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2015 법원직 9급 영어 해설 손진숙 (2017-10-05 / 185.1KB / 3,787회)

【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문 1】밑줄 친 부분 중 의미하는 바가 아주 다른 것은? 【문 2】다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? ① 부모는 자녀의 능력에 관해 확신을 가지고 있어야 한다. ② 부모는 자녀에게 앞으로 생길 일들을 숨김없이 알려주어야 한다. ③ 부모는 자녀들이 자신의 미래를 스스로 개척하도록 도와 주어야 한다. ④ 훌륭한 부모는 낙천적인 성격이고 미래에 대한 불안감이 전혀 없어야 한다. 【문 3】다음 글의 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은? The idea of ①using a product once or for a brief period and then replacing it runs counter to the grain of societies or individuals steeped in a heritage of poverty. Not long ago Uriel Rone, a market researcher for the French advertising agency Publicis, told me: "The French housewife ②is not used to disposable products. She likes ③to keep things, even old things, rather than throw them away. We represented one company that wanted to introduce a kind of plastic throw-away curtain. We did a marketing study for them and found ④the resistance too strong." This resistance, however, is dying all over the developed world. Parents have to be optimists. They have faith in the world and its future, or they can't expect their children to have it. Without faith, it's like an Army captain muttering, "We'll never take that hill," before the battle begins. If you really feel that the world is in a hopeless mess, hide it. Whatever you say should be honest, but don't confuse honesty with total confession; not everything must be said. Don't share your uncertainties about the future with your adolescent. Allow him to explore the future on his own, with your support. In 2009, New York Times reporter Matt Richtel earned a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting with a series of articles ("Driven to Distraction") on the ①dangers of driving while texting or using cell phones. He found that distracted driving is ②responsible for 16 percent of all traffic fatalities and nearly half a million injuries annually. Even an idle phone conversation when driving takes a 40 percent bite out of your ③focus and, surprisingly, can have the same effect as being drunk. The evidence is so ④elusive that many states and municipalities have outlawed cell phone use while driving. 【문 4】다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Using violence is okay whenever you are in trouble. ② Letting people know that you’re angry doesn't help protect you and even makes a situation worse. ③ It’s wrong to behave violently and hurt others, but it isn’t wrong to express anger when someone treats you unfairly. ④ Just because the snake had agreed to stop biting people, that didn’t mean that it was allowed to stay on a path leading to the temple. 【문 5】다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? If the numbers continue to rise at the same rates, tobacco and a number of smoking-related diseases will be the world’s biggest killer in just 15 years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world’s biggest killer in 2030 will be something that is preventable, but voluntary. ( ① ) Today, the WHO says that tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world, responsible for killing one in ten adults world wide. ( ② ) Developing countries are the most susceptible because eighty-four percent of all smokers currently live in middle to low income countries, where tobacco use has been increasing since 1970. ( ③ ) Though many governments have taken measures to ban public smoking and educate young potential smokers of heath hazards, until tobacco products are entirely prohibited, it will ultimately be up to the individual to choose to take the risk or not. ( ④ ) Once upon a time, there was a snake that lived on a path leading from a village to a temple. The villagers were scared of it, so they threw stones at it and stepped on its home. Then the snake started to bite the villagers, and they stopped going to the temple. A monk who lived in the temple was unhappy about this, so he went to the snake and told it that it was wrong to bite people. The snake agreed and promised never to do it again. However, when the villagers realized that the snake was no longer dangerous, they started throwing stones at it and stepping on its home again. A few days later, the snake, hurt and bleeding, came to the temple to see the monk. ‘What happened?’ asked the monk. The snake said, ‘No one is afraid of me now and the villagers treat me very badly!’ The monk sighed. ‘I told you not to bite,’ he said. ‘I didn’t tell you not to hiss.’ 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-14 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문 6】다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? The way in which we phrase our words has an enormous psychological impact on our reasoning. The most famous idiom to illustrate this point is to say that a glass is “half full” instead of “half empty.” The positive connotations of a half-full glass allow for a more content and susceptible frame of mind, as opposed to the negative distancing effect of considering a glass half-empty. For instance, more people are likely to buy a box of cookies that are advertised as being 75% fat free than a box that was simply 25% fat. The subtle effects of carefully choosing our words are . ① selectively influential and limited ② from private and individual experiences ③ far-reaching and extraordinarily common ④ directly related to interpersonal relationships 【문 7】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? On the other hand, a marine mammal trainer may study and utilize knowledge from marine biology like anatomy, physiology or behavior. We often hear people say, "I want to be a marine biologist so I can train dolphins." ① While it is true that some marine biologists do train dolphins, the descriptions for a marine biologist and a marine mammal trainer are really quite different. ② A marine biologist is someone who studies, observes, or protects marine organisms. ③ Generally, very few of these scientists train living marine mammal species themselves. ④ A marine mammal trainer is actually taught to specialize in each of these fields. 【문 8】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? These students may be confused after reading when their classmates can answer questions and they can't because they're not comprehending. As they read through a short passage in a text, proficient readers accomplish many tasks; make predictions, infer information, visualize a scene, and generate questions. ( ① ) They usually do these tasks without even realizing they are doing them. ( ② ) But beginning readers often don't realize that they are supposed to do this, in part because they are focusing on decoding words. ( ③ ) Teachers tell the struggling readers to re-read, but they often do so with the same results. ( ④ ) 【문 9】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Most of us who have ever cleaned a house would be much happier if there was less dust. However, without dust there would be less rainfall and sunsets would be less beautiful. (A) At the sunrise and sunset, the dust and water vapour molecules reflect the longer, red rays of light in such a way that we can see them for more time. The more dust particles in the air, the more colorful the sunrise or sunset. (B) Thus water vapour would be much less likely to turn to rain without the dust particles. The water vapour and dust particles also reflect the rays of the sun. (C) Rain is formed when water molecules in the air collect around particles of dust. When the collected water becomes heavy enough, the water droplets fall to the earth as rain. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (C) - (B) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) 【문10】다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약했을 때 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Perhaps the biggest problem for men who want to do more with their children is that employers rarely make it easy for them. According to a recent study of 1,300 major corporations made by Catalyst, a career think tank for women, few companies pay more than lip service to the idea of paternal participation. More than 80 percent of the executives surveyed acknowledged that men now feel more need to share child-raising responsibilities ― but nearly 40 percent also agreed that "realistically, certain positions in my firm cannot be attained by a man who combines career and parenting." While a quarter of the companies said they favored the idea of paternity leaves, fewer than on in ten actually offered them. ↓ A recent study shows that in reality it is difficult for men to share in (A) because of companies that rarely support (B) involvement in child rearing. (A) (B) ① parenting paternal ② parenting executive ③ profession paternal ④ profession executive 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-15 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문11】다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? 【문12】다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? On a mid-September day, British climbers Rachel Kelsey and Jeremy Colenso were climbing in the Swiss Alps. They were both experienced climbers and when they left their base, the weather was good. They reached the summit, but as they started the climb down, an electric storm struck the mountain. Snow began to fall, making it difficult to see where they could put their hands and feet on the rock. After several frightening minutes, they found a narrow ledge and climbed on to it, hoping the snow would stop and they could continue their descent. The snow did not stop and the temperature dropped to -10℃. ① festive ② mysterious ③ monotonous ④ worrisome 【문13】다음 밑줄 친 it이 지칭하는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? One day, I looked out our dining room window to see our strawberry patch spreading its leaves and getting started with some new vines. Towards one edge of the area was one of those really spiky, thorny weeds. Figuring I'd grab ①it out of there when I had my yard-work gloves on, I got back to my housework and promptly forgot all about ②it. Time passed, and I glanced out of the window again to find a really spiky, thorny bush flourishing next to my strawberries, choking them out a bit. ③It took a shovel to get that thing out! Why didn't I take care of it when I first saw ④it? I guess I thought it wasn't going to get worse. It may seem silly to go after a little thing like a weed, but there is never just one little weed. Whatever route you choose, remember that climbing Kilimanjaro is a serious undertaking. While many hundreds of trekkers reach Uhuru Peak without major difficulty, many more don’t make it because they ascend too quickly and suffer from altitude sickness. And every year a few trekkers die on the mountain. Come prepared with appropriate footwear and clothing, and most importantly, allow ①yourself enough time. If you’re interested in reaching the top, seriously consider ②adding at least one extra day onto the ‘standard’ climb itinerary, no matter which route you do. ③ Despite paying an additional US$150 or so per extra day may seem like a lot when you’re planning your trip, it will seem a relatively insignificant saving later on if you’ve gone to the expense and effort to start a trek and then need to come down without ④having reached the top. 【문14】다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? The origins of contemporary Western thought can be traced back to the golden age of ancient Greece in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, when Greek thinkers laid the foundations for modern Western politics, philosophy, science, and law. Their novel approach was to pursue rational inquiry through adversarial discussion: The best way to evaluate one set of ideas, they decided, was by testing it against another set of ideas. In the political sphere, the result was democracy, in which supporters of rival policies vied for rhetorical supremacy; in philosophy, it led to reasoned arguments and dialogues about the nature of the world; in science, it prompted the construction of competing theories to try to explain natural phenomena; in the field of law, the result was the adversarial legal system. This approach underpins the modern Western way of life, in which politics, commerce, science, and law are all rooted in orderly competition. ① Common Interests of Modern Societies ② The Importance of Adversarial Relationship ③ Contemporary Western Societies and Ancient Greece ④ The Cradle of Western Thought Based on Competition 【문15】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? The first brands were invented as a 'guarantee of quality'. Customers could feel safe that if they bought Sunlight soap, they were buying a safe and reliable product. (A) Your preferred brand is an indication of your status. Talk to any user of an Apple computer. (B) Today, brands have a similar function as a guarantee of quality. But brands have become more than just a simple guarantee. The brands you buy define who you are. (C) Secretly or openly, they believe that they are different and slightly superior to Windows users. Apple, in their advertising, has reinforced this distinctive image. ① (B) - (A) - (C) ② (B) - (C) - (A) ③ (C) - (B) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-16 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문16】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Dinosaurs dominated the world 65 million years ago, until a comet 6 miles in diameter streaking 20 miles per second slammed into the Earth. The catastrophic collision instantaneously plunged the world into a very dark and cold nuclear winter that lasted for 12 months. (A) Their flexibility allowed them to survive the Armageddon caused by the comet, and when the dust finally settled, the early mammals crawled out of their burrows, squinted at the warm sun, and evolved to become the dominant creatures of the Earth. (B) They, though large and powerful, were cold-blooded and hairless, and proved incapable of adjusting to the radical climate changes including a sudden and sharp drop in temperature, and thus quickly died off in a mass extinction. (C) In contrast, a group of small, furry, warm-blooded creatures (early mammals and our distant ancestors) proved to be superbly adjustable to the drastic changes. ① (B) - (A) - (C) ② (B) - (C) - (A) ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 【문17】다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? It's easy to lose objectivity or to overlook errors, inconsistencies, or problems when you have focused too intensely or for too long on a particular task. You may have revised your essay so many times that you have forgotten what the question is, and your essay no longer adequately responds to it. ①Or you may have crafted what you think is a witty and clever remark, or an eloquent statement, while in reality you have just written something inappropriate. ②Also, even the best writers make grammatical and typographical errors, and spell-checking and grammar-checking software won't reveal every problem. ③There is little possibility to misspell anything nowadays when there are computer programs available to help check grammar, spelling, punctuation and content. ④Before typing that final version, by all means show your essays to a few other people - perhaps your peers or faculty advisor - to get their feedback. 【문18】다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? When you ask for what you want, you’re basically placing an order, just like an Amazon.com. But you have to be clear in your mind what you want. To get clear on what you want, make a list. Take out a notepad and scribble down whatever it is you want to have, do or be. Whether that’s perfect health, great relationships, and awesome career, travel, or peace on Earth and goodwill to all men. Whatever you’re hanging out waiting for. Just be clear in your mind what it is you want, because a confused mind creates a confusing order. And a confusing order could see Amazon.com accidentally sending you Timbaland instead of Timberlake. ① 원하는 것이 무엇인지 분명히 해라. ② 주문하기 전에 리스트를 작성해라. ③ 원하는 것이 많을 때는 기록해라. ④ 혼란스런 마음이 잘못된 주문으로 이어진다. 【문19】다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? The custom of sending greeting cards to friends and relatives for special occasions originated in England, where the practice was limited to people who could (A)[afford/attempt] to pay private messengers to carry their greetings across great distances. With the (B)[advent/abolition] of a British law that established inexpensive mail delivery, a market for sending greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries - almost any occasion imaginable - opened up overnight. In America the card market was (C)[expanded/expended] by the founder of Hallmark Cards, whose company led the way in other products of social expression such as gift wrap, stationery, and calendars. (A) (B) (C) ① afford advent expanded ② afford abolition expended ③ attempt abolition expanded ④ attempt advent expended 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-17 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문20】다음 글의 저자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Recently I was consulting with a manufacturing company in direct competitive bid warfare with a lower-price opponent. My client was losing bid after bid. I said, “Something has to change here.” They said, “It can’t. We can’t cut our prices any lower.” I said, “If we can’t come in with the lower bid, we might as well come in with an even higher bid—but let’s change the rules of the game when we do it.” They began changing the specifications for the bids, adding value, bundling goods and services together, extending warranties, and including delivery and completion guarantees. Then we built a “How to Compare Our Bid with Others Checklist.” When it was all said and done, my client started getting projects the company had been losing to low bidders before. ① 설명서의 개선을 통하여 입찰가격을 낮출 수 있다. ② 입찰경쟁을 위해 프레젠테이션을 잘 준비해야 한다. ③ 입찰경쟁에서 이기려면 단가를 최대한 낮춰야 한다. ④ 입찰가격을 못 내리면 다른 부분의 질을 높여야 한다. 【문21】다음 중 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? By 1993 more than 56 million American households owned dogs, and consumers spent $15 billion on veterinary care, dog food, toys, accessories, and funeral arrangements. Not only do more Americans own dogs, but an unprecedented number of animals are enjoying elevated status as true members of the family. In a recent survey of ten thousand households, almost 70 percent of respondents said they would risk their own lives to save their dogs. A nearly equal number of people also said they would seek emergency medical care for their pets before obtaining it for themselves. Three-quarters of the respondents said they routinely give wrapped Christmas and birthday presents to their dogs. ① 1993년까지 5천 6백만이 넘는 미국 가구가 개를 키우고 15억 달러의 돈을 개를 돌보는데 소비했다. ② 미국에서는 많은 반려 동물들이 가족들보다 더 높은 지위 를 즐기고 있다. ③ 최근 만 가구에 대한 설문 조사에서 응답자 중 약 70퍼센 트가 자신보다 애완동물에게 먼저 응급 치료를 받도록 할 것이라고 말했다. ④ 전체 미국인들의 약 75%는 일상적으로 자신들의 개에게 포장된 성탄절 선물과 생일 선물을 준다고 말했다. 【문22】다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Web ads very frequently instruct users to click here. In online advertising, the imperative is an indicator of direct user addressing. As a matter of language use, these directive speech acts are not strict commands, which would be too offensive an addressing in the advertising context. Instead, they function as a kind of polite request with a reduced impact on interactants. The illocutionary force of the advertising message gives the users some space to act. In their implicit communication, it is initially the advertiser who wants something from the user, and not vice versa. Nevertheless, the use of imperatives is still far more forceful, more striking, and often shorter than a politely worded request or an indirect speech act that avoids imposing on the other. Online advertising needs to initiate an action, and for this reason, imperatives are employed. According to DoubleClick.com, the instruction click here tends to increase click rates by 15 percent. ① How People React to the Internet Advertising? ② Advertising DoubleClick.com for Better Sales ③ Why Internet Advertising Use Imperatives? ④ The Function of Internet Advertising 【문23】다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? Statistical studies in a broad spectrum of developing countries have provided strong support for the economic theory of fertility. For example, it has been found that high female employment opportunities outside the home and greater female school attendance, especially at the primary and secondary levels, are associated with significantly ①lower levels of fertility. As women become better educated, they tend to earn a larger share of household income and to produce fewer children. Moreover, these studies have confirmed the ②strong association between declines in child mortality and the subsequent decline in fertility. Assuming that households desire a target number of surviving children, increased female education and higher levels of income can decrease child mortality and therefore ③decrease the chances that the firstborn will survive. As a result, fewer births may be necessary to attain the same number of surviving children. This fact alone ④underscores the importance of educating women and improving public health and child nutrition programs in reducing fertility levels. 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-18 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문24】다음 글에서 Brutus가 주장하는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? If there’s anyone in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar’s, I say to him that my love for Caesar was no less than his. If, then, that friend demands to know why I rose against Caesar, this is my answer: it’s not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Would you prefer to die in slavery with Caesar living or would you be free with Caesar dead? As Caesar loved me, I wept for him. As he was fortunate, I rejoiced. As he was brave, I honored him. But as he was ambitious, I killed him. There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honor for his bravery, and death for his ambition. Who here is so base a man that he would want to be a slave? If any, speak, for I have offended him. Who here is so barbarous that he wouldn’t want to be a Roman? If any, speak, for I have offended him. Who here is so wicked that he does not love his country? If any, speak, for I have offended him. I pause for a reply ① Brutus의 Caesar에 대한 사랑은 그 어느 누구 못지않다. ② Caesar를 살해한 것은 Caesar보다 로마를 더 사랑해서이다. ③ Caesar가 죽게 되면 로마시민들은 노예의 처지에서 살게 된다. ④ Brutus는 설득력 있는 질문으로 Caesar 살해의 정당성을 주장한다. 【문25】다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? There is a widely held notion that does plenty of damage, the notion of ‘scientifically proved.’ It is nearly an oxymoron. The very foundation of science is to keep the door open to doubt. Precisely because we keep questioning everything, especially our own premises, we are always ready to improve our knowledge. Therefore a good scientist is never ‘certain.’ Lack of certainty is precisely what makes conclusions more reliable than the conclusions of those who are certain, because the good scientist will be ready to shift to a different point of view if better evidence or novel arguments emerge. Therefore certainty is not only something useless but is also in fact damaging, if we value reliability. ① Reliability values knowledge ② Scientific confidence is of no use ③ Changeable conclusions are infinite ④ Questioning worsens theoretical validity 1교시 ①책형 전체 19-19






2015 법원직 9급 부동산등기법 문제 정답 (2021-04-26) 2015 법원직 9급 상법 문제 정답 (2021-04-26) →2015 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +7 (2017-10-05) 2015 법원직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +10 (2017-10-05) 2015 법원직 9급 헌법 문제 해설 +22 (2017-10-05)
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  1. 2015 법원직 9급 부동산등기법 문제 정답

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    법원직 9급 2021.04.26 조회수 121
  3. 2015 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +7

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 10540
  4. 2015 법원직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +10

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 15464
  5. 2015 법원직 9급 헌법 문제 해설 +22

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 6431
  6. 2015 법원직 9급 형법 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 5302
  7. 2015 법원직 9급 형사소송법 문제 해설 +4

    법원직 9급 2017.10.05 조회수 4531
  8. 2015 변호사시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.1.5.

    변호사 2017.10.05 조회수 1394
  9. 2015 변호사시험 공법 문제 해설 +14

    변호사 2017.10.05 조회수 4845
  10. 2015 변호사시험 민사법 문제 해설

    변호사 2017.10.05 조회수 1442
  11. 2015 변호사시험 형사법 문제 정답

    변호사 2021.04.26 조회수 980
  12. 2015 변호사시험 민사법 문제 해설 (사례형)

    변호사 2017.10.05 조회수 2831
  13. 2015 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.3.7.

    사법시험 2017.10.05 조회수 2394
  14. 2015 사법시험 경제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 270
  15. 2015 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 67
  16. 2015 사법시험 국제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 453
  17. 2015 사법시험 노동법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 248
  18. 2015 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 218
  19. 2015 사법시험 법철학 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 225
  20. 2015 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 32
  21. 2015 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 142
  22. 2015 사법시험 헌법 문제 해설 +3

    사법시험 2017.10.04 조회수 3892
  23. 2015 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 804
  24. 2015 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2021.04.26 조회수 400
  25. 2015 사복직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.3.14.

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 3671
  26. 2015 사복직 9급 과학 문제 정답 +1

    사복직 9급 2021.04.26 조회수 324
  27. 2015 사복직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +9

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 12301
  28. 2015 사복직 9급 사회 문제 해설 +5

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 7778
  29. 2015 사복직 9급 사회복지학 문제 해설

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 4335
  30. 2015 사복직 9급 수학 문제 해설 +2

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 1539
  31. 2015 사복직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +8

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 13304
  32. 2015 사복직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +16

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 14382
  33. 2015 사복직 9급 행정법 문제 해설 +14

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 10264
  34. 2015 사복직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +14

    사복직 9급 2017.10.04 조회수 8195
  35. 2015 서울시 7급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2015.6.13.

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 8360
  36. 2015 서울시 7급 건축계획학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 198
  37. 2015 서울시 7급 건축구조학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 180
  38. 2015 서울시 7급 건축시공학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 291
  39. 2015 서울시 7급 경제학 문제 해설 +7

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 6196
  40. 2015 서울시 7급 국어 문제 해설 +9

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 14625
  41. 2015 서울시 7급 기계공작법 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 466
  42. 2015 서울시 7급 기계설계 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2017.10.29 조회수 1330
  43. 2015 서울시 7급 도시계획 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 226
  44. 2015 서울시 7급 물리학개론 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2017.11.12 조회수 2924
  45. 2015 서울시 7급 반응공학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 264
  46. 2015 서울시 7급 방재관계법규 문제 해설 +1

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 207
  47. 2015 서울시 7급 생태계관리및식물 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 240
  48. 2015 서울시 7급 수리수문학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 733
  49. 2015 서울시 7급 수의기생충학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 79
  50. 2015 서울시 7급 수의미생물학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 201
  51. 2015 서울시 7급 수의병리학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 57
  52. 2015 서울시 7급 수의보건학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 118
  53. 2015 서울시 7급 수의생리학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 80
  54. 2015 서울시 7급 수의약리학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 46
  55. 2015 서울시 7급 수의전염병학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 117
  56. 2015 서울시 7급 안전관리론 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 142
  57. 2015 서울시 7급 약물학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 119
  58. 2015 서울시 7급 약전학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 82
  59. 2015 서울시 7급 약제학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 124
  60. 2015 서울시 7급 영어 문제 해설 +22

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 12608
  61. 2015 서울시 7급 응용역학 문제 해설

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 2310
  62. 2015 서울시 7급 자동제어 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 160
  63. 2015 서울시 7급 재난관리론 문제 해설 +2

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 628
  64. 2015 서울시 7급 전기기기 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 382
  65. 2015 서울시 7급 전기자기학 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 582
  66. 2015 서울시 7급 전달현상 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 313
  67. 2015 서울시 7급 조경계획 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 265
  68. 2015 서울시 7급 조경사및이론 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 333
  69. 2015 서울시 7급 조경재료및시공 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.25 조회수 357
  70. 2015 서울시 7급 지방자치론 문제 해설 +17

    서울시 7급 2017.10.04 조회수 6707
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광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이야광주는 폭동이 (2024.07.13. 17:34)
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