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영어-A정답(2017-10-06 / 185.3KB / 7,848회)

영어-C정답(2017-10-06 / 185.4KB / 589회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 김범재 (2017-10-06 / 155.7KB / 2,109회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 문덕   (2017-10-06 / 178.8KB / 1,676회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 성기건 (2017-10-06 / 355.0KB / 2,483회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 성정혜 (2017-10-06 / 269.7KB / 2,135회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 손진숙 (2017-10-06 / 218.0KB / 4,359회)

2016 지방직 7급 영어 해설 이동기 (2017-10-06 / 210.0KB / 7,321회)

영 어 A 책형 1 쪽 영 어 문 1. 밑줄 친 (A)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? Judy: Will I see you at Mike's picnic tomorrow? Toni: Sure. What are you going to take? Judy: Potato salad. How about you? Toni: Oh, no! I was going to make potato salad as well. Now I'll have to (A) something else. One potato salad is enough. Judy: Don't worry. You still have time to think about what to take. ① catch up with ② keep up with ③ cover up with ④ come up with 문 2. 두 사람의 대화 중 가장 어색한 것은? ① A: I've just paid 20 dollars for a library fine. B: Let me sleep on it. ② A: Are you set for your trip tomorrow? B: No, I still have some packing to do. ③ A: Shall we split the bill? B: No, it's on me today. ④ A: Jim, the cafeteria is serving shrimp burgers for lunch. B: I think I'll pass. 문 3. 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Mr. Harrison received notice from his company that he had to transfer to the branch office in Brussels. However, one of the issues now facing the Harrisons would be what to do about the children's schooling. Valerie, in particular, was at that point a junior in high school. She had, in fact, asked if she might stay behind in Washington D.C., so that she could complete her senior year and from there go about the business of applying to college. This proposal was greeted with an instantaneous response: Not on your life, we are a family and we will go on living as a family in Brussels. Valerie later expressed gratitude for her parents' refusal to countenance the idea that she remain behind in America, saying that the family's adventures in Europe had been not only a most enjoyable but an immensely important experience for her. ① The Harrisons relocated to Brussels. ② The Harrisons used to live in Washington D.C. ③ Valerie stayed in Washington D.C. during her senior year. ④ Valerie appreciated her parents' decision later on. 문 4. 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? At school districts across the country, the chief technology officers responsible for safeguarding student data are tearing their hair out. Scores of education technology start-ups are marketing new digital learning tools directly to teachers-many are even offering them free to get a foothold in schools. That has enabled educators nationwide to experiment with a host of novel "adaptive learning" products, like math and foreign language apps that record and analyze students' online activities to personalize their lessons. But the new digital tools have also left school district technology directors scrambling to keep track of which companies are collecting students' information-and how they are using it. ① Schools are selecting apps carefully for maximum learning benefits. ② Students' privacy is at risk as education apps spread quickly in schools. ③ Some school administrators want teachers to have free access to the best learning apps. ④ Each school district is devising its own solution to the lack of digital learning tools. 문 5. 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? Coffee, often known as "black gold," is the world's top-selling product after oil. It is grown in 60 countries and is worth around $ 80 billion per year. However, while affluent consumers pay several dollars for a cup of coffee and, in so doing, help international companies to make millions in profit, the coffee farmers themselves enjoy few benefits. An average coffee farmer receives less than 3 cents for a $ 3 cup of coffee. Because they are forced to sell their crops at the lowest possible price, the farmers remain trapped in poverty. ① enhanced quality control of coffee production ② coffee farmers' unrewarding toil ③ worldwide consumption of aromatic coffee ④ high cost of coffee production ※ 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것을 고르시오. [문 6 ~ 문 7] 문 6. ① 당신이 그것을 더 잘 이해할 수 있게 제가 도표를 만들었습니다. → I made a chart so that you can understand it better. ② 제가 사무실에 없을지도 모르니까 제 휴대전화 번호를 알려 드릴게요. → In case I'm not in my office, I'll let you know my mobile phone number. ③ 선거에 대해서 말하자면 아직까지 누구에게 투표할지 못 정했어. → Speaking of the election, I haven't decided who I'll vote for yet. ④ 네가 여기에 오나 내가 거기에 가나 마찬가지다. → It's the same that you come here or I go there. 영 어 A 책형 2 쪽 문 7. ① 탄소배출은 가스, 석탄, 석유와 같은 화석연료 연소의 결과물이다. → Carbon emissions are a result of burning fossil fuels such as gas, coal, or oil. ② 모든 연령대의 사람들이 여왕에게 존경을 표하기 위해 차려 입었다. → People of all ages dressed up to show themselves their respect to the queen. ③ 당뇨병은 우리 건강에 심각한 위협이지만 완벽히 예방할 수 있다. → Although diabetes is a critical threat to our health, it can be completely prevented. ④ 토요일로 예정된 집회는 금세기에 가장 큰 정치적 모임이 될 것이다. → The rally scheduled for Saturday will be the largest political gathering in this century. ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. [문 8 ~ 문 9] 문 8. A government plan to restrict the number of green housing standards imposed by local authorities on developers is not congruent with its commitment to localism, a report by a parliamentary committee has concluded. ① supplementary to ② asymmetrical to ③ incompatible with ④ consistent with 문 9. With grace and courage and an unabashed willingness to be his own man, Tim Duncan has pushed his business to unimaginable profitability-and greater social responsibility. ① self-disciplined ② unprincipled ③ audacious ④ genuine ※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문 10 ~ 문 11] 문 10. Jazz originated from styles of popular music that ①were blended to satisfy social dancers. It began developing during the 1890s in New Orleans, and it was fully formed by the early 1920s when it was recorded in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Several different trends led to the birth of jazz. ② One was the practice of taking liberties with the melodies and accompaniments of tunes. This led to ③ that we today call improvisation. Another was black Americans ④ creating new kinds of music such as ragtime and blues. 문 11. Each person defines his or her own space-the surrounding area ① reserved for the individual. Acute discomfort can occur when another person stands or sits within the space ②identifying as inviolate. Middle Easterners prefer to be no more than 2 feet from ③ whomever they are communicating with so that they can observe their eyes. Latinos enjoy personal closeness with friends and acquaintances. African Americans are likely to be offended if a person moves back or ④ tries to increase the distance between them. Intercultural communication is most successful when spatial preferences are flexible. 문 12. 다음 중 글 전체의 흐름과 무관한 것은? Perhaps the most damaging criticism of advertising is that it is generally deceptive. In everyday language, we think of deception as lying. Do ads lie? The answer is no in the sense that lying is presenting a blatant falsehood. ① Advertisers know that if they present a claim they cannot support with evidence, they can be fined, so they avoid making explicit claims that can be checked for truth. ② Also, major advertisers know that their products differ from their competitors' products in very minor ways, so there is no point in making claims that their product is clearly superior in some way. ③ Instead, advertisers are fond of using what is called "puffery," which is the making of implicit claims that cannot be tested for truth. ④ We can change our attractiveness, relationships, and degree of happiness by using certain products. For example, advertisers will claim that their product is the best in their class without specifying what that class is. 문 13. 밑줄 친 표현 중 글의 흐름으로 보아 가장 어색한 것은? Pope Francis made an emotional ① visit into the heart of Europe's ② migrant crisis on Saturday and took 12 Muslim refugees from Syria, including six children, with him back to Rome aboard the papal plane. The action punctuated the pope's pleas for ③antipathy to the plight of the refugees just as European attitudes are ④ hardening against them. 문 14. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Crops that are genetically modified (GM) have genes artificially added to them. These genes work in two ways. First, they make the crops resistant to weed killers. This means that farmers can spray all of their plants with poison, but the weeds will die and the crops will not. Secondly, the added gene or genes are designed to make the crop deadly to any pests that eat them, while being harmless to humans. Yet the use of GM crops is becoming controversial. Research has discovered that GM crops were harming the monarch butterfly, and also that GM food slowed growth and increased disease in rats. Opposition to genetically modified foods around the world is growing. ① Are GM Crops Safe? ② Who Produces GM Crops? ③ Nutritional Benefits of GM Food ④ Economic Impact of GM Crops 영 어 A 책형 3 쪽 ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 15 ~ 문 16] 문 15. The achievement of material success is probably the most widely respected form of self-improvement in the United States. Many scholars believe that the nation's Protestant heritage is largely responsible for bringing this about. The idea of mixing materialism and religion may seem ___________; religion is considered to be concerned with spiritual matters, not material possessions. How can the two mix? ① contradictory ② incremental ③ marginal ④ multifaceted 문 16. The mistletoe plant typically attaches itself to the oak tree and uses the moisture and food from the tree for its survival. Sometimes the mistletoe can get so large that it ends up killing its host. This kind of example is called a(n) _____________ relationship. ① parasitic ② misanthropic ③ contingent ④ omnivorous 문 17. 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? ① 부모의 지도는 학교 교육 못지않게 중요하다. → Parental guidance is no more important than school education. ② 그 책은 교육적 관점에서 바람직하지 못하다. → The book is undesirable from an educational point of view. ③ 그 교육 정책은 아동들이 빈곤에서 벗어나도록 도와 주었다. → The educational policy helped escape children out of poverty. ④ 그는 학습장애아동을 지도하는 교사다. → He is a teacher for children disability learning. 문 18. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Ignite a candle, a cigarette, or a ball of cotton. You will note that each one will burn at different rates in air. (A) If each lighted object is placed in a jar of pure nitrogen, each one will stop burning. (B) The cotton will just smolder or burn very slowly. The cigarette burns steadily but shows little flame; the candle flame is obvious. (C) The composition of air is about 1/5 oxygen and 4/5 nitrogen. If you place each of these objects in turn into a jar of pure oxygen, the candle will burn brighter and the slowly burning cigarette or the smoldering cotton will burst into flame. ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) 문 19. 밑줄 친 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? Dada's original manifestation was intended as a classless "anti-art" that did not pander to bourgeois sensibilities. Adopting a stance of irrationality, in contrast to formalized painting and sculpture, Dada permeated a number of European cities such as Paris, Berlin and Zurich, before émigré European artists disseminated its ideas into American culture. These (A) ideas found form in collage and montage, motifs borrowed from Cubism. These collages were often words or pictures cut from popular magazines and pasted in absurd juxtapositions with other disparate images. There was also a high degree of chance and immediacy in these images that were intended to shock and disrupt the normality of bourgeois sensibilities and etiquette. Dada artists made "objects" with the same lack of (B) and were often involved in absurd events designed to disrupt the complacency of the status quo. (A) (B) ① rational sensibilities ② rational orderliness ③ irrational logicality ④ irrational immediacy 문 20. 다음 글을 한 문장으로 요약할 때 밑줄 친 (A), (B)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? Attributions of beauty and ugliness are often due not to aesthetic but to socio-political criteria. There is a passage by Marx in which he points out how the possession of money may compensate for ugliness: "As money has the property of being able to buy anything, to take possession of all objects, it is therefore the pre-eminent object worth having. The extent of my power is as great as the power of the money I possess. What I am and what I can do is therefore not determined by my individuality in the slightest. I am ugly, but I can buy myself the most beautiful women." Now if we extend these observations on money to power in general, we can understand certain portraits of monarchs of centuries past, devotedly immortalized by fawning painters who certainly did their utmost to cover up the monarchs' defects. There is no doubt that their omnipotence lent them such charisma and glamour that their subjects saw them through adoring eyes. Wealth and power possess the ability to (A) any (B) people may have. (A) (B) ① annul resilience ② offset shortcomings ③ anticipate defects ④ impair virtues






2016 지방직 7급 약전학 문제 정답 (2021-04-30) 2016 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답 (2021-04-30) →2016 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +12 (2017-10-06) 2016 지방직 7급 지방자치론 문제 해설 +15 (2017-10-06) 2016 지방직 7급 지역개발론 문제 정답 (2021-04-30)
댓글수 12
정렬  > 
  1. 2016 전직시험 영어 문제 해설 (8,9급)

    전직시험 2018.02.06 조회수 1926
  2. 2016 전직시험 유기공업화학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 102
  3. 2016 전직시험 응용역학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 200
  4. 2016 전직시험 응용역학개론 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 207
  5. 2016 전직시험 자료구조론 문제 정답 +1

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 250
  6. 2016 전직시험 재배학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 304
  7. 2016 전직시험 전기이론 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 236
  8. 2016 전직시험 전기자기학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 199
  9. 2016 전직시험 조림 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 61
  10. 2016 전직시험 조림학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 65
  11. 2016 전직시험 컴퓨터일반 문제 정답 +3

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 451
  12. 2016 전직시험 통신이론 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 233
  13. 2016 전직시험 한국사 문제 정답 +1

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 594
  14. 2016 전직시험 항해학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 173
  15. 2016 전직시험 행정학 문제 정답 +3

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 576
  16. 2016 전직시험 행정학개론 문제 정답 +3

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 488
  17. 2016 전직시험 헌법 문제 정답 +3

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 441
  18. 2016 전직시험 형사소송법 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 150
  19. 2016 전직시험 형사소송법개론 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 187
  20. 2016 전직시험 화공열역학 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 243
  21. 2016 전직시험 화학 문제 정답 +1

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 362
  22. 2016 전직시험 화학공학개론 문제 정답

    전직시험 2021.04.30 조회수 139
  23. 2016 지방교행 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2016.6.18. +6

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 9211
  24. 2016 지방교행 9급 과학 문제 해설 +2

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 2319
  25. 2016 지방교행 9급 교육학 문제 해설 +2

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 8534
  26. 2016 지방교행 9급 국어 문제 해설 +9

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 21016
  27. 2016 지방교행 9급 국어(한문포함) 문제 정답 +1

    지방교행 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 1265
  28. 2016 지방교행 9급 사회 문제 해설 +6

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 11635
  29. 2016 지방교행 9급 수학 문제 해설 +6

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 3088
  30. 2016 지방교행 9급 영어 문제 해설 +12

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 19748
  31. 2016 지방교행 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +34

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 22559
  32. 2016 지방교행 9급 행정법 문제 해설 +17

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 13166
  33. 2016 지방교행 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +26

    지방교행 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 14771
  34. 2016 지방직 7급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2016.10.1.

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 8995
  35. 2016 지방직 7급 경제학 문제 해설 +11

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 9445
  36. 2016 지방직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +15

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 24762
  37. 2016 지방직 7급 보건행정학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 593
  38. 2016 지방직 7급 생물학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 437
  39. 2016 지방직 7급 수의병리학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 73
  40. 2016 지방직 7급 수의보건학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 138
  41. 2016 지방직 7급 수의전염병학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 124
  42. 2016 지방직 7급 약전학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 97
  43. 2016 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 140
  44. 2016 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +12

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 23222
  45. 2016 지방직 7급 지방자치론 문제 해설 +15

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 10480
  46. 2016 지방직 7급 지역개발론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 174
  47. 2016 지방직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +19

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 24292
  48. 2016 지방직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 +29

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 22837
  49. 2016 지방직 7급 행정학 문제 해설 +26

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 20482
  50. 2016 지방직 7급 헌법 문제 해설 +23

    지방직 7급 2017.10.06 조회수 15916
  51. 2016 지방직 7급 화학개론 문제 정답 +1

    지방직 7급 2021.04.30 조회수 653
  52. 2016 지방직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2016.6.18.

    지방직 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 28940
  53. 2016 지방직 9급 간호관리 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 924
  54. 2016 지방직 9급 건축계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 642
  55. 2016 지방직 9급 건축구조 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 610
  56. 2016 지방직 9급 공업화학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 571
  57. 2016 지방직 9급 과학 문제 해설 +2

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  58. 2016 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +18

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  62. 2016 지방직 9급 수학 문제 해설 +3

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  63. 2016 지방직 9급 식용작물 문제 해설

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  64. 2016 지방직 9급 안전관리론 문제 정답

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  67. 2016 지방직 9급 임업경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 270
  68. 2016 지방직 9급 자료조직개론 문제 정답

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  70. 2016 지방직 9급 재배학 문제 해설

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