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영어(2017-09-06 / 67.7KB / 543회)

2002 지방직 제주 영어 해설 김민권 (2017-09-06 / 187.0KB / 768회)

2002 제주시 9급 [1~2] 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 비슷한 것은? 1. He was such a shrewd businessman that he never lost money in any transaction. ① clever ② fortunate ③ wealthy ④ secret 2. You walk too slowly. Let's step on the gas and get there on time. ① intervene ② resign ③ increase ④ hurry 3. 다음 문장과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. “There's no getting away from the fact that Korea's economy is suffering.” ① We can't escape the fact that Korea's economy is weak and poor. ② It is impossible to succeed in Korea's economy which is in a poor financial situation. ③ We have to admit the fact that Korea's economy is becoming worse. ④ It is impossible to leave Korea which is in a financial crisis. [4-5] 주어진 글을 읽고 내용에 가장 잘 부합하는 것 을 고르시오. 4. When you run the software for the first time, a check is done to make sure your system is properly configured for displaying the video used by the service. If the test fails, it probably indicates that you need to install a missing software component. ① When you use the software, you must make sure the check is done properly. ② If the test fails, there is no way of using the software. ③ The test for proper configuration for video display will be automatically performed. ④ The check is done every time you run the software. 5. Each of these automated recycling plants is designed to process 400 tons of city wastes a day, with the capacity for more in the future. A rough calculation shows it would take 1,000 or so of these plants to handle the country's daily garbage production. ① The present recycling plants are sufficient to handle the country's daily wastes. ② The recycling plants will inevitably bring about serious unemployment problems ③ The recycling plants will be run with a lot of hand workers. ④ The country produces approximately 400,000 tons of garbage a day. 6. Freshmen should owe what they are to ____________ . When you come to college, you are intellectually very young and have not yet learned to proceed safely of efficiently under your own intellectual power. Your ideas are what your environment and your elders have made you. Your ideas are not your own. The first thing you must learn is to stand on your own ideas. This is why you should not take us and our ideas too seriously. Broaden your horizon so that as you become more and more able to take care of yourself, you will move intelligently. Do considerable mental visiting in your first year in college. Try to encounter the major point of view represented in the faculty and among the students. The more seriously you entertain them, the more they differ from your own, but if you do, it will be with greater tolerance and broader understanding ① their considerable thought ② their high school teachers and days ③ their intellectual power ④ their circumstances and their elders [7~8] 문법상 옳지 않은 것은? 7. Although we are ① concerned with the problem of energy sources, we ② must not fail ③ recognizing the need ④ for environmental protection. 8. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it ① is necessary that ② he work as ③ fastly ④ as possible 9. 작자는 미국 생활에 잘 적응하기 위해 어떻게 할 것을 충고하는가? If newcomers try to become aware of cultural differences and make some modifications without attempting to change their basic personality, they will probably adjust fairly well to the new society. Especially in the United States, where there is already so much diversity, the newcomer doesn't need to become a “carbon copy” of an American in order to be a part of the society. Newcomers can retain their individuality while becoming aware of differences. And, of course, some changes will have to be made. Feeling like a fish out of water shouldn't last forever. ① Change your basic personality. ② Become aware of differences and make some changes, but still be yourself. ③ Try to become a “carbon copy” of the typical American. ④ Develop a group of friends from your own country. 10. How often does a rattlesnake shed its skin? The rattles with which a rattlesnake warns of its presence are formed by loosely interlocking hollow rings of hard skin, which make a buzzing sound when its tail is shaken. As a baby, the snake begins to form its rattles from the button at the very tip of its tail. Thereafter, each time it sheds its skin, a new ring is formed. Popular belief holds that a snake's age can be told by counting the rings, but this idea is fallacious. In fact, a snake may lose its old skin as often as four times a year. Also, rattles tend to wear or break off with time. ① Up to four times every year. ② Once every four months. ③ Once every four years. ④ Four times more often than other snakes. 11. In what way did Brasilia develop that is different from the way Washington developed? Washington, D.C. began as a planned city. It did not spring up around a port or a trading post like Pittsburgh, nor on a natural harbor like New York City. In the manner of Brasilia, the fabricated capital of Brazil, it was hewn out of wilderness on a designated spot. However, there was no large government subsidy for its completion as there was for Brasilia, nor was it an “instant city” like the new town of Columbia, Maryland. Washington City grew slowly, and at times painfully, on swamp and farmland on the Potomac River near the flourishing ports of Georgetown and Alexanderia, Virginia. ① It was developed out of wilderness. ② It was built on a specifically chosen site. ③ It was built very slowly. ④ It was completed using government funds. 12. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? ① It was a difficult business getting everything ready in time. ② You should have known better than treat such a cheat ③ No questions were asked of us. ④ I found the baby slept in the cradle. 13. 다음 밑줄에 알맞은 것은? The canyons carved out by the Colorado River are among the greatest tourist attractions in the country. Nearly a million tourists visit them each year and photograph their magnificence from every angle ____________. ① accessible ② imaginable ③ studied ④ desirable 14. The passage is mainly about ___________________ . When used for studies of learning and memory, the octopus is a more interesting subject than the squid. Unlike the free-swimming squid, which relies exclusively on its eyes to guide it to a tasty fish or crab, the octopus often feeds off the bottom of the sea. It uses not only its eyes but its tentacles to identify a likely meal. The brain of the octopus has two separate memory-storage areas : one fo visual memories and the other for tactile memories. ① a new way of feeding fish ② biological differences between two animals ③ how to go deep-sea fishing ④ a warning to deep-sea divers 15. Some critics assert intelligence is not only natural but ___________ . As world population becomes denser, we will feel greater pressure form the expanding number of people. Some experts argue that we are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can't support any longer and they feel we should turn to compulsory birth control. Other authorities feel that if birth control is imposed on the population, the future of mankind would be seriously endangered. They think that very intelligent people would not be more likely to have so many children as ordinary men, and this would lower the general level of intelligence in the population as a whole. However, some critics see a fallacy in this argument. In addition to heredity, they say, intelligence depends on an adequate diet, parental attention, and education. ① acquisitive ② acquired ③ synthetic ④ erratic 16. 다음 글에서 저자는 왜 “celling" 이나 ”wall"을 보라고 하는가? Sometimes you will be instructed to look at material, make notes, or understand exercises in the Lesson Book while the tape is playing. At other times, you will be asked to turn your Lesson Book over and listen carefully. To keep from being distracted, you may find it helpful to look at the ceiling or a blank wall, or to close your eyes ( provided you stay awake! ). ① to concentrate better ② to clear the mind ③ to rest his eyes ④ to close your eyes 17. When did the first group of larvae start to swim? In 1926, Leonard Carmichael conducted a classic experiment. He drugged some salamander larvae. The drug allowed the larvae to grow but not to move. A control group was allowed to mature normally. When the first group was allowed to regain consciousness, they quickly began to swim as well as the group that had not been drugged. By this simple experiment, Carmichael was able to show that, in salamanders, swimming is an inherited rather than a learned ability. ① When Carmichael gave them a different drug. ② When Carmichael stopped drugging them. ③ When the effects of the drug given at the beginning wore off. ④ When they reached maturity. 18. The below passage best supports the statement that training and experience ___________________. Individual differences in mental traits assume importance in fitting workers to jobs because such personal characteristics are persistent and are relatively little influenced by training and experience. ① are limited in their effectiveness in fitting workers to jobs. ② do not increase a worker's fitness for a job. ③ have little effect on a person's mental traits. ④ have relatively little effect upon the person's success. 19. 이 글이 연상시키는 내용상 가장 가까운 속담은? Every time my construction crew began pouring a concrete foundation, our foreman would repeatedly warn us not to drop any tools into the mixture because we'd never get them out. During one particularly hard job, a co-worker asked the foreman how many more minutes it would be before our break. "I really don't know", he replied sheepishly, looking down at the foundation we had just poured. "I dropped my watch in there over an hour ago." ① A little pot is soon hot. ② A bad workman quarrels with his tools. ③ The pot calls the kettle black. ④ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 20. Which of the following is most suitable for the blank? The natural effort of every individual to better his own condition is so powerful that it is alone, and without any assistance, capable not only of carrying on the society to wealth and prosperity but of surmounting 100 impertinent obstructions _________ which the folly of human laws too often encumbers its operations. ① for ② with ③ on ④ of






2002 경기 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +2 (2017-09-06) 2002 부산 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-06) 2002 부산 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1 (2017-09-06) 2002 전북 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1 (2017-09-06) →2002 제주 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-06)
댓글수 1
정렬  > 
  1. 2002 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2002.3.1.

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 76
  2. 2002 사법시험 경제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 21
  3. 2002 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 14
  4. 2002 사법시험 국제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 71
  5. 2002 사법시험 노동법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 12
  6. 2002 사법시험 독어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 29
  7. 2002 사법시험 러시아어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 20
  8. 2002 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 43
  9. 2002 사법시험 법철학 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 46
  10. 2002 사법시험 불어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 28
  11. 2002 사법시험 서반아어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 22
  12. 2002 사법시험 영어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 312
  13. 2002 사법시험 일어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 22
  14. 2002 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 23
  15. 2002 사법시험 중국어 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 37
  16. 2002 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 10
  17. 2002 사법시험 헌법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 163
  18. 2002 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 129
  19. 2002 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.14 조회수 65
  20. 2002 회계사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2002.2.24.

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 153
  21. 2002 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 109
  22. 2002 회계사 경제원론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 89
  23. 2002 회계사 상법 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 18
  24. 2002 회계사 세법개론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 28
  25. 2002 회계사 영어 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 99
  26. 2002 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 61
  27. 2002 경찰 간부후보 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 간부 2017.09.07 조회수 739
  28. 2002 경찰 1차 영어 해설 +1

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 1023
  29. 2002 경찰 1차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 683
  30. 2002 경찰 1차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 437
  31. 2002 경찰 1차 형법 해설 (여경)

    경찰 1차 2017.09.07 조회수 504
  32. 2002 경찰 2차 영어 해설 +1

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 974
  33. 2002 경찰 2차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 599
  34. 2002 경찰 2차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 378
  35. 2002 경찰 2차 형법 해설 (여경)

    경찰 2차 2017.09.07 조회수 558
  36. 2002 경찰 3차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 3차 2017.09.07 조회수 720
  37. 2002 경찰 3차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 3차 2017.09.07 조회수 388
  38. 2002 경찰 3차 형사소송법 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.07 조회수 419
  39. 2002 국가직 5급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 5급 2017.09.07 조회수 954
  40. 2002 국가직 7급 경제학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 659
  41. 2002 국가직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1227
  42. 2002 국가직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1103
  43. 2002 국가직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1115
  44. 2002 국가직 7급 행정법 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 1010
  45. 2002 국가직 7급 행정학 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 691
  46. 2002 국가직 7급 헌법 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.07 조회수 914
  47. 2002 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1910
  48. 2002 국가직 9급 사회 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 851
  49. 2002 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1883
  50. 2002 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1644
  51. 2002 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 911
  52. 2002 국가직 9급 사회 문제 정답 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 727
  53. 2002 국가직 9급 행정학 해설 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 579
  54. 2002 국가직 9급 국어 문제 정답 (세무직) +1

    세무직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 922
  55. 2002 국회직 5급 행정학 해설

    국회직 5급 2017.09.07 조회수 720
  56. 2002 군무원 9급 영어 문제 정답

    군무원 9급 2017.10.18 조회수 1322
  57. 2002 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1048
  58. 2002 서울시 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1214
  59. 2002 서울시 9급 사회 문제 정답 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 728
  60. 2002 서울시 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 1099
  61. 2002 서울시 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +3

    서울시 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 682
  62. 2002 경기 지방교행 9급 교육학 문제 해설

    지방교행 9급 2017.09.07 조회수 781
  63. 2002 경기 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +2

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 544
  64. 2002 부산 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 1080
  65. 2002 부산 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 533
  66. 2002 전북 지방직 9급 행정학 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 510
  67. 2002 제주 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 9급 2017.09.06 조회수 1211
  68. 2002 해경 형사소송법 문제 정답

    해경 2017.09.06 조회수 431
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** 애비 먹칠이나 하네 ㅎㅎ (2024.06.27. 13:24)
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