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지방 9급 영어-C정답(2024-06-22 / 210.2KB / 1,237회)


지방 9급 영어-C정답(2024-06-22 / 196.0KB / 188회)


2024 지방직 9급 영어 해설 심우철 (2024-06-22 / 616.3KB / 1,327회)


2024 지방직 9급 영어 해설 성정혜 (2024-06-23 / 1.43MB / 357회)


 2024년도 지방공무원 9급 등 공개경쟁임용 필기시험 영 어 책형 1쪽 영 어 [1 ~ 4] 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. 1. While Shakespeare’s comedies share many similarities, they also differ markedly from one another. ① softly ② obviously ③ marginally ④ indiscernibly 2. Jane poured out the strong, dark tea and diluted it with milk. ① washed ② weakened ③ connected ④ fermented 3. The Prime Minister is believed to have ruled out cuts in child benefit or pensions. ① excluded ② supported ③ submitted ④ authorized 4. If you let on that we are planning a surprise party, Dad will never stop asking you questions. ① reveal ② observe ③ believe ④ possess 5. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Automatic doors in supermarkets ________ the entry and exit of customers with bags or shopping carts. ① ignore ② forgive ③ facilitate ④ exaggerate 6. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? One of the many ① virtues of the book you are reading ② is that it provides an entry point into Maps of Meaning, ③ which is a highly complex work ④ because of the author was working out his approach to psychology as he wrote it. 7. 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① You must plan not to spend too much on the project. ② My dog disappeared last month and hasn’t been seen since. ③ I’m sad that the people who daughter I look after are moving away. ④ I bought a book on my trip, and it was twice as expensive as it was at home. 8. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 그는 이곳에서 일하는 것이 흥미롭다는 것을 알았다. → He found it exciting to work here. ② 그녀는 나에게 일찍 떠날 것이라고 언급했다. → She mentioned me that she would be leaving early. ③ 나는 그가 오는 것을 원하지 않았다. → I didn’t want him to come. ④ 좀 더 능숙하고 경험 많은 선생님이었다면 그를 달리 대했을 것이다. → A more skillful and experienced teacher would have treated him otherwise. [9 ~ 11] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 9. A: Charles, I think we need more chairs for our upcoming event. B: Really? I thought we already had enough chairs. A: My manager told me that more than 350 people are coming. B: __________________________________________________ A: I agree. I am also a bit surprised. B: Looks like I’ll have to order more then. Thanks. ① I wonder if the manager is going to attend the event. ② I thought more than 350 people would be coming. ③ That’s actually not a large number. ④ That’s a lot more than I expected. 10. A: Can I get the document you referred to at the meeting yesterday? B: Sure. What’s the title of the document? A: I can’t remember its title, but it was about the community festival. B: Oh, I know what you’re talking about. A: Great. Can you send it to me via email? B: I don’t have it with me. Mr. Park is in charge of the project, so he should have it. A: __________________________________________________ B: Good luck. Hope you get the document you want. ① Can you check if he is in the office? ② Mr. Park has sent the email to you again. ③ Are you coming to the community festival? ④ Thank you for letting me know. I’ll contact him. 2024년도 지방공무원 9급 등 공개경쟁임용 필기시험 영 어 책형 2쪽 11. A: Hello, can I ask you a question about the presentation next Tuesday? B: Do you mean the presentation about promoting the volunteer program? A: Yes. Where is the presentation going to be? B: Let me check. It is room 201. A: I see. Can I use my laptop in the room? B: Sure. We have a PC in the room, but you can use yours if you want. A: __________________________________________________ B: We can meet in the room two hours before the presentation. Would that work for you? A: Yes. Thank you very much! ① A computer technician was here an hour ago. ② When can I have a rehearsal for my presentation? ③ Should we recruit more volunteers for our program? ④ I don’t feel comfortable leaving my laptop in the room. 12. 다음 이메일의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? reserve@metropolitan.com BruceTaylor@westcity.com June 22, 2024 Venue facilities Dear Sir, I am writing to ask for information about Metropolitan Conference Center. We are looking for a venue for a three-day conference in September this year. We need to have enough room for over 200 delegates in your main conference room, and we would also like three small conference rooms for meetings. Each conference room needs wi-fi as well. We need to have coffee available mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and we would also like to book your restaurant for lunch on all three days. In addition, could you please let me know if there are any local hotels with discount rates for Metropolitan clients or large groups? We will need accommodations for over 100 delegates each night. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Bruce Taylor, Event Manager ① 주 회의실은 200명 이상의 대표자를 수용할 수 있어야 한다. ② wi-fi가 있는 작은 회의실 3개가 필요하다. ③ 3일간의 저녁 식사를 위한 식당 예약이 필요하다. ④ 매일 밤 100명 이상의 대표자를 위한 숙박시설이 필요하다. 13. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? According to the historians, neckties date back to 1660. In that year, a group of soldiers from Croatia visited Paris. These soldiers were war heroes whom King Louis XIV admired very much. Impressed with the colored scarves that they wore around their necks, the king decided to honor the Croats by creating a military regiment called the Royal Cravattes. The word cravat comes from the word Croat. All the soldiers in this regiment wore colorful scarves or cravats around their necks. This new style of neckwear traveled to England. Soon all upper class men were wearing cravats. Some cravats were quite extreme. At times, they were so high that a man could not move his head without turning his whole body. The cravats were made of many different materials from plaid to lace, which made them suitable for any occasion. ① A group of Croatian soldiers visited Paris in 1660. ② The Royal Cravattes was created in honor of the Croatian soldiers wearing scarves. ③ Some cravats were too uncomfortable for a man to move his head freely. ④ The materials used to make the cravats were limited. 14. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은? In recent years Latin America has made huge strides in exploiting its incredible wind, solar, geothermal and biofuel energy resources. Latin America’s electricity sector has already begun to gradually decrease its dependence on oil. Latin America is expected to almost double its electricity output between 2015 and 2040. Practically none of Latin America’s new large-scale power plants will be oil-fueled, which opens up the field for different technologies. Countries in Central America and the Caribbean, which traditionally imported oil, were the first to move away from oil-based power plants, after suffering a decade of high and volatile prices at the start of the century. ① booming oil industry in Latin America ② declining electricity business in Latin America ③ advancement of renewable energy in Latin America ④ aggressive exploitation of oil-based resources in Latin America 2024년도 지방공무원 9급 등 공개경쟁임용 필기시험 영 어 책형 3쪽 15. 다음 글의 제목으로 적절한 것은? Every organization has resources that it can use to perform its mission. How well your organization does its job is partly a function of how many of those resources you have, but mostly it is a function of how well you use the resources you have, such as people and money. You as the organization’s leader can always make the use of those resources more efficient and effective, provided that you have control of the organization’s personnel and agenda, a condition that does not occur automatically. By managing your people and your money carefully, by treating the most important things as the most important, by making good decisions, and by solving the problems that you encounter, you can get the most out of what you have available to you. ① Exchanging Resources in an Organization ② Leaders’ Ability to Set up External Control ③ Making the Most of the Resources: A Leader’s Way ④ Technical Capacity of an Organization: A Barrier to Its Success 16. 다음 글의 흐름상 어색한 문장은? Critical thinking sounds like an unemotional process but it can engage emotions and even passionate responses. In particular, we may not like evidence that contradicts our own opinions or beliefs. ① If the evidence points in a direction that is challenging, that can rouse unexpected feelings of anger, frustration or anxiety. ② The academic world traditionally likes to consider itself as logical and free of emotions, so if feelings do emerge, this can be especially difficult. ③ For example, looking at the same information from several points of view is not important. ④ Being able to manage your emotions under such circumstances is a useful skill. If you can remain calm, and present your reasons logically, you will be better able to argue your point of view in a convincing way. 17. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 적절한 것은? Computer assisted language learning (CALL) is both exciting and frustrating as a field of research and practice. (A) Yet the technology changes so rapidly that CALL knowledge and skills must be constantly renewed to stay apace of the field. (B) It is exciting because it is complex, dynamic and quickly changing ― and it is frustrating for the same reasons. (C) Technology adds dimensions to the domain of language learning, requiring new knowledge and skills for those who wish to apply it into their professional practice. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 18. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 적절한 것은? But she quickly popped her head out again. The little mermaid swam right up to the small window of the cabin, and every time a wave lifted her up, she could see a crowd of well-dressed people through the clear glass. Among them was a young prince, the handsomest person there, with large dark eyes. ( ① ) It was his birthday, and that’s why there was so much excitement. ( ② ) When the young prince came out on the deck, where the sailors were dancing, more than a hundred rockets went up into the sky and broke into a glitter, making the sky as bright as day. ( ③ ) The little mermaid was so startled that she dove down under the water. ( ④ ) And look! It was just as if all the stars up in heaven were falling down on her. Never had she seen such fireworks. [19 ~ 20] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 19. Javelin Research noticed that not all Millennials are currently in the same stage of life. While all Millennials were born around the turn of the century, some of them are still in early adulthood, wrestling with new careers and settling down. On the other hand, the older Millennials have a home and are building a family. You can imagine how having a child might change your interests and priorities, so for marketing purposes, it’s useful to split this generation into Gen Y.1 and Gen Y.2. Not only are the two groups culturally different, but they’re in vastly different phases of their financial life. The younger group is financial beginners, just starting to show their buying power. The latter group has a credit history, may have their first mortgage and is raising young children. The ____________ in priorities and needs between Gen Y.1 and Gen Y.2 is vast. ① contrast ② reduction ③ repetition ④ ability 20. Cost pressures in liberalized markets have different effects on existing and future hydropower schemes. Because of the cost structure, existing hydropower plants will always be able to earn a profit. Because the planning and construction of future hydropower schemes is not a short-term process, it is not a popular investment, in spite of low electricity generation costs. Most private investors would prefer to finance ____________________________________________, leading to the paradoxical situation that although an existing hydropower plant seems to be a cash cow, nobody wants to invest in a new one. Where public shareholders/owners (states, cities, municipalities) are involved, the situation looks very different because they can see the importance of the security of supply and also appreciate long-term investments. ① more short-term technologies ② all high technology industries ③ the promotion of the public interest ④ the enhancement of electricity supply

[2024년 9급 지방직 해설강의] 공무원영어 해설강의 | 김세현 영어
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글쓰기 다크모드
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아직도 졸업도못하고 공시충 기웃거리는거 보면 레알 부모면상 보고싶다 (2024.07.02. 14:45)
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