I can't wait to show you around. ② OK. I'll have it delivered within half an hour. ③ Let me see. Well, sorry but it's good only for weekend. ④ Excellent. I think we have the best pizza in the neighborhood. 문 9. A: Are you ready to order, Ma'am? B: I'd like something to drink before the meal. ? A: The house wine is particularly good this week. ① What do you recommend ② How much would it cost ③ Would you bring me a glass of water ④ Is there a good bar near here ※밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고친 것은? 문 10. That hijacking should continue is lamentable; that hostage should be taken and even killed is to condemn by all. ①condemned ②being condemned ③be condemned ④condemn 문 11. 밑줄 친 부분이 문법적으로 어색한 것은? ① The sister whom I am going to visit is single. ② My maternal grandmother, who lived until she was 95, was active in the civil rights movement. ③There are other psychologists, many of which theories about motivation are not well known. ④The prison to which many prisoners of conscience were sent was filthy. ※우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오 【문12~문13】 문 12. 플라톤은 젊은 시절에 많은 레슬링 시합에서 수상을 하였는데 이것은 육체적 활동과 정신적 활동의 균형을 강조한 그리스인의 이상을 보여준다. ①Plato won many wresting prizes when he was a young man, thus exemplifying the Greek ideal of physical activity and using one's mind. ②Plato won many wresting prizes when he was a young man, thus serving as an example of the Greek ideal of balance between physical and mental activities. ③Plato won many wresting prizes when he was a young, so an example of balancing Greek mental and athletic games. ④Plato won many wresting prizes when he was a young, so this as an example of the Greek's balance between physical and mental pursuits. 문 13. 이러한 움직임들은 선거철을 이용하여 협상에 개입되어 있는 정부와 사기업 고용주들로부터 양보를 이끌어 내려는 목적이 있는 것 같다. ①These moves seem to have a purpose in squeezing out concessions from the negotiations with the government and private employers by utilizing the election season. ②These moves looks as if they were to obtain concessions from the government and business owners engaged in negotiations at the election season. ③These moves appear aimed at exploiting the election season to wring concessions from the government and private employers entangled in negotiations. ④These moves seem to be a purpose in exploiting election season and to exact concessions from the government and business leaders trapped in negotiations. 문 14. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 가장 알맞은 것은? ①the crucial remedy ②the essential element of the game ③the most virtual aspect ④the best name of the crisis ※다음 글의 제목으로 적당한 것을 고르시오【문15~문16】 문 15. Noah Webster's goal in life was to promote the adoption of an American language. He wanted to free Americans from British as they had freed themselves from the British crown. To this end he published a series of three textbooks: a speller in 1783, a grammar in 1784, and a reader in 1785. Webster objected to the way certain words had been borrowed from other languages but had not repelled. The result, he claimed, was a confusing mixture of letter, many of which were not pronounced the way they looked, and others of which were not pronounced at all. Webster urged Americans to simplify their spelling. For example, he argued that "head" should be spelled "hed" and "bread" should be spelled "bred". Most of Webster's suggestions did not catch on, but his textbooks sold millions of copies. Asia may face a recession, moreover, that is much steeper than necessary. There is still a slight, though fading chance for Asia to escape the predicament of financial meltdown. The Asian countries would persuade the International Monetary Fund to put aside its usual prescriptions for fiscal belt-tightening and high interest rates, since these will only reinforce the contradictory force of the financial panic. The name of the game should be confidence-mending, not orthodox austerity. The crisis came from the private markets and not government budget. ① The three books of Noah Webster ② Noah Webster and the Adoption of an American Language ③ Simplification of Spelling ④ American English and British English 문 16.Work is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is regarded as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. With this advantage of work another is associated, namely that it makes holidays more delicious when they come. Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor, he is likely to find more zest in his free time than an idle man could find. ① Work and Boredom ② Danger of Boredom ③ Merit of Work ④ Value of Free Time 문 17. 다음 대화에서 여자가 하는 말의 의미를 가장 잘 표현한 것은? Man: This television cost me fifty dollars. Woman: Fifty dollars? Mine cost a fortune. ①She paid more than the man. ②She had a good fortune when she bought the television. ③Fifty dollars is a fortune to her. ④Fifty dollars is too much to pay for a television. ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 적절한 것을 고르시오【문18~문20】 문 18. The "American Dream" is a kind of romantic expectations, a belief in the possibility of achieving some sort of glowing future with hard work and sincere devotion. Fitzgerald's novel is a "parody" of this dream, because in the person of Jay Gatsby we have the of the Dream itself: that is to say, the traditional devotions wasted on spiritual gum-drops and material trivialities. ① realization ② corruption ③ achievement ④ success 문 19. Admirers of modern science boast that man's cleverness will find ways to sustain any number of people by using to the fullest every inch of space. even now we are victims of many science solutions that cause more problems than they solve. Science does not always have the answer at the precise time if it is needed. ① But ② Moreover ③ Therefore ④ Finally 문 20.Water, soil, and the earth's green mantle of plants make up the world that supports the animal life of the earth. Although modern man seldom remembers the fact, he could not exist without the plants that harness the sun's energy and manufacture the basic foodstuff he depends upon for life. Our attitude toward plants is ___________ . If we see any immediate utility in a plant we foster it. If for any reason we find its presence undesirable or merely a matter of indifference, we may condemn it to destruction forthwith. ① a tangible idea ② a well-grounded one ③ a singularly narrow one ④ exceedingly theory-oriented [2002년 7급기출正答] 1.[解說] I do not believe/ that I was inordinately slow /to learn something of the Eskimo mentality, but I must say/ that the more I learnt /the greater seemed /to me/ the difficult of penetrating it. [飜譯]내가 에스키모 사람들의 정신을 배울 때 너무 심하게(지나치게) 느리다고 생각지는 않는다. 그러나 더 많이 알면 알수록 나에게는 그것을 아는 것이 더 어려워진다는 것은 인정한다. [正答]② 2.[解說] In dealing with Tom's behavior, you must make allowances/ for his strained relationship/ with his parents. [飜譯]탐의 행동을 다룰 때, 당신이 탐이 부모와의 부자연스런 관계를 고려해서 다루어야 한다. [正答]④ 3.[解說]The Constitution/ was amended/ to give women the right/ to vote. [飜譯]그 헌법은 여자들에게 투표권을 주도록 바뀌어야(수정해야) 한다. [正答]③ 4.[解說]Did you notice/ the young man / o.c away? -notice가 5형식일 때는 지각動詞라 하고, 능동의 뜻일 때 動詞원형. 진행의 뜻일 때는 현재분사를 사용 -등위接續詞 and은 평행구조(병치구조)열거: A and B , A but B , A or B / A and B and C =A , B and C / A , B , C and D[평행구조의 열거의 영순위]-찬찬찬 영어 참조 -3번은 taking the jewel and running 으로 -4번은 having taken the jewel and having run으로[완료형은 흐름상 부당함] [正答]④ [動詞원형 and 動詞원형] 5.[解說] The university/ v eagerly searching/ for a competent replacement /for Professor Davis/ for two year/ before finally giving up/ last year. -before은 시간의 전후를 표시하며, 종속절에 과거가 오면 주절은 과거완료 또는 대과거가 와야 한다. -문장구조상 영어에서는 반드시 주어+動詞가 와야 한다. 특히 動詞 및 준動詞는 4가지를 반드시 맞춘다. 1) 1-5형 식 2)능동태. 수동태 3) 단수. 복수 4) 시제(단순시제, 완료시제) -3번은 have been의 형태는 복수로서 틀렸고(주어가 단수명사) , 시제도 현재완료가 나올 수 없다.






2002 국가직 7급 경제학 문제 정답 (2017-09-07) 2002 국가직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-07) →2002 국가직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-07) 2002 국가직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-07) 2002 국가직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 (2017-09-07)
댓글수 1
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  1. 2002 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2002.3.1.

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  3. 2002 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

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  6. 2002 사법시험 독어 문제 정답

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  7. 2002 사법시험 러시아어 문제 정답

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  8. 2002 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

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  12. 2002 사법시험 영어 문제 정답

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  15. 2002 사법시험 중국어 문제 정답

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  16. 2002 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

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  17. 2002 사법시험 헌법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 163
  18. 2002 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 129
  19. 2002 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 65
  20. 2002 회계사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2002.2.24.

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  21. 2002 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

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  24. 2002 회계사 세법개론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 28
  25. 2002 회계사 영어 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 99
  26. 2002 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

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  27. 2002 경찰 간부후보 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 간부 2017.09.07 조회수 739
  28. 2002 경찰 1차 영어 해설 +1

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 1023
  29. 2002 경찰 1차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 683
  30. 2002 경찰 1차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 437
  31. 2002 경찰 1차 형법 해설 (여경)

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 504
  32. 2002 경찰 2차 영어 해설 +1

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 974
  33. 2002 경찰 2차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 599
  34. 2002 경찰 2차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 378
  35. 2002 경찰 2차 형법 해설 (여경)

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 558
  36. 2002 경찰 3차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 3차 2017.09.07 조회수 720
  37. 2002 경찰 3차 형사소송법 문제 정답

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  38. 2002 경찰 3차 형사소송법 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.07 조회수 419
  39. 2002 국가직 5급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 5급 2017.09.07 조회수 954
  40. 2002 국가직 7급 경제학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 659
  41. 2002 국가직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1227
  42. 2002 국가직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1103
  43. 2002 국가직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1115
  44. 2002 국가직 7급 행정법 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1010
  45. 2002 국가직 7급 행정학 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 691
  46. 2002 국가직 7급 헌법 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 914
  47. 2002 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1910
  48. 2002 국가직 9급 사회 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 851
  49. 2002 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1883
  50. 2002 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1644
  51. 2002 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 911
  52. 2002 국가직 9급 사회 문제 정답 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 727
  53. 2002 국가직 9급 행정학 해설 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 579
  54. 2002 국가직 9급 국어 문제 정답 (세무직) +1

    세무직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 922
  55. 2002 국회직 5급 행정학 해설

    국회직 5급 2017.09.07 조회수 720
  56. 2002 군무원 9급 영어 문제 정답

    군무원 9급 2017.10.18 조회수 1322
  57. 2002 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1048
  58. 2002 서울시 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1214
  59. 2002 서울시 9급 사회 문제 정답 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 728
  60. 2002 서울시 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1099
  61. 2002 서울시 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +3

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 682
  62. 2002 경기 지방교행 9급 교육학 문제 해설

    지방교행 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 781
  63. 2002 경기 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +2

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 544
  64. 2002 부산 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 1080
  65. 2002 부산 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 533
  66. 2002 전북 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 510
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  68. 2002 해경 형사소송법 문제 정답

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글쓰기 다크모드
총 차단자: 15명
문현아 암내 공격~!!! (2024.07.14. 19:59)
군무원은 좀...하파리 아닙니까 (2024.07.14. 13:54)
광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이 (2024.07.13. 17:34)
그거 할 바에 차라리 시설 드간다.. (2024.07.12. 12:59)
중화인민국 자격 능력 시험이라던 군무원… (2024.07.03. 23:56)
아직도 졸업도못하고 공시충 기웃거리는거 보면 레알 부모면상 보고싶다 (2024.07.02. 14:45)
이게 지1잡대의 현실이다 (2024.07.02. 12:55)
앰이 무지개다리 건넌 급식딱충이들 ** 떠듬 (2024.06.30. 16:54)
개패고싶네 이놈들 (2024.06.29. 18:19)
공시충인데 부모가 ㄹㅇ 불쌍하다 세금은 언제 낼래 노답아.. 공기가 아깝다 (2024.06.29. 11:03)
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