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영어정답(2017-10-05 / 603.1KB / 3,260회)

2015 기상직 9급 영어 해설 이승훈 (2017-10-05 / 608.7KB / 3,841회)

영 어 문 1. 다음 밑줄 친 낱말과 반대의 의미를 가진 것은? Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ① expose ② unfold ③ conceal ④ invent 문 2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? People often wish they could fly like birds. But we are kept on the ground by the Earth’s . This is a downward force that pulls on everything - even birds, which is why they must flap their wings to stay in the air. ① diameter ② rotation ③ gravity ④ evolution 문 3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Almost all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. This is true of most liquids and solids as well as gases. You may have used this idea to open a tightly sealed glass jar with a screw-top metal cover by the cover under tap water. The cover expands somewhat more than the jar and can then be more easily opened. ① warming ② extending ③ pressing ④ cooling 문 4. 다음 빈칸에 어울리지 않는 것은? A: You look so excited. What's the occasion? B: Jane asked me out! ① Believe it or not, ② You cannot be surprised, but ③ You might be surprised, but ④ You may not believe this, but 문 5. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? Everybody wants her to make a precis of what the professor taught during the class. ① taxonomy ② abridgment ③ cacophony ④ hyperbole A형 6 쪽 문 6. 다음 주어진 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? 응급 상황을 목격한 구경꾼의 수가 많으면 많을수록, 그들 중 어느 한 명이 도움을 줄 가능성은 더 줄어들 것이다. ① Many bystanders witness an emergency, and they do not tend to help anyone. ② As a lot of bystanders witness an emergency, one of them may be reluctant to give a hand. ③ If there are more bystanders who witness an emergency, one of them reduces the possibility of help. ④ The greater the number of bystanders who witness an emergency, the less likely any one of them will help. 문 7. 다음 각 쌍의 대화가 어울리지 않는 것은? ① A: Are you going to take part in the volunteer activity tomorrow? B: I should have been there. ② A: Have you confirmed our hotel reservation? B: It's all taken care of. ③ A: Well, I want you to accompany me to the car dealership tomorrow. Do you have time then? B: My calendar is clear. I'll make it up to you. ④ A: I'm too busy dealing with all those tedious chores. B: Things will pick up soon. 문 8. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? Tom: Good afternoon, Jane. How did the staff meeting go? Jane: Not too bad. Although it seems as if nothing was accomplished. Tom: Did the meeting go around in circles again? Jane: Yes. Judy took an unrelated issue during the meeting. Tom: Jane: That's exactly what I want to say about her. ① She had a crush on you. ② She always held her tongue. ③ She did me a good turn. ④ She was not on the track all the time. 문 9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 one이 어법상 어색한 것은? ① My lab coat needs cleaning. I’d like to borrow one this time. ② I need to buy a workbook. Would you recommend one? ③ My dad has a German dictionary and you can use one. ④ I’d like to buy a vacuum cleaner, so would you show me one? 문 10. 다음 중 문법상 바른 것은? ① I looked at the mountain of which the top was covered with snow. ② A number of domestic expert as well as scholar joins the research project. ③ These things are happened as everything is all in a lifetime. ④ I barely finished my homework after he returns to my house. 문 11. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Like Chaucer, John Milton was London born. His father was a law stationer, whose leisure was devoted to books and music. He encouraged his son from his earliest years to absorb the learning of the Renaissance. Latin and Greek the boy learned to read as easily as English, an achievement common enough in that age, but in addition he mastered the French, Italian, and Hebrew languages. Moreover, he was taught music, became familiar with The Faerie Queene, and explored Bacon's philosophy by reading Advancement of Learning. Though he was precocious, these acquirements demanded intense application. He sat up very late, commonly till twelve or one o'clock at night, and his father ordered the maid to sit up for him, and in those years he composed many copies of verses which might well become a riper age. ① Milton의 아버지는 변호사였다. ② Milton은 Bacon의 철학을 탐구했다. ③ Milton의 아버지는 Milton에게 밤늦게까지 책을 읽도록 시켰다. ④ Milton은 영어만큼 라틴어와 그리스어를 수월 하게 읽지 못하였다. A형 7 쪽 문 12. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? Older adults often take longer to make a decision than young adults do. But that does not mean they are any less sharp. ①According to research at Ohio State University, the slower response time of older adults has more to do with prizing accuracy over speed. ② In the study, published recently in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, college­age students and adults aged 60 to 90 performed timed tests of word recognition and recall. ③All participants were equally accurate, but the older group responded more slowly. ④Most said their interest and confidence in English declined as they grew older. When the researchers encouraged them to work faster, however, they were able to match the youngsters’ speed without significantly sacrificing accuracy. 문 13. (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? No doubt man wishes to feel younger than his age, but the wiser of men generally prefer (A)[that / what] their age implies. Their wisdom lies in realization of the fact that every age has its own charms and handicaps. (B)[During / While] the youth, it is nice to enjoy development of mind and body. Old age is the stage for consolidation of mental achievements. A wise man does not despair over the end of youth. (C)[Despite / Although] his body may have lost the physical vigour of youth, his mind becomes a vast ocean of knowledge and experience. (A) - (B) - (C) ① that - During - Despite ② that - While - Although ③ what - During - Although ④ what - While - Despite 문 14. 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? All eyes were on me when a big blob of seagull poop landed on the edge of my hat. With perfect timing, it lingered briefly on the brim before it proceeded to drip onto my perfectly styled hair. Summoning what shred of poise I could, I removed my hat, cleaned up my hair and hat with my towel, and wished I could sink beneath the sand without a trace. My regal aura was shattered. I definitely got the attention of the audience. All eyes were on me, all mouths were laughing, and all fingers were pointing. What a mess I was a part of! Literally. ① ashamed ② bored ③ hopeful ④ relaxed 문 15. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? Gawaine is among the least promising of the pupils at the Knight School. Instead of expelling ①him for his lack of ability, the headmaster decides to turn him into a dragon slayer. Before he sends the young man off on his first errand, however, ②he gives him a magic word — Rumplesnitz — that, the headmaster tells Gawaine, will make him invincible. Gawaine quickly establishes himself as one of the greatest dragon slayers of all time. On the journey to slay his fiftieth dragon, ③he forgets the magic word; still, he manages to kill the beast just before he is eaten. When the headmaster tells the young warrior that the magic word was given to ④him only to instill confidence in his abilities, Gawaine is very confused. When he faces his fifty-first dragon, one of the smallest he has ever seen, he disappears, never to be heard from again. 문 16. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은? The dictionary emphasizes the trivial matters of language. The precise spelling of a word is relatively trivial because, however the word is spelled, it nevertheless remains only an approximation of the spoken word. “A machine chose the chords” is a correctly spelled English sentence, but what is written as “ch” is spoken with the three different sounds. In addition, all dictionaries give a distorted view of a language because of their alphabetical organization. This organization emphasizes the prefixes, which come at the beginning of words, rather than the suffixes, which come at the end. Yet, in English and in many other languages, suffixes have more effect on words than do prefixes. Finally, an adequate dictionary usually takes at least a decade to prepare, and by the time it has been completed it is the dictionary of a changed language, simply because the meanings of words do not stay the same from year to year. ① 사전의 문제점 ② 사전의 편찬과정 ③ 사전에 대한 인식변화 ④ 사전과 학습자의 인지전략 A형 8 쪽 문 17. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? Earth’s atmosphere is a relatively thin, gaseous envelope ①comprised mostly of nitrogen and oxygen, with small amounts of other gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. Nestled in the atmosphere ②is clouds of liquid water and ice crystals. Although our atmosphere extends upward for many hundreds of kilometers, it gets progressively thinner with altitude. Almost 99 percent of the atmosphere ③lies within a mere 30 km of Earth’s surface. In fact, if Earth ④were to shrink to the size of a beach ball, its inhabitable atmosphere would be thinner than a piece of paper. This thin blanket of air constantly shields the surface and its inhabitants from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet radiant energy, as well as from the onslaught of material from interplanetary space. 문 18. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? The ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind is the one characteristic that best distinguishes living things from nonliving matter. (A) In a strict sense, the adage applies only to asexual reproduction, the creation of genetically identical offsprings by a single parent, without the participation of sperm and egg. For example, the amoeba has duplicated its chromosomes, the structures that contain most of the organism's DNA. (B) After doubling, identical chromosomes were allocated to opposite sides of the parent cell. When the parent cell divides, the resulting two daughter amoebas will be genetically identical to each other and to the original parent. (C) Only amoebas produce more amoebas, only people make more people, and only maple trees produce more maple trees. These simple facts of life have been recognized for thousands of years and are summarized by the age-old saying "Like begets like." ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B) ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 문 19. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? He might instead reply by saying, "it is clear that the questioner has not read the works of Nietzsche carefully." One might think that intelligent, articulate individuals would feel no need to insult other people, but they do. ( ① ) They disguise this need by carefully couching the language they use in their insults. ( ② ) Suppose, for example, that after a man presents a paper on the works of Nietzsche at an academic conference, someone in the audience asks a question that reveals what looks like a critical flaw in the presenter’s argument. ( ③ ) In this case, the presenter is unlikely to call the questioner a big dummy. ( ④ ) The academics in the audience will immediately recognize that the speaker has just called the questioner a big dummy but has done so with style and elegance. 문 20. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 문장으로 가장 적절한 것은? Humans, like other animals, are territorial. We are continually marking territories, sending the nonverbal message that “ .” At the beach and at outdoor concerts, for instance, we mark territories with towels and blankets. Coats are used to save seats at many events. At times, the marking of territories becomes almost disgusting. The man who wants to save his place at a coffee house leaves an assortment of dirty Kleenex on his table, hoping that a bit of human debris might thwart any table poachers during his absence. ① this is mine ② you know better than I ③ the place doesn’t belong to me ④ I look forward to hearing from you






2015 기상직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +8 (2017-10-05) 2015 기상직 9급 기상학개론 문제 정답 (2021-04-28) →2015 기상직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +8 (2017-10-05) 2015 기상직 9급 일기분석및예보법 문제 정답 (2021-04-28) 2015 기상직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +13 (2017-10-05)
댓글수 8
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  21. 2015 국회직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.9.19.

    국회직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 4052
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  48. 2015 기상직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.4.18.

    기상직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 2199
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    기상직 9급 2021.04.28 조회수 213
  51. 2015 기상직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +8

    기상직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 8171
  52. 2015 기상직 9급 일기분석및예보법 문제 정답

    기상직 9급 2021.04.28 조회수 165
  53. 2015 기상직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +13

    기상직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 12081
  54. 2015 법무사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.6.27.

    법무사 2017.10.05 조회수 1088
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  59. 2015 법무사 상법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.26 조회수 117
  60. 2015 법무사 헌법 문제 해설 +9

    법무사 2017.10.05 조회수 3284
  61. 2015 법원직 5급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.8.22.

    법원직 5급 2017.10.05 조회수 1228
  62. 2015 법원직 5급 민법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.04.26 조회수 263
  63. 2015 법원직 5급 헌법 문제 해설 +12

    법원직 5급 2017.10.05 조회수 3693
  64. 2015 법원직 5급 형법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.04.26 조회수 583
  65. 2015 법원직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.3.7.

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 3227
  66. 2015 법원직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +5

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  67. 2015 법원직 9급 민법 문제 해설

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  68. 2015 법원직 9급 민사소송법 문제 해설

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