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[채용] 2024년도 우정사업본부 우정9급(계리) 공무원 공개경쟁채용시험 시행계획 공고


영어정답(2021-03-06 / 134.5KB / 200회)


2008 지방직 7급 영어 해설 강수정 (2021-03-06 / 254.2KB / 207회)


영 어 B 책형 1 쪽 영 어 ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. [문 1 ~ 문 2] 문 1. Getting down to writing a paper for a scientific journal is like trying to start an old car on a frosty morning. ① Submitting ② Researching for ③ Modifying writing ④ Beginning to do writing seriously 문 2. I don't worry much about my convertible because Jim who has been my mechanic since its purchase is second to none when it comes to fixing cars. ① by means of ② at the time of ③ in the wake of ④ with respect to ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 3 ~ 문 5] 문 3. When foreign aid, which is expected to reach about a million tons this year, is considered, the ___________ country may still lack more than a million tons of food, the NIS said. ① impoverished ② prescriptive ③ predicative ④ implicational 문 4. One of the leading newspapers __________ the severest punishment of all who have been concerned in the conspiracy. ① called for ② took after ③ got ahead of ④ made a pass at 문 5. As words go, ‘astronomy’ and ‘physics’ have been in use for millennia, ______________ ‘geology’ in its present sense dates back only a few hundred years. ① if ② when ③ because ④ whereas 문 6. 두 사람의 대화 중 가장 자연스러운 것은? ① A: What brought you here? B: I am just passing through. ② A: Can I book a room for three? B: Yes. You can use any book in three rooms. ③ A: Could you loan me a few bucks? B: I'll pay you back tomorrow. Trust me. ④ A: May I ask if you're married? B: Let's just be friends. ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 7 ~ 문 8] 문 7. A: No one wants to play with me on the playground. I tried to join in with a soccer game, but no one would let me play. I want to go home. B: You have to learn to ______________ a little bit. Just because a few kids said no, it does not mean they all will say no. You must try again. A: I am too shy! B: There are a lot of other children who have the same problem as you have. You just have to keep trying. Once you make a few friends, then you will be much happier. ① roll with the punches ② beat a dead horse ③ make the fur fly ④ live on borrowed time 문 8. A: What happens to your shoes? B: They want _____________. ① mend ② mended ③ mending ④ to mend 문 9. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳은 것은? ① To practice summarizing, after watching a program, parents can turn off the TV and ask how the story was about. ② This occurs when a speaker or writer either consciously or unconsciously use words to influence your opinion. ③ There are also data that tell us that a person's environment can and does affect intellectual, cognitive functioning. ④ Puritans and Quakers regarded excessive personal debt as a sin, views that widely and firmly were held until recently relatively. 문 10. 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것 중 옳지 않은 것은? 전후(戰後) 유럽과 미국의 과학은 전쟁 전과 비교도 안될 만큼 발전했다. ① Science in Europe and America since the war is incomparably more advanced than in pre-war days. ② The progress of science of post-war days in Europe and America is incomparably greater than that of pre-war days. ③ The development of science that Europe and America have made since the end of the war is far greater than that which they made in pre-war days. ④ Science in Europe and America since the war has advanced beyond all comparison what it was in pre-war days. 영 어 B 책형 2 쪽 문 11. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 나는 기꺼이 그것을 받아들이겠다. → I am only too glad to accept it. ② 그녀는 전적으로 행복한 것은 아니다. → She is not at all happy. ③ 그러한 사람은 있다고 해도 거의 없다. → There are few, if any, such men. ④ 비용은 말할 것도 없고 시간도 많이 걸린다. → It takes up too much time, let alone the expenses. 문 12. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? Her archaeology professor acted as her ______________. He guided her through the difficulties of her master's program and helped shape the woman she is today. ① hindrance ② assistant ③ mentor ④ descendant ※ 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 13 ~ 문 14] 문 13. Try to speak the language of the country you are in. Be tolerant of those who cannot speak your language. Do not ask people where they are from the moment you hear an accent. Refrain from asking people with unusual names, “What kind of a name is that?” Offer to switch languages if it would make the other person more comfortable. Do not talk about others assuming they will not understand. But use your own language in a private conversation if you wish. ① cultural shock ② code-switching ③ dialectal difference ④ language etiquette 문 14. You may have heard so many different definitions of plagiarism that you feel confused about exactly what it is. Despite all this variation, you can avoid the serious charge of committing plagiarism by adopting a conservative definition of the term and following the guidelines below. The UNC Honor Court defines plagiarism as “the deliberate or reckless representation of another's words, thoughts, or ideas as one's own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.” ① how to illegalize plagiarism ② how you can avoid plagiarism ③ how you can punish plagiarism ④ how serious it is to commit plagiarism ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 15 ~ 문 16] 문 15. The fallacy the economic determinists have tied around our collective neck, and which we now need to cast off, is the belief that economics determines all land-use. This is simply not true. An innumerable host of actions and attitudes, comprising perhaps the bulk of all land relations, is determined by the land-user's tastes and predilections, rather than by his ______________. ① ethic ② purse ③ instinct ④ love of nature 문 16. Sports that involve hand-eye coordination _________ ______________________________. Having 20/20 vision certainly helps but that's just the beginning. The ability to concentrate is critical. Some players say that when they are ‘in the zone’ the ball actually seems to slow down and a baseball or tennis ball can look like a beach ball. Then, how can we improve our ‘sports vision’? The best way to improve hand-eye coordination is by practice. Tennis is one of the best activities in that regard. Also, your hand-eye coordination and tracking systems are wired pretty early in life, which is why our young children should be exposed to hand-eye coordination type sports like baseball and tennis. ① give a clear advantage to long-sighted people ② can sometimes cause serious damage to your eye vision ③ do not favor individuals blessed with visual skills ④ require so much more than just seeing clearly 문 17. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? We yearn to live if not forever, then at least for a very long time. Literature is full of dealmakers with immortal longings ― think of Faust and Dorian Gray. Historical figures, like the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, searched for the fountain of youth, convinced that it had the secret to staying young. ① History of Immortal Existence ② Desire for an Everlasting Life ③ Reasons for Longevity ④ Search for Mortality 영 어 B 책형 3 쪽 문 18. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? My surgeon looks tired: He has been overwhelmed with patients and his beeper is going off every 15 minutes. He is a witty man, but sometimes his wit is unwelcome. “The insurance company wants me to put you out in the snow tomorrow afternoon,” he tells me after I have been in the hospital for more than a week. I'm terrified, because I have no idea where to go. I cannot walk, or even lift my leg a few inches. The hospital social worker strikes me as an idiot, but my complaints about her only annoy my surgeon. “I have to work with these people,” he tells my friend who is also a doctor when she mercifully intercedes on my behalf and arranges for me to be transferred to another hospital. “If you say one negative thing, they get defensive,” she tells me later. Since it is not wise to be regarded as a whiner or to be too demanding, my friend advises cunning strategies. “You can frame your questions as those of a frightened patient. If you, as a patient, suggest that you might like to control even part of the situation, then you are considered difficult.” ① Doctors should understand the mental state of their patients. ② The hospital social workers should cooperate with the doctors. ③ Patients should appear to be submissive and humble in the hospital. ④ The hospital should have a good relationship with the insurance company. 문 19. 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것은? The book, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, was completed and published in 1632, with the full backing of the censors ― and was immediately greeted throughout Europe as a literary and philosophical masterpiece. Soon the Pope, realizing that people were seeking the book as a convincing argument in favor of Copernicanism, regretted having allowed its publication. The Pope argued that although the book had the official blessing of the censors, Galileo had nevertheless contravened the 1616 decree. He brought Galileo before the Inquisition, who sentenced him to house arrest for life and commanded him to publicly renounce Copernicanism. For a second time, Galileo acquiesced. Galileo remained a faithful Catholic, but his belief in the independence of science had not been crushed. ① Galileo's book was banned by the censors. ② Galileo believed in the independence of science. ③ Galileo strongly refused to give up Copernicanism. ④ Galileo's book became immediately abandoned by the people. 문 20. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? Atmospheric scientists first used the term ‘greenhouse effect’ in the early 1800s. At that time, it was used to describe the naturally occurring functions of trace gases in the atmosphere and did not have any negative connotations. It was not until the mid-1950s that the term greenhouse effect was coupled with concern over climate change. And in recent decades, we often hear about the greenhouse effect in somewhat negative terms. The negative concerns are related to the possible impacts of an enhanced greenhouse effect. This is covered in more detail in the Global Climate Change section of this Web site. It is important to remember that without the greenhouse effect, life on earth as we know it would not be possible. You can conclude from the paragraph that ___________ __________________________. ① we cannot live without the greenhouse effect ② the greenhouse effect did not occur until the mid-1950s ③ atmospheric scientists first discovered ‘greenhouse effect’ in the early 1800s ④ the term ‘greenhouse effect’ began to carry negative connotations in the early 1800s






2008 지방직 7급 경제학 문제 정답 (선관위) (2021-03-06) 2008 지방직 7급 국어 문제 해설 (선관위) (2017-09-16) →2008 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 (선관위) +2 (2017-09-16) 2008 지방직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 (선관위) +2 (2017-09-16) 2008 지방직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 (선관위) +2 (2017-09-16)
댓글수 2
정렬  > 
  1. 2008 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 3706
  2. 2008 국가직 9급 형법 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 940
  3. 2008 국가직 9급 형사소송법개론 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2021.03.06 조회수 319
  4. 2008 국가직 9급 화학공학일반 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2021.03.06 조회수 311
  5. 2008 국가직 9급 회계원리 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 709
  6. 2008 국가직 9급 회계학 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2021.03.06 조회수 233
  7. 2008 지방직 7급 전과목 문제 정답 (선관위)

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 859
  8. 2008 지방직 7급 경제학 문제 정답 (선관위)

    선관위 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 272
  9. 2008 지방직 7급 국어 문제 해설 (선관위)

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1779
  10. 2008 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 (선관위) +2

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2049
  11. 2008 지방직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 (선관위) +2

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2838
  12. 2008 지방직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 (선관위) +2

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1265
  13. 2008 지방직 7급 행정학 문제 해설 (선관위) +1

    선관위 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1044
  14. 2008 지방직 7급 헌법 문제 정답 (선관위)

    선관위 7급 2021.03.06 조회수 313
  15. 2008 지방직 9급 전과목 문제 정답(선관위)

    선관위 9급 2021.04.06 조회수 125
  16. 2008 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 (선관위) +4

    선관위 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2385
  17. 2008 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 (선관위) +4

    선관위 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2315
  18. 2008 지방직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 (선관위) +4

    선관위 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2702
  19. 2008 지방직 9급 행정법 문제 해설 (선관위) +3

    선관위 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1713
  20. 2008 지방직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1564
  21. 2008 국회직 5급 전과목 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2017.09.16 조회수 1057
  22. 2008 국회직 5급 상황판단 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 174
  23. 2008 국회직 5급 언어논리 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 441
  24. 2008 국회직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 189
  25. 2008 국회직 8급 전과목 문제 정답

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 1393
  26. 2008 국회직 8급 경제학 문제 해설

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 2685
  27. 2008 국회직 8급 국어 문제 정답

    국회직 8급 2021.03.06 조회수 618
  28. 2008 국회직 8급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 1994
  29. 2008 국회직 8급 행정법 문제 해설

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 3799
  30. 2008 국회직 8급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 1822
  31. 2008 국회직 8급 헌법 문제 해설

    국회직 8급 2017.09.16 조회수 1498
  32. 2008 군무원 9급 행정학 해설

    군무원 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1558
  33. 2008 법무사 전과목 문제 정답

    법무사 2017.09.16 조회수 497
  34. 2008 법무사 공탁법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 36
  35. 2008 법무사 민법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 69
  36. 2008 법무사 민사집행법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 28
  37. 2008 법원직 5급 전과목 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2017.09.16 조회수 584
  38. 2008 법무사 부동산등기법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 31
  39. 2008 법무사 상법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 38
  40. 2008 법원직 5급 민법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 78
  41. 2008 법원직 5급 헌법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 209
  42. 2008 법무사 헌법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.06 조회수 185
  43. 2008 법원직 5급 형법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.03.06 조회수 127
  44. 2008 법원직 9급 전과목 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 990
  45. 2008 법원직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2098
  46. 2008 법원직 9급 민법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 129
  47. 2008 법원직 9급 민사소송법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 348
  48. 2008 법원직 9급 부동산등기법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 32
  49. 2008 법원직 9급 상법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 32
  50. 2008 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1940
  51. 2008 법원직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +2

    법원직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2859
  52. 2008 법원직 9급 헌법 문제 해설

    법원직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1449
  53. 2008 법원직 9급 형법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 162
  54. 2008 법원직 9급 형사소송법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.03.27 조회수 188
  55. 2008 서울시 7급 경제학 해설

    서울시 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1006
  56. 2008 서울시 7급 행정학 해설

    서울시 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1480
  57. 2008 서울시 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 3004
  58. 2008 서울시 9급 사회복지학 해설

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1046
  59. 2008 서울시 9급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2778
  60. 2008 서울시 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +2

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 3000
  61. 2008 서울시 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1806
  62. 2008 서울시 9급 회계학 해설

    서울시 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 417
  63. 2008 경기 소방 행정학 해설

    소방 2017.09.16 조회수 450
  64. 2008 부산 소방 행정학 해설

    소방 2017.09.16 조회수 437
  65. 2008 서울 소방 행정학 해설

    소방 2017.09.16 조회수 477
  66. 2008 경기 지방교행 9급 교육학 해설

    지방교행 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 744
  67. 2008 경기 지방교행 9급 영어 해설 +1

    지방교행 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1140
  68. 2008 서울 지방교행 9급 교육학 해설 +1

    지방교행 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 880
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