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 - 3 - 1. 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? A police chief argues that surveillance cameras can serve as a to a crime. ① decency ② deterrent ③ delicacy ④ deviation 2. 다음 ㉠, ㉡에 공통으로 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? ( ㉠ ) : a statement that a person makes, admitting that he or she is guilty of a crime: After a police questioned her for hours, she made a full ( ㉡ ). ① confession ② confinement ③ conformity ④ confutation 3. 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 공통으로 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? ㉠ Scientists ______ a link between diet and cancer. ㉡ It is tempting to ______ Tom with an Athenian painter of the same name. ㉢ Passengers were asked to ______ their own suitcases before they were put on a plane. ① associate ② identify ③ discern ④ recall 4. 다음 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? · Are there any matters ( ㉠ ) from the minutes of the last meeting? · A steam locomotive is an ( ㉡ ) device developed during the Industrial Revolution. ① ㉠ arising ㉡ ingenious ② ㉠ arising ㉡ ingenuous ③ ㉠ arousing ㉡ ingenious ④ ㉠ arousing ㉡ ingenuous 5. 에 주어진 단어 중 문맥상 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 수 없는 것은? < 보 기 > ㉠ improvement(s) ㉡ membership ㉢ agreement(s) ㉣ ownership Patents are ______ between inventors and governments, giving inventors ______ of their creations for a certain period of time. U.S. patent law states that an invention is “any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or new and useful ______ to them.” ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 6. 다음 중 어법상 가장 적절한 것은? ① I asked Siwoo to borrow me twenty dollars. ② The manager refused to explain us the reason why he cancelled the meeting. ③ If the patient had taken the medicine last night, he would be better today. ④ The criminal suspect objected to give an answer when questioned by the police. 7. 다음 각 문장을 유사한 의미의 다른 문장으로 바꾸어 쓰고자 한다. 어법상 가장 적절한 것은? ① He said to me, “Can I use your mobile phone?” ⟶ He asked me that he could use my mobile phone. ② He drank strong coffee lest he should feel sleepy. ⟶ He drank strong coffee so that he should feel sleepy. ③ Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. ⟶ Mt. Everest is higher than any other mountains in the world. ④ I did not miss my wallet and mobile phone until I got home. ⟶ It was not until I got home that I missed my wallet and mobile phone. 8. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 적절하지 않은 것은? When I first saw the old house, I ㉠had just moved to the area. It had been empty for about a year and ㉡was beginning to need some repairs, but the house was exactly what I wanted. But by the time I ㉢had put together enough money, I learnt that a property developer ㉣bought it and planned to turn it into a hotel. ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 9. 다음 우리말을 영작한 것 중 가장 적절한 것은? ① 나는 그에게 충고 한마디를 했다. ⟶ I gave him an advice. ② 우리가 나가자마자 비가 내리기 시작했다. ⟶ Scarcely had we gone out before it began to rain. ③ 그녀의 발자국 소리는 서서히 멀어져 갔다. ⟶ The sound of her footsteps was receded into the distance. ④ 벌과 꽃만큼 서로 밀접하게 연결되어있는 생명체는 거의 없다. ⟶ Few living things are linked together as intimately than bees and flowers. 10. 다음 A, B의 대화 중 가장 적절하지 않은 것은? ① A : Seohee, where are you headed? B : I am off to Gyeongju. ② A : Yusoo, let us ride the roller coaster. B : It’s not my cup of tea. ③ A : It’s too expensive. I don’t want to get ripped off. B : It’s water under the bridge. ④ A : Sohyun, have you been behind the steering wheel yet? B : No, but I can’t wait to get my feet wet. 11. 다음 표는 감염병 확산 방지를 위한 경찰의 업무와 세부 내용이다. 업무와 세부 내용 사이의 관계가 가장 적절하지 않은 것은? Tasks Details ① Enhancing cooperation with airport and port authorities More cooperation with residential authorities and sharing of information ② Sharing and distributing ata with local and relevant authorities Cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, local governments, collating and relaying information ③ Securing Chain of Command Access control in quarantine places ④ Strengthening criminal justice Criminal investigation of illegal activities 12. 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? Imagine these two scenarios. In the first you learn that you’ve won a $500 gift certificate from Saks. You would feel pretty good about that, wouldn’t you? In the second scenario, you lose your wallet containing $500. How unhappy would you feel about that? According to the results of risk-taking research, the intensities of your responses to these experiences differ markedly. As the result of what scientists refer to as the brain’s __________ bias, the distress you’re likely to experience as a result of the loss of $500 will greatly exceed the pleasure you feel at winning that gift certificate. ① positivity ② neutrality ③ possibility ④ negativity 【영 어】 - 4 - 13. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? In every culture, there are topics that are hard to talk about directly. People often speak about these topics using euphemisms. The reason why people use euphemisms is that they can hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas behind ㉠ them. So, people don’t have to bring up the ideas directly and upset people. However, euphemisms pose an additional burden to people who are learning English as a foreign language. Learners have to learn which expressions are appropriate in different situations. Euphemisms are also problematic for English learners because ㉡ they often contain more difficult words than ㉢ their more direct counterparts. Learners of English, for instance, have to memorize that an old person can be referred to as “a senior citizen,” while a police officer can be described as “a law-enforcement officer.” They also have to learn to use euphemisms like “vertically challenged” when ㉣ they can get by with “short.” ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 14. 다음 ㉠, ㉡에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? One point of difference between the consumption of water and electricity is that water can be reused multiple times while electricity cannot. As a result, water can be classified as “consumed” or simply “withdrawn”. In the former, water is removed from its source and lost through either evaporation(in the case of power plant cooling or flood irrigation), or transpiration(in the growing of biocrops). Withdrawn water, ( ㉠ ), can be returned to its original water source. The argument can be made that all water demand eventually returns as precipitation via the hydrologic cycle and therefore is not “consumed”. ( ㉡ ), evaporation and precipitation are both spatially and temporally uneven. Water that is accessible, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, satisfies the immediate needs of water users, whereas future precipitation may not occur in the same location or at the desired timing. ① ㉠ on the other hand ㉡ However ② ㉠ however ㉡ Thus ③ ㉠ for instance ㉡ As a result ④ ㉠ as a result ㉡ For example 15. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? In alignment with Sir Robert Peel’s Principles, policing has largely evolved with the approval, respect, cooperation, and collaboration of the public. Often referred to as “policing by consent,” the police powers have the common consent of the general public rather than being imposed by the various branches of government. A belief in fairness has led to the legitimacy of the police-the general belief by the public that police should be permitted to exercise their authority to manage conflicts, maintain social order, and solve problems in the community. However, in order to maintain police legitimacy, police personnel must strive to be courteous, fair, and respectful when performing their duties. Public satisfaction with policing helps build and maintain community trust and confidence. The legitimacy of the actions of police officers and the agencies that employ them are upheld by valuing the rights of all individuals and the observation of procedural laws. ① Authority and fairness ② Policing and legitimacy ③ Consent and doctrine ④ Trust and relationship 16. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 의 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 것은? < 보 기 > To characterize people by the different things they make, however, is to miss the universality of how they create. It is easy to look at the diverse things people produce and to describe their differences. ㉠ Obviously a poem is not a mathematical formula, and a novel is not an experiment in genetics. ㉡ Composers clearly use a different language from that of visual artists, and chemists combine very different things than do playwrights. ㉢ For at the level of the creative process, scientists, artists, mathematicians, composers, writers, and sculptors use a common set of what we call “tools for thinking,” including emotional feelings, visual images, bodily sensations, reproducible patterns, and analogies. ㉣ And all imaginative thinkers learn to translate ideas generated by these subjective thinking tools into public languages to express their insights, which can then give rise to new ideas in other’s minds. ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 17. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 문장 뒤에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? < 보 기 > It is easy to see how the automobile industry has created thousands of job opportunities and contributed immeasurably to our higher standard of living, but we are apt to overlook the underlying factor that made all this possible. ㉠ Without them, every single car would have to be laboriously built by hand and their cost would be so great that only the wealthy could pay the price. ㉡ It was more than just an accumulation of invention on newly invented motors, and pneumatic tires, and electrical headlights. Interchangeability and mass-production are the two basic manufacturing techniques that were combined for the first time by the automobile industry and they are the real reasons that the average wage-earner today can afford to own a car. ㉢ But by concentrating a workman’s talents on turning out thousands of units all exactly alike and through the use of power and special tools, cars can be and are built by the millions. ① ㉡-㉠-㉢ ② ㉢-㉠-㉡ ③ ㉠-㉡-㉢ ④ ㉠-㉢-㉡ 18. 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? Engels believed that nothing existed but matter and that all matter obeys the dialectical laws. But since there is no way of deciding, at any point in time, that this statement is true, the laws that he presupposed are not the same as usual scientific laws. It should be admitted that even in the case of “usual” laws in natural science the stated relationship, as a universal statement, is not subject to absolute proof. One cannot say, for example, that there will never be a case in which __________________. But when the violation of such laws does occur, it is, within the limits of measurement, apparent that something remarkable has happened. ① the earth revolves on its axis ② the earth has the force of gravity ③ oxygen is the prerequisite for combustion ④ water fails to boil at 100 degrees centigrade - 5 - 19. 다음 글의 중심 내용을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? Most of our societies are undergoing a process of modernization involving fundamental value changes which often contain many inherent conflicts and contradictions. The process of development, if not managed properly, will mean marginalization of the majority – resulting in poverty, overcrowding, etc. While the more dynamic members of urban society create prosperous real estate enclaves, most of the urban scene is a picture of the under privileged. The dualism is ironic, because the most disadvantaged in society invariably pay the highest price in the urban environment, largely because they have to bear most of the environmental costs. In large cities, there is inevitably an over utilization of marginal areas, sometimes beyond the safe limits and recoverable bearing capacities of the land. Low lying areas, riverbeds, swamps, etc, normally not habitable, become human habitats. Environmentally sensitive areas thus become threatened – resulting in an urban environmental imbalance which may hamper the actual development process itself. ↓ This article states that _____________________________. ① urban areas can damage the environment ② utilization of marginal areas can reduce costs of living ③ modernization can result in the gap between the poor and the rich ④ modernization can keep the balance between urban and rural areas 20. 다음 글에서 유추할 수 있는 요지를 아래와 같이 작성할 때, 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? Most people get trapped in their optimistic biases, so they tend to listen to positive feedback and ignore negative feedback. Although this may help them come across as confident to others, in any area of competence (e.g., education, business, sports or performing arts) achievement is 10% performance and 90% preparation. Thus, the more aware you are of your weaknesses, the better prepared you will be. Low self-confidence may turn you into a pessimist, but when pessimism teams up with ambition it often produces outstanding performance. To be the very best at anything, you will need to be your harshest critic, and that is almost impossible when your starting point is high self-confidence. Exceptional achievers always experience low levels of confidence and self-confidence, but they train hard and practice continually until they reach an acceptable level of competence. ↓ We can infer that _________________________. ① accepting positive feedback will deteriorate competence ② high self-confidence can broaden mindfulness ③ acknowledging weakness will lead you to a pessimist ④ low self-confidence can be the source for success






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