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영어 A형 1 / 4 ※ 다음 각 물음에 알맞은 답을 골라 답안지의 같은 번호에 컴퓨 터용 수성 사인펜으로 정확히 표기하시오. 영어 [1~3] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1. Many times, when it starts raining, there is an arrangement of raindrops visible on the window. Each time it rains the arrangement is different, but they still all look the same (that is, like all the other arrangements of raindrops) because we can’t see any patterns in them. There are no patterns there to detect, and our mind becomes to them. That is, we do not notice them. ① alert ② blind ③ sharp ④ sensitive 2. Conversation is usually ; thus speakers have to ‘think standing up’. They therefore do not have the time to plan out what they want to say, and their grammar is inevitably loosely constructed, often containing rephrasing and repetition. ① grammatical ② organized ③ spontaneous ④ manipulative 3. In many markets, firms will be competing for the same consumers but will be offering products that are not merely different but that directly each other. Some firms sell cigarettes; others sell products that help you quit smoking. Some firms sell fast food; others sell diet advice. ① approve ② advertise ③ resemble ④ oppose 4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은? Problem solving tends to be better when groups are of diverse backgrounds and abilities. When a group can draw on a rich variety of perspectives and experiences, decision making can be of higher quality than if the perspectives and experiences shared by the group members are ① different. Yet, as was the case with creativity and innovation, the most effective problem solving emerges when a ② balance of diversity exists. Diversity without any shared values and goals is likely to break a group ③ apart; however, shared values and goals may lead to what Irving Janis has termed groupthink. Groupthink describes what happens when groups ④ converge on a single answer to a problem and, rather than critically evaluate the solution, they convince themselves and each other that the solution they came up with is the best one. [5~6] 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 표현으로 어법상 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 5. (A) earliest times the lives of humans and animals have been closely related, providing a rich source of symbolism. Animals have been worshipped as gods, linked with good or bad luck, and (B) as sources of power and wisdom. Many are symbolically associated with a human quality. (A) (B) ① Since ― see ② When ― seen ③ Since ― seen ④ When ― see 6. The French arrived in North America about the same time the English (A) , but France was more interested in the profitable fur trade than in colonization and sent few French settlers; as a result, the population of New France stayed tiny compared with (B) of the English colonies to the south. (A) (B) ① did ― that ② was ― this ③ did ― this ④ was ― that 2017년도 지방공무원 공개(경력)경쟁임용시험 영어 A형 영어 A형 2 / 4 7. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? The personalities of people in groups speaking different languages often can diverge. A study revealed that personality tests taken by English-speaking Americans and Spanish-speaking Mexicans differ reliably: The Americans were found to be more extroverted, more agreeable, and more conscientious than the Mexicans. But why? To see if language might play a role in this difference, the researchers then sought out SpanishEnglish bilinguals in Texas, California, and Mexico and gave them the personality scale in each language. And in fact, language was a key: Scores of the bilingual participants were more extroverted, agreeable, and conscientious when they took the test in English than when they took it in Spanish. ① the procedure of developing a personality scale ② the influence of language on personality differences ③ test-taking strategies of bilinguals in personality tests ④ the role of environment in language learning [8~9] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 8. Some researchers claim that aggressive children simply prefer violent TV and would behave just as violently without that exposure. However, that argument cannot account for the results of numerous studies ① in which children are assigned to watch either a violent or nonviolent video or film. In most of this research, ② those exposed to violence behave more aggressively immediately afterward. In one study, for example, 396 seven- to nine-year-old boys watched either a violent or nonviolent film and then played indoor hockey. Researchers who did not know which film the boys had seen ③ rating their aggressive acts during the game, looking for moves that are banned in hockey. These included elbowing, kneeing, and tripping opponents. Overall, the boys who saw the violent film ④ were more aggressive. 9. From a neurological perspective, every time you encounter something new, your brain tries to record as ① much information as possible. Thousands of neurons are stimulated, which help code and store this information, ultimately ② caused you to feel and notice a lot. But as time goes on, the “new” experience becomes old, and your brain begins to use less and less energy ③ to encode information―simply because it already knows it. If you drive to and from work every day, the drive isn’t stimulating your brain ④ nearly as much as the first time you took that route. 10. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? A: Welcome to BW Print Shop. How may I help you? B: Hi. I’d like to get copies of this flyer. A: All right. How many copies do you need? B: I need two hundred and fifty copies. A: Okay. Would you like them delivered? It’s an extra 5,000 won. B: No, . When will they be ready? A: In about an hour. B: That’s great. I’ll be back then. A: Okay. ① I’d like to know the number of the copies ② I’ll pick them up when they’re finished ③ please send them to my office ④ I don’t want them bound 11. 밑줄 친 her[she]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? When Nosipho first heard that they would be discussing ageing in class, she felt a little disappointed. Perhaps this section would be less interesting and less relevant to ① her own life than the material they had covered in the course so far. But after reading a little on the subject Nosipho found her thoughts turning to ② her grandmother who lived out in the rural areas. She only saw ③ her about once a year but her grandmother was still a very important figure in her family’s life. Having respect for older people was something her mother had impressed on her right from when ④ she was a young child. 12. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? Humans evolved to detect sharp changes and distinctive events, such as the sudden appearance of a lion or sources of food. We are far less able to detect gradual changes. Ornstein and Ehrlich believe perceptual capacities that aided survival when humans were hunters and gatherers can now be a . Many of the threats facing civilization develop very slowly. Examples include the degradation of the environment, global warming, and erosion of the ozone layer. Ornstein and Ehrlich relate the large-scale threats we face to what they call the “boiled frog syndrome.” Frogs placed in a pan of water that is slowly heated cannot detect the gradual rise in temperature. They will sit still until they die. Like the doomed frogs, many people seem unable to detect gradual but deadly trends in modern civilization. ① handicap ② relief ③ weapon ④ cure 영어 A형 3 / 4 13. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? It is clear that peers value competence in physical activity and sport. That is, one way in which children and youth can achieve better status among their peers is to be perceived as physically competent. , a problem that persists in physical education is the inability to provide equitable learning experiences for less-skilled children and youth. Less-skilled students typically get fewer opportunities to practice and have less success than do their more-skilled peers. When games are played, the less-skilled students sometimes get few real opportunities to take part in meaningful play. ① However ② In short ③ For instance ④ In other words 14. 미국 노동통계국의 조사 결과에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Settling into a job is not necessarily a permanent situation, as occupational careers are characterized by significant fluidity. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2005, more than 3 percent of employees left their jobs each month, most of them taking a job with another employer. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also determined that at the beginning of 2004, wage and salary workers had put in a median of only 4 years with their current employer. As might be expected, older workers stay at the same job for a longer period than younger ones do. Among workers 45 years of age and older, about half had been with their current employer for 10 years or more. In contrast, only about one-quarter of workers between the ages of 35 and 44 had a tenure of this length. ① 2005년에 피고용인의 3% 미만이 매달 직장을 옮겼다. ② 2004년 초에 모든 임금노동자는 그 당시의 고용주와 4년 이상 근무했다. ③ 젊은 노동자가 나이가 더 많은 노동자보다 같은 직장에 더 오래 머물렀다. ④ 45세 이상 노동자의 약 절반 정도는 그 당시의 고용주와 10년 이상 근무했다. 15. Mark Young에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Mark Young is the head of the painting department in a large hospital and 20 union employees report to him. Prior to coming on board at the hospital, he had worked as an independent contractor. At the hospital he took a position that was newly created because the hospital believed change was needed in how painting services were provided. Upon beginning his job, Mark did a 4-month analysis of the direct and indirect costs of painting services. His findings supported the perceptions of his administrators that painting services were inefficient and costly. As a result, Mark completely reorganized the department, designed a new schedule procedure, and redefined the expected standards of performance. ① 대형 병원 페인팅 부서의 장이다. ② 병원에 오기 전에 독립계약자로 일했다. ③ 병원에서 새로 마련한 직책을 맡았다. ④ 비효율적인 페인팅 서비스를 발견하지 못했다. 16. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Pineapples were brought back from the West Indies by early European explorers during the seventeenth century. From that time on, the pineapple was cultivated in Europe and became the favored fruit to serve to royalty and the elite. The pineapple was later introduced into North America and became a part of North American hospitality as well. Pineapples were displayed at doors or on gateposts, announcing to friends and acquaintances: “The ship is in! Come join us. Food and drink for all!” Since its introduction, the pineapple has been internationally recognized as a symbol of hospitality and a sign of friendliness, warmth, and cheer. ① Pineapples: A Symbol of Hospitality ② Cultivation of Pineapples in the West ③ Pineapple Industry in the West ④ Hospitality: Essence of Humans 영어 A형 4 / 4 17. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Some organizations do have policies which allow either men or women to take career breaks to look after children. (A) Indeed, the knowledge of this may well be a cause of the low take-up of such schemes by men. (B) Organizations, therefore, not only need to establish the structures which allow careers to be more flexible, they also need to change attitudes which typically remain thoroughly traditional. (C) However, not only have very few fathers actually availed themselves of such opportunities, anecdotal evidence also suggests that if they had done so, their careers would have been ‘ruined’ for life. ① (A) — (C) — (B) ② (B) — (A) — (C) ③ (C) — (A) — (B) ④ (C) — (B) — (A) 18. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? Adolescent clients, however, are too old to play with toys and often too young to be comfortable with a primarily verbal format. Adult clients are usually comfortable with therapy that involves talking as its primary vehicle. ( ① ) Child clients often do best in play therapy, where they can use toys and other materials to supplement their verbal expressions. ( ② ) This means that working with adolescents requires a creative use of various kinds of structure, both to help the client feel more comfortable and to promote talking, self-exploration, and problem solving. ( ③ ) These kinds of structure include the use of more questions, therapist self-disclosure, providing treatment in many different settings, and structured mutual activities, such as going for walks or meeting in a restaurant for lunch. ( ④ ) Research suggests that with adolescents “traditional long-term individual psychotherapy is less effective than briefer and more focused psychotherapeutic interventions”. 19. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? The functionalist theory holds that inequality is necessary if a society is to motivate its most talented and hard-working members to perform its most important roles. Some roles (including jobs) require more skill and training than do others. ① Ordinarily, the more skill and training required to perform a role, the fewer the number of people qualified to “do the job” and, all else equal, the more valuable their abilities are to the whole group. ② Functionalists argue that unequal rewards are effective ways to recruit the most able individuals into the most socially valuable roles. ③ Inequality offers few benefits to anyone except the elite and, indeed, is harmful to the whole society because of the unnecessary conflicts it creates. ④ Unless there are rewards for those with the talents most of us lack, they will have no incentive to put those talents to work in activities that benefit all of us. 20. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Unfortunately, our brain is more affected by negative than positive information. For instance, imagine these two scenarios. In the first you learn that you’ve won a $500 gift certificate from Saks. You would feel pretty good about that, wouldn’t you? In the second scenario, you lose your wallet containing $500. How unhappy would you feel about that? According to the results of risk-taking research, the intensities of your responses to these experiences differ markedly. As the result of what scientists refer to as the brain’s negativity bias, the distress you’re likely to experience as a result of the loss of $500 will greatly exceed the pleasure you feel at winning that gift certificate. ① People more readily experience pleasure than negative emotions. ② The negativity bias of the human brain is reinforced by positive experiences. ③ Balancing positive and negative emotions is the source of happiness. ④ People are more influenced by negative experiences than positive ones.






2017 지방교행 9급 사회 문제 해설 +12 (2017-10-07) 2017 지방교행 9급 수학 문제 해설 +5 (2017-10-07) →2017 지방교행 9급 영어 문제 해설 +20 (2017-10-07) 2017 지방교행 9급 정보보호론 문제 해설 +10 (2017-12-17) 2017 지방교행 9급 컴퓨터일반 문제 해설 +5 (2021-05-09)
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  34. 2017 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답

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  35. 2017 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +20

    지방직 7급 2017.10.07 조회수 38983
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  43. 2017 지방직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2017.6.17. +1

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  62. 2017 지방직 9급 전기기기 문제 정답

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    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 1187
  64. 2017 지방직 9급 정보보호론 문제 해설 +9

    지방직 9급 2017.10.07 조회수 5427
  65. 2017 지방직 9급 정보봉사개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 463
  66. 2017 지방직 9급 조림 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 429
  67. 2017 지방직 9급 지방세법 문제 해설 +2

    지방직 9급 2017.10.07 조회수 3589
  68. 2017 지방직 9급 지역사회간호학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 1040
  69. 2017 지방직 9급 지적전산학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 622
  70. 2017 지방직 9급 지적측량 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.05.09 조회수 897
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