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[응시율] 2024년도 제2회 경상남도 지방공무원 임용 필기시험 응시현황(잠정) 안내


영어정답공채 최종정답.pdf교통관제 최종정답.pdf함정요원 최종정답.pdf해경학과 최종정답.pdf(2021-03-12 / 640.1KB / 4,230회)


2020 해경 3차 영어 해설 강유하 (2021-04-17 / 218.3KB / 2,726회)


2020 해경 3차 영어 해설 유원지 (2021-05-20 / 2.11MB / 2,091회)


 2020년도 제3차 경찰공무원 채용시험 문제지 영 어 CODE:02 1/4 영 어 5. 6. 7. 8. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? His inaugural address was hilarious. Quite a few people were unable to ____________ their laughter. ① cut back ② keep up ③ hold back ④ hold up 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① turn your nose up ② hold my hand ③ put your feet up ④ let your hair down 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Each contestant will sing with a different partner each week, and judges, who have not yet ___________, will offer guidance and critiques while deciding who will advance to the next round. ① named ② naming ③ been named ④ been naming 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 문장은 모두 몇 개인가? ㉠ They didn’t believe his story, and neither did I. ㉡ The sport in that I am most interested is soccer. ㉢ At certain times may this door be left unlocked. ㉣ I have not walked a mile before it began to rain. ㉤ I will have read this book four times if I read it once again. ㉥ Columbus proved that the earth was round. ① 2개 ② 3개 ③ 4개 ④ 5개 A: Would you like to go hiking this weekend? B: Why don’t we go to the mall instead? A: But I have some new hiking gear I want to try out. B: Yes, but there’s a sale at the department store. A: You always ________________________ at anything I want to do. B: It’s not you. It’s the outdoors. I hate it. I prefer air­conditioned stores instead. 1. 2. 3. 4. 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? Sarah frequently hurts others when she criticizes their work because she is so outspoken. ① reserved ② wordy ③ retrospective ④ candid 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? ① fallacious ② sporadic ③ tenacious ④ compliant 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는? Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to _______________. ① abate ② abjure ③ abridge ④ abrade 다음 밑줄 친 단어의 동의어 묶음으로 가장 적절한 것은? The traditional and very inefficient oscillating sprinkler, which sprays water high in the air, lavishes water to winds and evaporation, and sprinklers which produce mists or fine sprays similarly waste large volumes of water to evaporation. ① sacrifices, gives up, concedes ② squanders, expends, throws away ③ infects, pollutes, contaminates ④ loses, misplaces, yields Africanized honey bees turn into ____________ attackers if they feel their hive is being threatened. The bees have been known to chase people for more than a mile. Even jumping into water doesn’t help, as the bees will simply wait until you come up for air. 2020년도 제3차 경찰공무원 채용시험 문제지 영 어 CODE:02 2/4 9. 10. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은? Now, however, ㉠ the energy risks so apparent in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have created both the urgency and the political opportunity ㉡ for the nation’s leaders to respond appropriately. The government must ㉢ capitalize on the end of the era of perpetually cheap gas, and it must do so ㉣ in a way such that makes America less vulnerable to all manner of threats. ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 글의 흐름상 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? Traditional education policies, based principally on extending coverage to more students, are inadequate to the major social and economic changes currently sweeping the region. Latin America reached the limits of one model of economic development in the early 1980s, and is shifting rapidly to another. The old model, in place for over three decades, was based on industrial protectionism, foreign borrowing, the exploitation of natural resources, and domestic budget deficits. The new model is based on opening national economies to international competition, foreign investment, technological innovation and macroeconomic equilibria. Democratic governance has spread throughout much of the region, and public administration is rapidly being decentralized. Overall, Latin America is steadily integrating itself into a new world economic and political order, while it builds closer ties with the United States. ① The importance of the new education system in terms of social changes ② The need for new approach to education ③ The relation between education policies and economic development ④ The new education system needed for the new economic development model 11. 12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 옳지 않은 것은? A man who ㉠ shoplifted from the Woolworth’s store in Shanton in 1952 recently sent the shop an anonymous letter of apology. In it, he said, “I ㉡ have been guilt­ridden all these days.” The item he ㉢ stole was a two dollar toy. He enclosed a money order ㉣paid back the two dollars with interest. ① ㉠ ② ㉡ ③ ㉢ ④ ㉣ 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Thunderstorms are extremely common in many parts of the world, for example, throughout most of North America. Updrafts of warm air set off these storms. ㉠ This more buoyant air then rises and carries water vapor to higher altitudes. The air cools as it rises, and the water vapor condenses and starts to drop as rain. As the rain falls, it pulls air along with it and turns part of the draft downward. ㉡ An updraft may start over ground that is more intensely heated by the sun than the land surrounding the area. Bare, rocky, or paved areas, for example, usually have updrafts above them. The air in contact with the ground heats up and thus becomes lighter, more buoyant, than the air surrounding it. ㉢ The draft may turn upward again and send the rain churning around in the cloud. Some of it may freeze to hail. Sooner or later, the water droplets grow heavy enough to resist the updrafts and fall to the ground, pulling air in the form of downdrafts with them. ① ㉠ ― ㉢ ― ㉡ ② ㉡ ― ㉠ ― ㉢ ③ ㉡ ― ㉢ ― ㉠ ④ ㉢ ― ㉠ ― ㉡ 2020년도 제3차 경찰공무원 채용시험 문제지 영 어 CODE:02 3/4 13. 14. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? One well­known difficulty in finding new things has been termed the ‘oasis trap’ by the cognitive psychologist David Perkins. Knowledge becomes centered in an ‘oasis’ of rich findings and it is just too risky and expensive to leave that still productive and well­watered zone. So people stick to ___________________. This is what happened to a certain extent in China over many centuries. The huge physical distances between centers of knowledge in China and the fact that the distant centers turned out to be little different from one another discouraged exploration. ① what they know ② the undiscovered world ③ their dream and imagination ④ how things are going to change 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? The secret of successful people is usually that they are able to concentrate totally on one thing. Even if they have a lot in their head, they have found a method that the many commitments don’t impede each other, but instead they are brought into a good inner order. And this order is quite simple: _________________. In theory, it seems to be quite clear, but in everyday life it seems rather different. You might have tried to decide on priorities, but you have failed because of everyday trivial matters and all the unforeseen distractions. Separate off disturbances, for example, by escaping into another office, and not allowing any distractions to get in the way. When you concentrate on the one task of your priorities, you will find you have energy that you didn’t even know you had. ① the sooner, the better ② better late than never ③ out of sight, out of mind ④ the most important thing first 15. 16. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Economists say that production of an information good involves high fixed costs but low marginal costs. The cost of producing the first copy of an information good may be substantial, but the cost of producing (or reproducing) additional copies is negligible. This sort of cost structure has many important implications. For example, cost­based pricing just doesn’t work: a 10 or 20 percent markup on unit cost makes no sense when unit cost is zero. You must price your information goods according to consumer value, not according to your production cost. ① Securing the Copyright ② Pricing the Information Goods ③ Information as Intellectual Property ④ The Cost of Technological Change 다음 밑줄 친 단어가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? Although countless kinds of bacteria are found throughout the sea, they occur in the greatest concentration at the surface and at the bottom, with the mid waters having the lowest. The reason for this is that the distribution of decomposing organic matter, on which the bacteria thrive, is most clustered at these depths. Oceanic bacteria are extremely important insofar as they assist with decomposition of organic matter to water­soluble materials which serve as basic food materials for the sea plants, which in turn form the food basis for marine animals. ① bottom ② reason ③ distribution ④ organic matter 2020년도 제3차 경찰공무원 채용시험 문제지 영 어 CODE:02 4/4 17. 18. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 연결어로 가장 적절한 것은? Our brain processes and stores different kinds of information in different ways. Think about factual knowledge. Fact memory entails learning explicit information, such as names, faces, words and dates. It is related to our conscious thoughts and our ability to manipulate symbols and language. When fact memories are committed to long­term memory, they are usually filed along with the context in which they were learned: _______________, when you think of your new friend Joe, you probably picture him at the basketball game where you met him. ① In short ② For instance ③ Above all ④ In addition 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Stanislavski was fortunate in many ways. He was the son of a wealthy man who could give him the advantages of a broad education, the opportunity to see the greatest exponents of theatre art at home and abroad. He acquired a great reputation because he had set high goals and never faltered along the hard road leading to them. His personal integrity and inexhaustible capacity for work contributed to making him a professional artist of the first rank. Stanislavski was also richly endowed by nature with a handsome exterior, fine voice and genuine talent. As an actor, director and teacher, he was destined to influence and inspire the many who worked with him and under him or who had the privilege of seeing him on the stage. ① Stanislavski was born with attractive features. ② Stanislavski remained uninfluential on his colleagues throughout his life. ③ Stanislavski’s father was affluent enough to support his education. ④ Stanislavski became a top­ranked artist by the aid of his upright character and untiring competence. 19. 20. ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.(19.~20.) Science evidence sheds light on bird culture The existence of culture in non­human animal societies is a hotly contested topic in scientific circles. Some studies point toward animal behaviours that resemble the way humans learn and pass on the cultural traditions of their social groups. The most well­known of these studies centre on animals that seem to act and think most like humans, primates like the Japanese macaque or cetaceans like dolphins. However, birds have become an increasingly popular subject of animal culture studies, showing several behaviours indicative of complex social learning systems. Most notably, evidence has shown that birds from neighbouring regions sing different songs and exhibit different foraging behaviours. This seems to indicate that these activities are learned rather than innate, strengthening the claim that some species of birds are capable of creating culture specific to their individual communities. Why does the author refer to Japanese macaque or dolphins in paragraph 1? ① To show that many animals have good relationships with humans ② To show the studies of living creatures that think and act like human beings ③ To highlight the reasons why primates or cetaceans should be protected ④ To emphasise the fact that research on animals varies In paragraph 2, scientists studying birds in different locations have found that ① learning how to sing and find food is unnatural. ② songbirds are not able to spread cultural traditions. ③ social learning is common in only a few bird species. ④ certain behaviours and abilities are not present from birth.






등록 2020 해경 3차 영어 해설 유원지.pdf 유원지 2021-05-20 18:00
등록 2020 해경 3차 영어 해설 강유하.pdf 기출이 2021-04-17 21:03
2020 해경 3차 사회 문제 정답 +9 (2021-03-12) 2020 해경 3차 수학 문제 해설 +1 (2021-03-12) →2020 해경 3차 영어 문제 해설 +12 (2021-03-12) 2020 해경 3차 한국사 문제 해설 +25 (2021-03-04) 2020 해경 3차 항해술 문제 해설 (2021-03-12)
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