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2025 국가직 9급 영어 해설 성정혜 1(2024-03-23 / 2.19MB / 2,432회)


 9급 출제기조 전환 예시문제 영 어 책형 1쪽 영 어 [1 ~ 3] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1. Recently, increasingly ________ weather patterns, often referred to as “abnormal climate,” have been observed around the world. ① irregular ② consistent ③ predictable ④ ineffective 2. Most economic theories assume that people act on a _________ basis; however, this doesn’t account for the fact that they often rely on their emotions instead. ① temporary ② rational ③ voluntary ④ commercial 3. By the time she ____________ her degree, she will have acquired valuable knowledge on her field of study. ① will have finished ② is finishing ③ will finish ④ finishes [4 ~ 5] 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 4. You may conclude that knowledge of the sound systems, word patterns, and sentence structures ①are sufficient to help a student ② become competent in a language. Yet we have ③ all worked with language learners who understand English structurally but still have difficulty ④ communicating. 5. Beyond the cars and traffic jams, she said it took a while to ①get used to have so many people in one place, ②all of whom were moving so fast. “There are only 18 million people in Australia ③spread out over an entire country,” she said, “compared to more than six million people in ④ the state of Massachusetts alone.” [6 ~ 7] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 6. A: Hello. I’d like to book a flight from Seoul to Oakland. B: Okay. Do you have any specific dates in mind? A: Yes. I am planning to leave on May 2nd and return on May 14th. B: Okay, I found one that fits your schedule. What class would you like to book? A: Economy class is good enough for me. B: Any preference on your seating? A: _________________________________ B: Great. Your flight is now booked. ① Yes. I’d like to upgrade to business class. ② No. I’d like to buy a one-way ticket. ③ No. I don’t have any luggage. ④ Yes. I want an aisle seat. 7. ① You need to bring your own laptop. ② I already have a reservation. ③ Follow the instructions on the bulletin board. ④ You should call the doctor’s office for an appointment. 9급 출제기조 전환 예시문제 영 어 책형 2쪽 [8 ~ 9] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Clifton District Office Rachael Beasley June 7 Excessive Noise in the Neighborhood To whom it may concern, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concern and frustration regarding the excessive noise levels in our neighborhood, specifically coming from the new sports field. As a resident of Clifton district, I have always appreciated the peace of our community. However, the ongoing noise disturbances have significantly impacted my family’s well-being and our overall quality of life. The sources of the noise include crowds cheering, players shouting, whistles, and ball impacts. I kindly request that you look into this matter and take appropriate steps to address the noise disturbances. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I appreciate your prompt response to help restore the tranquility in our neighborhood. Sincerely, Rachael Beasley 8. 윗글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① 체육대회 소음에 대해 주민들의 양해를 구하려고 ② 새로 이사 온 이웃 주민의 소음에 대해 항의하려고 ③ 인근 스포츠 시설의 소음에 대한 조치를 요청하려고 ④ 밤시간 악기 연주와 같은 소음의 차단을 부탁하려고 9. 밑줄 친 “steps”의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은? ① movements ② actions ③ levels ④ stairs [10 ~ 11] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (A) We’re pleased to announce the upcoming City Harbour Festival, an annual event that brings our diverse community together to celebrate our shared heritage, culture, and local talent. Mark your calendars and join us for an exciting weekend! Details ▪ Dates: Friday, June 16 - Sunday, June 18 ▪ Times: 10 : 00 a.m. - 8 : 00 p.m. (Friday & Saturday) 10 : 00 a.m. - 6 : 00 p.m. (Sunday) ▪ Location: City Harbour Park, Main Street, and surrounding areas Highlights ▪ Live Performances Enjoy a variety of live music, dance, and theatrical performances on multiple stages throughout the festival grounds. ▪ Food Trucks Have a feast with a wide selection of food trucks offering diverse and delicious cuisines, as well as free sample tastings. For the full schedule of events and activities, please visit our website at www.cityharbourfestival.org or contact the Festival Office at (552) 234-5678. 10. (A)에 들어갈 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Make Safety Regulations for Your Community ② Celebrate Our Vibrant Community Events ③ Plan Your Exciting Maritime Experience ④ Recreate Our City’s Heritage 11. City Harbour Festival에 관한 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① 일 년에 한 번 개최된다. ② 일요일에는 오후 6시까지 열린다. ③ 주요 행사로 무료 요리 강습이 진행된다. ④ 웹사이트나 전화 문의를 통해 행사 일정을 알 수 있다. 9급 출제기조 전환 예시문제 영 어 책형 3쪽 12. Enter-K 앱에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Enter-Khttps://enter-k.org Use the new Enter-K app for your customs declaration. Use the new Enter-K app upon your arrival at the airport. One notable feature offered by Enter-K is the Advance Declaration, which allows travellers the option to submit their customs declaration in advance, enabling them to save time at all our international airports. As part of the ongoing Traveller Modernization initiative, Enter-K will continue to introduce additional border-related features in the future, further improving the overall border experience. Simply download the latest version of the app from the online store before your arrival. There is also a web version of the app for those who are not comfortable using mobile devices. ① It allows travellers to declare customs in advance. ② More features will be added later. ③ Travellers can download it from the online store. ④ It only works on personal mobile devices. 13. Office of the Labor Commissioner에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? office of labor https://olc.gov.org/introduction Office of the Labor Commissioner (OLC) Responsibilities The OLC is the principal labor regulatory agency for the state. The OLC is responsible for ensuring that minimum wage, prevailing wage, and overtime are paid to employees, and that employee break and lunch periods are provided. In addition, the OLC has authority over the employment of minors. It is the vision and mission of this office to resolve labor-related problems in an efficient, professional, and effective manner. This includes educating employers and employees regarding their rights and responsibilities under the law. The OLC takes enforcement action when necessary to ensure that workers are treated fairly and compensated for all time worked. ① It ensures that employees pay taxes properly. ② It has authority over employment of adult workers only. ③ It promotes employers’ business opportunities. ④ It takes action when employees are unfairly treated. 14. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety warned that cases of food poisoning have occurred as a result of cross-contamination, where people touch eggs and neglect to wash their hands before preparing food or using utensils. To mitigate such risks, the ministry advised refrigerating eggs and ensuring they are thoroughly cooked until both the yolk and white are firm. Over the past five years, a staggering 7,400 people experienced food poisoning caused by Salmonella bacteria. Salmonella thrives in warm temperatures, with approximately 37 degrees Celsius being the optimal growth condition. Consuming raw or undercooked eggs and failing to separate raw and cooked foods were identified as the most common causes of Salmonella infection. It is crucial to prioritize food safety measures and adhere to proper cooking practices to minimize the risk of Salmonella-related illnesses. ① Benefits of consuming eggs to the immune system ② Different types of treatments for Salmonella infection ③ Life span of Salmonella bacteria in warm temperatures ④ Safe handling of eggs for the prevention of Salmonella infection 15. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Despite ongoing efforts to address educational disparities, the persistent achievement gap among students continues to highlight significant inequities in the education system. Recent data reveal that marginalized students, including those from low-income back grounds and vulnerable groups, continue to lag behind their peers in academic performance. The gap poses a challenge to achieving educational equity and social mobility. Experts emphasize the need for targeted interventions, equitable resource allocation, and inclusive policies to bridge this gap and ensure equal opportunities for all students, irrespective of their socioeconomic status or background. The issue of continued educational divide should be addressed at all levels of education system in an effort to find a solution. ① We should deal with persistent educational inequities. ② Educational experts need to focus on new school policies. ③ New teaching methods are necessary to bridge the achievement gap. ④ Family income should not be considered in the discussion of education. 9급 출제기조 전환 예시문제 영 어 책형 4쪽 16. 다음 글의 흐름상 어색한 문장은? Every parent or guardian of small children will have experienced the desperate urge to get out of the house and the magical restorative effect of even a short trip to the local park. ① There is probably more going on here than just letting off steam. ②The benefits for kids of getting into nature are huge, ranging from better academic performance to improved mood and focus. ③ Outdoor activities make it difficult for them to spend quality time with their family. ④Childhood experiences of nature can also boost environmentalism in adulthood. Having access to urban green spaces can play a role in children’s social networks and friendships. 17. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것은? In particular, in many urban counties, air pollution, as measured by the amount of total suspended particles, had reached dangerous levels. Economists Chay and Greenstone evaluated the value of cleaning up of air pollution after the Clean Air Act of 1970. ( ① ) Before 1970, there was little federal regulation of air pollution, and the issue was not high on the agenda of state legislators. ( ② ) As a result, many counties allowed factories to operate without any regulation on their pollution, and in several heavily industrialized counties, pollution had reached very high levels. ( ③ ) The Clean Air Act established guidelines for what constituted excessively high levels of five particularly dangerous pollutants. ( ④ ) Following the Act in 1970 and the 1977 amendment, there were improvements in air quality. 18. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Before anyone could witness what had happened, I shoved the loaves of bread up under my shirt, wrapped the hunting jacket tightly about me, and walked swiftly away. (A) When I dropped them on the table, my sister’s hands reached to tear off a chunk, but I made her sit, forced my mother to join us at the table, and poured warm tea. (B) The heat of the bread burned into my skin, but I clutched it tighter, clinging to life. By the time I reached home, the loaves had cooled somewhat, but the insides were still warm. (C) I sliced the bread. We ate an entire loaf, slice by slice. It was good hearty bread, filled with raisins and nuts. ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) [19 ~ 20] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 19. Falling fertility rates are projected to result in shrinking populations for nearly every country by the end of the century. The global fertility rate was 4.7 in 1950, but it dropped by nearly half to 2.4 in 2017. It is expected to fall below 1.7 by 2100. As a result, some researchers predict that the number of people on the planet would peak at 9.7 billion around 2064 before falling down to 8.8 billion by the century’s end. This transition will also lead to a significant aging of populations, with as many people reaching 80 years old as there are being born. Such a demographic shift _________________, including taxation, healthcare for the elderly, caregiving responsibilities, and retirement. To ensure a “soft landing” into a new demographic landscape, researchers emphasize the need for careful management of the transition. ① raises concerns about future challenges ② mitigates the inverted age structure phenomenon ③ compensates for the reduced marriage rate issue ④ provides immediate solutions to resolve the problems 20. Many listeners blame a speaker for their inattention by thinking to themselves: “Who could listen to such a character? Will he ever stop reading from his notes?” The good listener reacts differently. He may well look at the speaker and think, “This man is incompetent. Seems like almost anyone would be able to talk better than that.” But from this initial similarity he moves on to a different conclusion, thinking “But wait a minute. I’m not interested in his personality or delivery. I want to find out what he knows. Does this man know some things that I need to know?” Essentially, we “listen with our own experience.” Is the speaker to be held responsible because we are poorly equipped to comprehend his message? We cannot understand everything we hear, but one sure way to raise the level of our understanding is to _______________. ① ignore what the speaker knows ② analyze the character of a speaker ③ assume the responsibility which is inherently ours ④ focus on the speaker’s competency of speech delivery






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