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 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 16 ) 영 어 81. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Athletes should not use performance-enhancing drugs to their athletic performance. ① boost ② hamper ③ postpone ④ embark ⑤ conceal 82. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가까운 것은? Transient birds show regular seasonal movements, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. ① Extinct ② Migratory ③ Endangered ④ Exotic ⑤ Predatory 83. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가까운 것은? A political opposition figure was shot and killed and people demanded a prompt investigation. ① called for ② turned out ③ took up ④ put forth ⑤ drew up 84. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절하지 않은 것은? Hello. I just called to see if everything is . ① all right ② fine ③ feeling good ④ okay ⑤ going well 85. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가까운 것은? His character was largely destroyed by the report and his career as a distinguished voluntary public servant was brought to a disgraceful end. ① disreputable ② disheartening ③ dissident ④ distinctive ⑤ discriminatory 86. 직업에 관한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? ① An accountant controls the financial situation of people and companies. ② A carpenter makes things from wood or repairs things made of wood. ③ A plumber repairs pipes or water tanks. ④ A veterinarian builds walls with bricks. ⑤ A personnel manager is responsible for personnel staff. 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 17 ) 87. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? Everyone accepts that crime can never ① be wiped out entirely. The question lawmakers ② must answer is, “Which system of criminal punishment ③ works best for society?” There are ④ several ideas behind the punishment of criminals, ⑤ none of them has proven 100 percent effective. ① be wiped out ② must answer is ③ works best ④ several ideas behind ⑤ none of them 88. 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳은 것은? ① My school is standing on a hill. ② Honesty is a best policy. ③ You’d better not to go there. ④ I offended by the police officer. ⑤ What a beautiful girl she is! 89. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 옳은 것은? She a home run in her school baseball game last week. ① hits ② is hitting ③ hitting ④ to hit ⑤ hit 90. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① I found him lying on the sofa. ② Look at that horse jumping. ③ I can’t make you going there. ④ I heard someone slamming the door. ⑤ I found the seat taken. 91. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① Those who claim to bring about change should realize that real change comes ② through hard work and determination. In addition, if you want ③ to change reality, start with yourself first and ④ attends to your own personal development. In ⑤ doing so, problems give way to solutions. ① Those who claim ② through hard work ③ to change reality ④ attends to your own ⑤ doing so 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 18 ) 92. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 옳은 것은? You shouldn't imitate everything your close friends do. ① that ② what ③ who ④ why ⑤ how 93. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? If it ① had not been for the knowledge he ② gained from Thompson’s expeditions, James ③ would probably ④ had been ⑤ far less successful in his explorations of the American coast. ① had not been ② gained from ③ would ④ had been ⑤ far less successful 94. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 옳은 것은? The president of my company promised the employees' salary by 7%. ① rising ② to rise ③ raising ④ to raise ⑤ rose 95. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 옳은 것은? is important in modern society is freedom of speech. ① When ② How ③ What ④ Where ⑤ Which 96. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① It goes without saying that health is above wealth. ② How about taking a walk along the bank? ③ Comparing with his brother, Tom is not so handsome. ④ Night coming on, the travellers began to feel hungry. ⑤ I had my purse stolen in the crowded subway. 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 19 ) 97. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 옳은 것은? A: Hi, Pete. B: Hi, Sarah. You're coming to David's party tomorrow night, A: Yes, I am. What should I bring to the party? B: I guess some soda cans will be much appreciated. ① don't you? ② aren't you? ③ won't you? ④ haven't you? ⑤ can't you? 98. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? A: Do you mind if I smoke here? B: A: Then, I’ll just go outside and smoke. ① So do I. ② Not at all. ③ No, I don't. ④ By no means. ⑤ I'm afraid I do. 99. 대화의 내용이 자연스럽지 않은 것은? ① A: Do you need a hand? B: No, thanks. I can do it by myself. ② A: What is your new boss like? B: She likes shopping in her free time. ③ A: In what currency should we make payment? B: In US dollar. ④ A: What do you do for a living? B: I’m a doctor. ⑤ A: How did the meeting go? B: It went very well. 100. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 적절한 것은? A: Have you finished the assignment, yet? B: It's taking longer than expected. A: Don't drag it out any longer. B: I'll get it to you, soon. ① Take a deep breath. ② Don't mention it. ③ Don't be shy. ④ Take your time. ⑤ Finish it quickly. 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 20 ) 101. 대화문의 ( )에 들어갈 단어를 순서대로 나열한 것은? A: Good morning. May I help you? B: Yes, I'm looking ( A ) the Planning Department. I was told that it's ( B ) this floor. A: I'm sorry, but the Planning Department moved ( C ) the 2nd floor. B: Oh, I see. Are there any stairs nearby? A: Yes, just ( D ) the corner. B: Thank you. ① to - on - to - around ② to - in - on - round ③ for - in - to - round ④ for - on - to - around ⑤ for - in - on - round 102. 대화의 내용이 자연스럽지 않은 것은? ① A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. These shoes are the wrong size. ② A: Hi, I need to return this camera. B: O.K. Do you have the receipt? ③ A: Do you have a green thumb? B: No, I don't. My favorite color is yellow. ④ A: What time does the bank close? B: I’m not sure. At four, I guess. ⑤ A: Hi, James. This is Hannah speaking. Can you talk? B: Well, I’m fixing a door right now. Can I call you back? 103. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? A: May I have your name, please? B: David. A: B: Yes, it is. A: And what’s your family name? B: Alfred. A: Thank you, Mr. Alfred. ① How are you? ② Is that your first name? ③ Do you like to travel? ④ Can I see your passport, please? ⑤ Can I have your phone number, please? 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 21 ) 104. 대화의 내용이 자연스럽지 않은 것은? ① A: How much is this skirt? B: It’s only $20. It really goes well with you. ② A: Will that be cash or check? B: Great! I’ll take it. ③ A: Do you have change for five dollars? B: Let me check. Yes, I do. ④ A: Hi, John. What’s up? B: Not much. ⑤ A: Are you okay? You don't look good. B: I feel dizzy. Thanks for your concern. 105. 밑줄 친 단어를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은? Tea and Coffee Making Facilities Complimentary tea and coffee making facilities are provided in the hotel lobby. On request fresh milk and additional supplies are also available. ① 특산품의 ② 일반적인 ③ 전통적인 ④ 무료의 ⑤ 고급의 106. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? A: Did you hear about Dan’s father? B: Yes, he . A: It's so sad. His funeral is tomorrow. ① distinguished himself as a father ② didn't apply himself ③ made it himself ④ was on cloud nine ⑤ passed away yesterday 107. 영어를 우리말로 옮긴 것으로 적절하지 않은 것은? ① The sooner, the better. 빠를수록 좋아요. ② First come, first served. 선착순 ③ Thanks for the heads-up. 귀띔해줘서 고마워요. ④ Do you have an appointment? 전할 말씀이 있으신가요? ⑤ Do you have anything to declare? 세관 신고할 것 있어요? 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 22 ) 108. 다음 문장을 영어로 옮긴 것으로 옳은 것은? 그는 정말 한 마디도 하지 않았다. ① Not a word did he say. ② He didn’t say nothing. ③ He said anything. ④ Not a word he never said. ⑤ He did say not a word anything. 109. 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어는? ○ He was my senior two years. ○ Salt is sold the pound. ○ He ought to have arrived this time. ○ My sister rented the apartment the month. ① in ② at ③ for ④ by ⑤ with 110. 영어를 우리말로 옮긴 것으로 적절하지 않은 것은? ① They painted the town red all night. 그들은 밤새 법석을 떨면서 다녔다. ② I feel blue. 나는 우울해요. ③ I hung on her every word. 나는 그녀 말을 하나도 놓치지 않으려고 귀를 기울였다. ④ He visited me once in a blue moon. 그는 한 달에 한 번씩 나를 방문했다. ⑤ You look under the weather today. 너 오늘 좀 안 좋아 보여. 111. 다음 글의 요지로 적절한 것은? Cattle raising is a significant factor in global warming. The burning of tropical forests to clear land for pasture releases millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. In addition, it is estimated that the earth's 1.28 billion cattle and other cud-chewing animals are responsible for 12 percent of the methane emitted into the atmosphere. ① Cattle are important animals in our lives. ② Raising cattle contributes to global warming. ③ The atmosphere is a significant factor in raising cattle. ④ Cattle raising is a good way of dealing with global warming. ⑤ Global warming is caused by increased carbon dioxide and methane. 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 23 ) 112. 다음 글을 통해 알 수 없는 것은? Putting graphic pictorial health warnings on cigarette packages was required by a law passed in 2009, but a tobacco company convinced a federal appellate court to delay implementation, claiming there was no evidence that pictures helped people quit. However, a recent study found that the pictorial warnings were significantly effective for both sexes and across races, ethnicities and socioeconomic levels. Professor Omage, who conducted the study, said, “It’s time for this country to adopt pictorial warnings. Delaying is causing people to continue smoking and die as a result.” ① 담뱃갑 경고 그림에 관한 법이 2009년에 통과되었다. ② 담뱃갑 경고 그림에 관한 법 시행에도 불구하고 담배 판매량은 감소하지 않았다. ③ 한 담배 회사는 담뱃갑 경고 그림이 금연에 도움이 된다는 증거가 없다고 주장하였다. ④ 최근 한 연구에 따르면 담뱃갑 경고 그림이 남녀에게 모두 효과가 있었다. ⑤ Omage 교수는 담뱃갑 경고 그림과 관련한 연구를 수행했고 경고 그림 시행을 지지하는 입장이다. 113. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 적절한 곳은? Rather, focus on other interests, such as music and academics. A recent study found that obesity increases the risk that young children will become socially isolated by their grade-school years. ( A ) If your child is overweight or obese, it's important to get involved. ( B ) Aim to help your child by encouraging physical activity and serving nutritious meals. ( C ) Also, seek out community activities where your child can bond with his or her peers and gain social support. ( D ) While physical activity is crucial, competitive sports may leave your overweight child feeling stigmatized and with a sense of failure. ( E ) Those are things that can be encouraged that may provide positive social benefits that they may not be able to get from sports. ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 24 ) 114. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Locus of control refers to how a person perceives the cause of life events. Different people credit different forces for such life events. Someone with an internal locus of control would generally perceive himself as responsible for certain occurrences, while a person with an external locus of control would most often blame (or thank) fate, destiny, luck, society or some other force beyond his control. For example, if a struggling actor does audition after audition only to be rejected time and time again, he might . In this case, his locus of control for his failures would be internal. ① blame his own lack of ability ② blame his circumstances ③ complain that he has a bad luck ④ believe that he hasn't been supported by his family ⑤ think that the audition system has something wrong 115. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은? Hello, everybody! Today, I’m going to begin my talk by making a statement, which I’ll then try to defend. My opening statement is: The English language is a thief. It steals words from other languages and this is one reason why it has the largest lexicon of all languages. English is thriving because it takes words from many sources, including ke tchup from Chinese and shampoo from the Hindi language of India. An example of Tagalog words used unchanged in English is gaga. In English, it means odd behaviors resulting from the declining mental capacity of an old person. ① 영어가 세계어가 될 수 있었던 이유 ② 영어에 차용어가 많은 이유 ③ 영어의 어휘수가 많은 이유 ④ 영어가 다른 언어들로부터 영향을 받은 이유 ⑤ 영어가 다른 언어에 많은 영향을 미치는 이유 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 25 ) 116. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Whether life really does exist on Venus is quite a different matter, which at first glance seems wholly unanswerable because no one has ever seen its surface. , certain information concerning the presence of living cells on Venus can be obtained from a spectroscopic analysis of its atmosphere. The presence of any type of vegetation on a planet’s surface would necessarily lead to a noticeable concentration of oxygen in its atmosphere, inasmuch as it is the main physiological function of plants to decompose the carbon dioxide of the air. ① However ② In addition ③ Therefore ④ For example ⑤ Similarly 117. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Citizens of modern societies must be good readers to be successful. Reading skills do not guarantee success for anyone, but success is much harder to come by without . The advent of the computer and the Internet does nothing to change this fact about reading. If anything, electronic communication in modern societies only increases the need for effective reading skills and strategies as we try to cope with the large quantities of information made available to us. ① communication skills ② effective computer skills ③ being a skilled reader ④ understanding modern societies ⑤ having writing skills 118. 다음 글에서 ‘살기 좋은 도시’의 기준으로 직접 언급되지 않는 것은? EIU/Mercer reveals the list of the top 50 places in the world to live in 2015. The ‘best cities to live’ are those that offer the best quality of life. Although most studies on the quality of life indeed do take into account indicators of economic success such as income per capita, wealth and employment, they also go beyond those measures to include the environment, physical and mental health, education, leisure time, infrastructure and safety. Also often included are concepts such as freedom, human rights, human flourishing, social belonging and happiness. ① 1인당 소득 ② 여가시간 ③ 기대수명 ④ 사회적 연대감 ⑤ 인권 2019년 제34회 경영지도사 1차 2교시 A형 ( 26 - 26 ) 119. 빈 칸에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Foreign ways of life are most difficult to ______ oneself to when they are concerned with unfounded belief. For example, Indonesians are trained from earliest childhood to give and receive things with the right hand only: the left hand is considered unclean. When a foreigner offers an Indonesian something with his left hand or holds out his left hand to receive something, he gets himself disliked. ① adopt ② adapt ③ adept ④ allow ⑤ separate 120. Green Mountain Tea에 관한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? Try our new Green Mountain Tea. Traditionally grown and hand-picked by the folks who have developed tea for centuries, Green Mountain Tea gives you a taste of history. It's delicious, and it's good for health, too. Especially, it is good for colds, headaches, and even stomachaches. It contains more vitamins than any other tea on the market. One box of fifty tea bags is only $5. ① It is rich in vitamins, compared to other products. ② It is grown and picked in a traditional way. ③ It is good for a pain in the stomach. ④ It is good to drink when you have a cold. ⑤ It is cheaper than other products on the market.






2019 경영지도사 경영학 문제 정답 (2022-12-26) 2019 경영지도사 기업진단론 문제 정답 (2022-12-26) →2019 경영지도사 영어 문제 정답 (2022-12-26) 2019 경영지도사 조사방법론 문제 정답 (2022-12-26) 2019 경영지도사 중소기업관련법령 문제 정답 (2022-12-26)
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  35. 2019 세무사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2019.5.4.

    세무사 2021.08.25 조회수 1100
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    세무사 2021.08.25 조회수 998
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  42. 2019 비상대비업무담당자 헌법 문제 정답 (하반기) +9

    비상대비(하) 2021.06.27 조회수 2254
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    비상대비 2021.06.27 조회수 338
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    비상대비 2021.06.27 조회수 2020
  45. 2019 의무소방원 전과목 문제 정답 - 2019.9.28.

    의무소방원(9월) 2021.05.29 조회수 154
  46. 2019 의무소방원 국어 문제 정답 (9월) +1

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    의무소방원(9월) 2021.05.29 조회수 201
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    의무소방원(9월) 2021.05.29 조회수 1664
  49. 2019 국가직 5급 경력채용 전과목 문제 정답 - 2019.7.20. +1

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  53. 2019 관세사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2019.3.23.

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  58. 2019 법원직 5급 승진시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2019.4.20.

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  61. 2019 법원직 5급 승진시험 부동산등기공탁 문제 정답

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