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[채용] 2024년도 해군 주관 일반군무원 채용시험 시행계획 공고


영어(2017-09-16 / 141.4KB / 792회)


2008 경찰 3차 영어 해설 강수정 (2017-09-16 / 271.2KB / 823회)


영어 1. 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 가까운 뜻을 가진 단어는? Her explanation seemed entirely plausible to me, but then again I could be wrong. ① acceptable ② ridiculous ③ incorrect ④ arbitrary 2. 다음 ( )안의 말과 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻이 일치하지 않는 것은? ① She made believe not to hear what he said. (= insisted) ② They put off their meeting. (= postponed) ③ I have money put aside for emergencies. (= laid aside) ④ Please keep in mind that this booklet is only a summary of our services. (= remember) 3. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? “Seeing is believing” is an expression people often use when they are not sure that something is true. If they could see the thing they’re not sure about, they could put an end to their . ① emptiness ② doubt ③ faith ④ dishonesty 4. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어색한 표현을 고르시오. ① The worms reproduce well ② in captivity, if ③ handling properly, ④ doubling or tripling in number in a few months. 5. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Employees have the option of either using their vacation packages exchanging them for a special bonus at the end of the year. ① and ② for ③ or ④ but 6. 다음 중 어법상 맞는 문장은? ① I know the person who are notorious for his rudeness. ② There seem to have been a mistake ; my name isn’t on the list. ③ Trial and error are the source of our knowledge. ④ Raising animals requires lots of love and hard work. 7. 다음 문장을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 말을 고르시오. If we had not developed our own recreation program then, we nothing to do for fun now. ① have ② had ③ would have ④ would have had 8. 다음 글에서 그리스 의사들이 로마로 이주한 이유는 무엇인가? During early Roman history all physicians were either slaves or representatives off lower Roman society. Medicine was a Greek science, and many Greek physicians, attracted by the prospect of great profits at the capital of the empire, migrated to Rome to establish their practice. As a consequence, many doctors were foreigners, and as such were considered in a very low position by the people of high social rank. ① 그리스의 정치적 탄압을 피하기 위해 ② 더 많은 돈을 벌기 위해 ③ 사회적 신분 상승을 위해 ④ 더 우수한 로마의 학문을 배우기 위해 9. 다음 중 지문의 내용으로부터 유추할 수 없는 것은? When I drove in the south of France last year, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, “ Do you speak English?” As I soon learned, he was English himself! ① 젊은 남자는 필자가 영어를 말할 수 있다는 사실을 몰랐다 ② 필자는 젊은 남자가 영국 사람인 것을 몰랐다 ③ 필자는 프랑스어가 능숙하지 않았다 ④ 젊은 남자는 귀머거리였다 10. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바를 가장 잘 나타내는 표현은? You can have the best coach in the world, someone who knows the game inside out and is an excellent teacher. But he or she can only help to a certain point. After that, it’s up to you to produce the mental side and to carry out what the coach has said. My coach taught me how to play the game, but it was I that taught myself to win. Embracing the belief that those who work according to their own will do best helped make me a winner. ① Make hay while the sun shines. ② Too many cooks spoil the broth. ③ When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ④ You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. 11. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 말을 고르시오. Imagine a baby about five months old. It can cry and smile, it can eat and sleep, and it can dirty its diaper. Did you know that it can also count? That’s not all - small babies are also able to add and subtract small numbers of things. This may be surprising news, but a psychologist has proven that it is true. Many people think that these abilities are learned at school. But this psychologist believes that they are . ① already present in small babies ② learned only by five-month old babies ③ not present until adulthood ④ very difficult for children to learn 12. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? We know poorer people play the lottery more, but it does not mean that they are stupid or should not be trusted to do so. The lottery is which brings color into people’s lives. It is patronizing to assume that players are stupid and expecting to win; they know full well that they are only “buying a chance”, and are happy with that. Every week some individuals actuall win millions of pounds. We must let people make up their own minds about how they use their own money. It is not the role of the state to manage their personal finance. This is a classic issue of liberty -should we disallow an activity enjoyable to many (e.g. alcohol, football, handguns) simply because a small minority will abuse it or prove unable to cope? We should rather trust the individual right to choose over a paternalist government which takes decisions for us. ① redistribution of wealth ② necessary evil ③ dangerous policy ④ harmless fun 13. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지은 것은? Healthy plant and animal populations in the wild maintain genetic diversity. This diversity can make a population more resistant to disease and environmental changes. Large populations of cloned plants or animals, (A) , may lack genetic diversity. Farmers around the world already grow many cultivated crops, including corn and rice, that have less genetic variability than their counterparts that grow in the wild. A single virus could wipe out these crops. (B) , if every cow in a herd came from a single clone, one disease could potentially stamp out the entire herd. (A) (B) ① for example However ② on the other hand Similarly ③ on the other hand Unfortunately ④ for example Similarly 14. 다음 글이 주는 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? It was a cold winter night when I visited the old lady’s house : the only house on the hilltop. The house was very quiet without any lamps on. The wind was blowing hard and not a person could be seen around the house. The moon shone at the back door of the old lady’s house. Its brightness made clear the pale drifting smoke from the village down in the valley. No one was staying with the sick old woman. All the other family members had gone - her daughter and all her grandchildren had gone out to enjoy movies and dancing. ① peaceful ② festive ③ lonely ④ delightful 15. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 순서대로 나열한 것은? Newspapers had been carrying reports on the famine in Ethiopia for months. Although stories described how people were starving, there was little response from the public. All that changed in October, 1984 when NBC - TV showed a five-minute report on the famine. As soon as the pictures of the starving children were shown, the network switchboard lit up. This was the beginning of a huge worldwide effort to send aid to Ethiopia. Similarly, the television coverage of the Vietnam War contributed to the growing anti-war movement. In moving people to action, (A) can be more powerful than (B) . (A) (B) ① newspapers television ② pictures words ③ the pen the sword ④ attention repression 16. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? A woman of forty-three died in a hospital in Canada, in 1984, for no evident reason, soon after a minor operation which had gone perfectly well. It turned out that at the age of five she had been told by a fortune-teller that she would die when she was forty-three. Her birthday had been one week before the operation and she had told her sister and one of the nurses that she did not expect to survive it. The surgeons cautiously suggested that emotional tensions caused by her expectation that the prophecy would come true may have helped to cause her death. ① The influence of Mind Working ② A Minor Operation and Survival ③ A Fortune-teller and His Prophecy ④ Diverse Causes of Death ※ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [17-18] Is life better ind cities? Probably not. There is little space for each person, and this overcrowding causes problems -sickness, traffic, and crime. There isn’t enough water, transportation, or housing. And there aren’t enough jobs. One-third to one half of the people who are now living in many cities in developing countries cannot find work or can find onl part-time jobs. Millions of these people are hungry, homeless, sick, and afraid of the future. The crisis is worsening daily : that is, this time of terrible difficulty is just beginning. Population in cities in developing nations will increase to four times its present size. 17. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Overcrowding : The Cause of Urban Problems ② City Planning : Problem and Solution ③ Many Cities in Developing Countries ④ The Benefits of Living in Cities 18. 위 글에서 언급된 도시의 문제점들에 해당되지 않는 것은? ① 교통문제 ② 주택부족 ③ 범죄의 증가 ④대기오염 ※ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [19-20] The main skill is to keep from getting lost. Since the roads are used only by local people who know them by sight, nobody complains if the junctions aren’t posted. And often they aren’t. When they are, it’s usually a small sign hiding unobtrusively in the weeds and that’s all. Country-road-sign makers seldom tell you twice. If you miss that sign in the weeds, that’s your problem, not theirs. (A) , you discover that the highway maps are often inaccurate about country roads. And from time to time you find your “country road” takes you onto a two-rutter and then a single rutter and then into a pasture and stops. Or else it takes you into a farmer’s backyard. 19. 위 글에서 글쓴이가 궁극적으로 주장하는 것은? ① 도로 정비를 수시로 해야 한다. ② 시골길은 인적이 드물어 잡초가 무성하다. ③ 도로 안내 자료를 정확하게 정비해야 한다. ④ 초행길에서는 도로표지판을 잘 살펴야한다. 20. 위 글의 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Moreover ② That is ③ On the contrary ④ Consequently 






2008 경찰 3차 경찰학개론 문제 해설 (2017-09-16) 2008 경찰 3차 수사 해설 (2017-09-16) →2008 경찰 3차 영어 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-16) 2008 경찰 3차 형법 해설 (2017-09-16) 2008 경찰 3차 형사소송법 해설 (2017-09-16)
댓글수 1
정렬  > 
  1. 2008 가맹거래사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2008.8.24.

    가맹거래사 2023.02.22 조회수 34
  2. 2008 가맹거래사 경영학 문제 정답

    가맹거래사 2023.02.22 조회수 118
  3. 2008 가맹거래사 민법 문제 정답

    가맹거래사 2023.02.22 조회수 49
  4. 2008 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2008.2.27.

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 69
  5. 2008 사법시험 경제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 65
  6. 2008 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 21
  7. 2008 사법시험 국제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 107
  8. 2008 사법시험 노동법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 26
  9. 2008 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 67
  10. 2008 사법시험 법철학 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 30
  11. 2008 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 17
  12. 2008 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 17
  13. 2008 사법시험 헌법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 184
  14. 2008 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 114
  15. 2008 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 82
  16. 2008 감정평가사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2008.7.6.

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 50
  17. 2008 감정평가사 경제원론 문제 정답

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 105
  18. 2008 감정평가사 민법 문제 정답

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 47
  19. 2008 감정평가사 부동산관계법규 문제 정답

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 18
  20. 2008 감정평가사 영어 문제 정답

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 221
  21. 2008 감정평가사 회계학 문제 정답

    감정평가사 2023.01.29 조회수 66
  22. 2008 회계사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2008.10.10.

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 54
  23. 2008 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 154
  24. 2008 회계사 경제원론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 159
  25. 2008 회계사 상법 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 38
  26. 2008 회계사 세법개론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 48
  27. 2008 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 137
  28. 2008 경찰 간부후보 형법 해설

    경찰 간부 2017.09.16 조회수 1117
  29. 2008 경찰 승진시험 형법 해설

    경찰 승진 2017.09.16 조회수 883
  30. 2008 경찰 1차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.16 조회수 1149
  31. 2008 경찰 1차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.16 조회수 458
  32. 2008 경찰 1차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 1차 2017.09.16 조회수 2080
  33. 2008 경찰 1차 형법 문제 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.16 조회수 916
  34. 2008 경찰 1차 형사소송법 문제 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.16 조회수 875
  35. 2008 경찰 2차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.16 조회수 961
  36. 2008 경찰 2차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.16 조회수 515
  37. 2008 경찰 2차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 2차 2017.09.16 조회수 1724
  38. 2008 경찰 2차 형법 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.16 조회수 766
  39. 2008 경찰 2차 형사소송법 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.16 조회수 778
  40. 2008 경찰 3차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.16 조회수 1453
  41. 2008 경찰 3차 수사 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.16 조회수 433
  42. 2008 경찰 3차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 3차 2017.09.16 조회수 1662
  43. 2008 경찰 3차 형법 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.16 조회수 809
  44. 2008 경찰 3차 형사소송법 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.16 조회수 751
  45. 2008 계리직 전과목 문제 정답 - 2008.8.31. +2

    계리직 2017.09.16 조회수 2520
  46. 2008 계리직 우편및금융상식 문제 정답

    계리직 2022.09.29 조회수 233
  47. 2008 계리직 컴퓨터일반 문제 해설 +6

    계리직 2022.09.29 조회수 718
  48. 2008 계리직 한국사 문제 해설 +2

    계리직 2017.09.16 조회수 3566
  49. 2008 국가직 5급 전과목 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2017.09.16 조회수 4156
  50. 2008 국가직 5급 상황판단 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 1177
  51. 2008 국가직 5급 언어논리 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 1258
  52. 2008 국가직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 666
  53. 2008 국가직 5급 동역학 문제 해설 (2차)

    국가직 5급 2017.11.09 조회수 424
  54. 2008 국가직 7급 전과목 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2935
  55. 2008 국가직 7급 건축계획학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 136
  56. 2008 국가직 7급 건축구조학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 102
  57. 2008 국가직 7급 건축시공학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 151
  58. 2008 국가직 7급 경영학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 642
  59. 2008 국가직 7급 경제학 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2518
  60. 2008 국가직 7급 관세법 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 64
  61. 2008 국가직 7급 교육학 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 648
  62. 2008 국가직 7급 교정학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 208
  63. 2008 국가직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 4009
  64. 2008 국가직 7급 국제법 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 279
  65. 2008 국가직 7급 국제정치학 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 204
  66. 2008 국가직 7급 기계공작법 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 404
  67. 2008 국가직 7급 기계설계 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.10.29 조회수 1128
  68. 2008 국가직 7급 데이터베이스론 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 412
  69. 2008 국가직 7급 독어 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 118
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