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영어정답(2023-02-14 / 142.2KB / 162회)


 영 어 ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 그 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. (문 1~문 4) 문 1. He was indisposed to interfere in their quarrel. ① eager ② appetent ③ required ④ reluctant ⑤ solicitous 문 2. School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom. ① written ② direct ③ ancient ④ literary ⑤ circumstantial 문 3. In panic, Paul cut away his faulty parachute and then the emergency parachute opened just in time. ① perfect ② personal ③ defective ④ advanced ⑤ expensive 문 4. The murderer had developed a poison which could not be tasted or smelled when mixed with food. Because it was imperceptible, he was able to murder a number of people without being caught. ① unused ② imprudent ③ indiscreet ④ unorthodox ⑤ indiscernible ※ 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (문 5~문 10) 문 5. Agnes her son for driving too fast and getting a speeding ticket. ① let ② revoked ③ reprimanded ④ forfeited ⑤ deteriorated 문 6. Crime probably ranks as the number one problem in the minds of most Americans. Some say that by juveniles is epidemic. ① aspiration ② reputation ③ delinquency ④ benevolence ⑤ philanthropy 문 7. The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become. As a result, m o re pes ticides h ave to be used. It is a circle. ① peevish ② ravaged ③ vicious ④ vicarious ⑤ beneficial 문 8. Most modern men take it for granted that empirical knowledge is dependent upon perception. There is, , in Plato a very different doctrine. He insists that nothing derived from the senses is worthy to be called “knowledge” and that the only real knowledge has to do with concepts. ① however ② naturally ③ therefore ④ necessarily ⑤ consequently 문 9. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Prince Hotel? B: Sure. Go down this street two blocks. It's on the corner. ① I'd be glad to. ② That's all right. ③ You can't miss it. ④ Many people do so. ⑤ Mind your own business. 문 10. A: Hey, Bill! I haven't seen you with Judy these days. Where's she been hiding? B: She's been traveling overseas for the past two months. To tell you the truth, I never thought I'd miss her so much. A: Well, they say that . B: It sure seems true in my case. I didn't realize how much she meant to me until she was gone. ① after the feast comes the reckoning ② absence makes the heart grow fonder ③ you can't teach an old dog new tricks ④ the rain falls on the good and the bad ⑤ you should never cross a black cat's path ※ 밑줄 친 부분 중에서 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. (문 11~문 13) 문 11. I know you will never be at peace until you will have ① ② ③ ④ discovered where your brother is. ⑤ A 묶음 1 쪽 문 12. Drawing to Poland by high growth and interest rates, investors ① ② are fleeing now because growth is faltering and debts are ③ ④ rising. ⑤ 문 13. The professors of philosophy in our academic ① institutions tends to be specialists, teaching some ② ③ branches of philosophy but seldom teaching all of them. ④ ⑤ ※ 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오. (문 14~문 16) 문 14. ① We are used to not having a car. ② We must stop people from committing suicide. ③ There were lots of teenagers dancing to rock music. ④ I managed to finishing the book before the library closed. ⑤ I went there hoping to learn something about Korean culture. 문 15. ① If she likes the present is not clear to me. ② It all depends on whether they will support us. ③ Whoever they lend the money to must be trustworthy. ④ You can't imagine what difficulties I have with my children. ⑤ Whatever books I have in the house are borrowed from the public library. 문 16. ① Leaving the room, he tripped over the mat. ② When questioned, she denied being a member of the group. ③ Allowed unusual privileges, the prisoner seemed to enjoy his captivity. ④ Though now frail, they were quite capable of looking after themselves. ⑤ Considering works of art, the collections of china were admitted into the country without customs duties. 문 17. 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것 중에서 가장 알맞은 것은? 어떤 숭고한 목적도 나쁜 수단을 정당화할 수는 없다. ① No lofty goal can justify bad means. ② Noble aims can legitimate bad manners. ③ Even the finest purpose can advocate bad methods. ④ The most exalted objective can vindicate bad ways. ⑤ Whatever you do, you are not able to defend your bad ends. ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문 18~문 21) The American middle class is disintegrating and turning into three new groups: an underclass largely trapped in central cities and isolated from the growing economy; an overclass profitably positioned to ride the waves of change; and an anxious class, most of whom hold jobs but are justifiably uneasy about their own standing and fearful for their children's future. What divides the over, the under, and the anxious classes is both the quality of their formal educations and their capacity and opportunity to learn throughout their working lives. Only 15 years ago, a male college graduate earned 49 percent more than a man with only a high school degree. That's a sizable difference, but it's a divide small enough for both men to occupy terrain each would call middle class. In 1992, a male college graduate outearned his high school graduate counterpart by 83 percent―a difference so great that they no longer inhabit common territory or share common prospects. Traditionally, membership in the American middle class included not only a job with a steadily increasing income, but a bundle of benefits that came with employment. But a gap has grown here as well. The rate of employer-sponsored health coverage for workers with college degrees has declined only slightly from 79 percent in 1979 to 76 percent in 1993. But for high school graduates, the rate has fallen further: 68 percent to 60 percent over the same period. And the rate for high school dropouts has plunged―from an already low 52 percent in 1979 to only 36 percent in 1993. Retirement will only harden these divisions. Nearly two out of every three workers with college degrees get pension coverage on the job. More than three out of four high school dropouts do not. 문 18. The passage above mainly discusses . ① the history of the American middle class ② the extinction of the American lower class ③ the collusion between social classes in America ④ the antagonism between the American upper classes ⑤ the disintegration of the American middle class into three subgroups 문 19. According to the passage above, what did membership in the American middle class traditionally include? ① race and economy ② capacity and opportunity ③ a pension and health care ④ a job with income and benefits ⑤ a common territory and common interests 문 20. According to the passage above, of high school dropouts get pension coverage. ① less than 25 percent ② around 33 percent ③ almost 67 percent ④ more than 75 percent ⑤ between 25 and 75 percent 문 21. The underlined phrase, these divisions, refers to . ① the educational differences in American society ② the traditional conditions for the American middle class ③ the economic discrepancies between males and females ④ the conflicts between college and high school graduates ⑤ the economic gaps between the three subgroups of the American middle class A 묶음 2 쪽 ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문 22~문 25) (가) What is unique about fathers when compared to mothers? Studies show that virtually all children clearly distinguish a mother role from a father role, even if some contemporary adults do not seem to be able to. Fathers and mothers differ, just as males and females differ. Part of the reason is cultural, to be sure, but only part. Inborn biology is also a major contributor. (나) Across all cultures, the “natural and comfortable” way most males think, feel, and act is fundamentally different from the way most females think, feel, and act. Differences between men and women have been found universally with respect to four behavioral/psychological traits: aggression and general activity level; cognitive skills; sensory sensitivity; and sexual and reproductive behavior. Perhaps the greatest difference is in aggression and activity level. Almost from the moment of birth, boys tend to be more aggressive and in general to have a somewhat higher activity level than girls. (다) How do the inherent male-female differences express themselves in dissimilar fathering and mothering behaviors? In dealing with infants, there is an enormous and obvious difference that stems from the woman's having carried the child in utero and from her ability to breast-feed. But beyond that, as Alice Rossi has noted based on an accumulating body of evidence, “In caring for a nonverbal, fragile infant, women have a head start.” They are more able to read an infant's facial expressions, handle with tactile gentleness, and soothe with the use of voice. With toddlers, while women provide comfort and emotional acceptance, men typically are more active in their nurturing activities, fostering certain physical skills and emphasizing autonomy and independence. (라) Even with older children the father's mode of parenting is not interchangeable with the mother's. Men typically emphasize play more than caretaking, and their play is more likely to involve a rough-and-tumble approach. In attitude and behavior, mothers tend to be responsive and fathers firm; mothers stress emotional security and relationships, and fathers stress competition and risk taking; mothers typically express more concern for the child's immediate well-being, while fathers express more concern for the child's long-run autonomy and independence. (마) The importance of these different approaches for the growing child should not be underestimated. All children have the need for affiliation with others and the drive to go off on their own, to be independent. They need both the personal security brought by strong social ties, “roots”, and the push away from the group toward eventual autonomy, “wings”. They need a parent who says “strive, do better, challenge yourself”, along with one who comforts them when they fall short. ※ in utero: 자궁내에 문 22. What is the best title for the passage above? ① The Replacement of Fathering by Mothering ② Differences between Fathering and Mothering ③ The Biological Differences between Boys and Girls ④ Mothers' Heavy Duties of Nurturing Children ⑤ The Acquired Masculinity and Femininity of Boys and Girls 문 23. Which of the following paragraphs deals mainly with the different modes of parenting older children? ① (가) ② (나) ③ (다) ④ (라) ⑤ (마) 문 24. Alice Rossi has noted that women . ① work harder than men in caring for babies ② have an advantage over men in caring for babies ③ begin to take care of babies much later than men ④ have more in common with men than people usually think ⑤ foster physical skills and emphasize autonomy more than men 문 25. In the last paragraph, “roots” and “wings” refer to , respectively. ① competition and risk taking ② autonomy and independence ③ comfort and emotional acceptance ④ emotional security and relationships ⑤ personal security and a push toward autonomy A 묶음 3 쪽






2002 사법시험 불어 문제 정답 (2023-02-14) 2002 사법시험 서반아어 문제 정답 (2023-02-14) →2002 사법시험 영어 문제 정답 (2023-02-14) 2002 사법시험 일어 문제 정답 (2023-02-14) 2002 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답 (2023-02-14)
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    해경 2017.09.06 조회수 424
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