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2016 지방교행 9급 영어 해설 성정혜 (2017-10-06 / 143.8KB / 6,169회)

2016 지방교행 9급 영어 해설 손진숙 (2021-07-20 / 153.8KB / 6,490회)

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2016 지방교행 9급 영어 해설 한덕현 (2017-10-06 / 304.7KB / 4,804회)

영어 A형 1 / 4 ※ 다음 각 물음에 가장 알맞은 답을 골라 답안지의 같은 번호에 컴퓨터용 수성 사인펜으로 정확히 표기하시오. 영어 [1~3] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1. Agriculture accelerates the loss of biodiversity. As we’ve cleared areas of grassland and forest for farms, we’ve lost crucial habitat, making agriculture a major driver of wildlife . ① extinction ② reproduction ③ classification ④ diversification 2. To Free a Family tells the remarkable story of Mary Walker, who in August 1848 fled her owner for refuge in the North. Her freedom, like that of thousands who from bondage, came at a great price ― remorse at parting without a word, fear for her family’s fate. ① escaped ② differed ③ benefited ④ originated 3. Unlike most of us, whose calendars run from January through December, and corporations, whose “fiscal years” can start and end at whatever month the treasurer deems best, concert seasons are usually  from the fall through the spring. ① entrusted ② inquired ③ legislated ④ reckoned 4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? Leaders actively direct some aspects of their own development. A systematic plan outlining self-improvement goals will help leaders take advantage of opportunities they otherwise might ①overlook. Developing a systematic plan also will help leaders ② prioritize the importance of different goals. Leaders who carefully choose which seminars and conferences to attend may help themselves ③ lessen their contribution to their personal developmental goals. Leaders should look for opportunities on the job or in volunteer work for responsibilities that may ④ further their growth. [5~6] 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 표현으로 어법상 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 5. Kids and tickling go together (A) milk and cookies, right? But tickle your newborn and she may not so much as crack a smile. Why? It’s not really the sensation of being tickled that makes a child (B) ― in fact, studies show most people don’t truly enjoy the feeling. (A) (B) ① like ― laugh ② like ― to laugh ③ alike ― laugh ④ alike ― to laugh 6. (A) the fact that sport is a salient part of our daily lives, it has, until recently, received little serious study by sociologists. Accordingly, there  (B) few clear and compelling definitions and descriptions of sport as a social activity. (A) (B) ① Although ― are ② Despite ― is ③ Despite ― are ④ Although ― is 2016년도 지방공무원 공개(경력)경쟁임용시험 영어 A형 영어 A형 2 / 4 7. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? A: Did you have fun last weekend at the potluck party? B: Absolutely! People brought a lot of delicious dishes. A: Really? Which one was your favorite? B: Brian’s. He made lasagna which tasted so good that there were no leftovers. A: I’m sorry I missed it! B: A: Well, I’m a terrible cook. I have no idea what to make. B: No worries. You can just bring fruit or beverages instead. A: That’s a relief. Then let me know when you get together again. ① Let me give it a try. ② Would you like some more? ③ That’s not exactly what I mean. ④ How about joining us next time? [8~10] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 8. Indeed, it is the nature of men ① that whenever they see profit, they cannot help chasing after ② them, and whenever they see harm, they cannot help running away. To illustrate, when the merchant engages in trade and travels twice the ordinary distance in a day, ③ uses the night to extend the day, and covers a thousand miles without considering it too far, it is ④ because profit lies ahead. 9. The navigational compass was one of ① the most important inventions in history. It sparked an enormous age of exploration ② which in turn brought great wealth to Europe. This wealth is ③ that fueled later events such as the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. It has been continually simplifying the lives of people around the globe ④ since its introduction to the world. 10. Fear of speaking, or communication apprehension, is a common condition ① experienced even by seasoned speakers. While its causes are not fully understood, it seems to surface particularly when a speaker is faced with an unfamiliar role in an unfamiliar environment before an unfamiliar audience ② whose reception of the speaker’s ideas is highly in question. The control of communication apprehension lies in removing ③ so many of the areas of uncertainty and unfamiliarity as possible. Thorough preparation and practice coupled with a good mental attitude will help ④ guard against the disabling effects of communication apprehension. 11. 다음 밑줄 친 단어가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? Have you heard the story of “The Scorpion and the Frog”? A frog comes upon a scorpion and pleads for his life. The scorpion says he will not kill the frog if the frog takes ① him across the river. The frog asks, “How do I know you won’t kill ② me as I carry you?” The scorpion replies, “If I were to strike you, we would both surely die.” Thinking it over, the frog agrees and halfway across the river the scorpion strikes the frog in the back. As they both start to drown, the frog asks, “Why did ③ you strike me? Now we will both die.” The scorpion replies with his last breath, “Because it is in ④ my nature that I cannot control.” 12. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? I once attended a seminar where the speaker’s slide ―a map of North America ― was upside down. The speaker quickly said, “This is what North America looks like from the Southern Hemisphere,” which got a good laugh. A year or so later, I was speaking and my map of Brazil was backwards, so I said, “Here’s what Brazil looks like when seen from the center of the earth.” It took them a minute to get it, but they laughed at this one too. Even though you’re very careful to get your slides in right, sometimes you screw up, and if you’re prepared with one of these stock , you can always get the audience on your side. ① maps ② slides ③ proverbs ④ jokes 영어 A형 3 / 4 13. 2013년의 차(tea) 생산에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? World tea production increased significantly by 6 percent to 5.07 million tonnes in 2013. Black tea output increased by 5.4 percent in response to continued firm prices while green tea output increased by 5.1 percent. Growth in world output was due to major increases in the major tea producing countries. China remained the largest tea producing country with an output of 1.9 million tonnes, accounting for more than 38 percent of the world total, while production in India, the second largest producer, also increased to reach 1.2 million tonnes. Output also increased in the two largest exporting countries where production reached 436,300 tonnes in Kenya and 343,100 tonnes in Sri Lanka. Apart from the 7.5 percent decline in Vietnam to 185,000 tonnes, production in other major producing countries such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Rwanda increased. ① 세계 차 생산량이 감소하였다. ② 인도보다 중국의 차 생산량이 적었다. ③ 케냐와 스리랑카의 차 생산량이 증가하였다. ④ 베트남의 차 생산량이 증가하였다. 14. Abby Kelley Foster에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Born in Massachusetts to a Quaker farm family, Abby Kelley Foster was the seventh daughter in a time when farmers prayed for boys. She was raised in the town of Worcester, completed grammar school, and was one of the rare girls to go on to higher education, at a Quaker school in Providence, Rhode Island. She alternated studying with spells of teaching children to earn her way. Hearing a lecture on slavery by William Lloyd Garrison changed the course of her life. While teaching in Lynn, Massachusetts, she joined the local female antislavery society and soon became a paid lecturer for the Abolition Movement. She married Stephen S. Foster in 1845, and they often traveled together as abolitionist speakers. They worked their farm in Worcester and made it a haven for fugitive slaves. ① 농가의 일곱 번째 딸로 태어났다. ② 문법 학교를 마쳤지만 고등 교육을 받지 못하였다. ③ 노예 제도에 관한 강연을 듣고 그녀의 인생이 바뀌었다. ④ Worcester에서 남편과 함께 농장을 운영하였다. 15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Firms have traditionally focused on the individual transaction with a customer as the fruition of their marketing efforts. But as global markets have become increasingly competitive and volatile, many firms have turned their attention to building a continuing long-term relationship between the organization and the customer as the ultimate objective of a successful marketing strategy. They are taking action to increase lifetime customer value ― the present value of a stream of revenue that can be produced by a customer over time. For an automobile manufacturer, , the lifetime value of a first-time car buyer who can be kept satisfied and loyal to the manufacturer ― buying all future new cars from the same company ― is well over a million dollars. ① for instance ② in addition ③ otherwise ④ nonetheless 16. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Uncle Walt couldn’t afford to buy all the land he wanted for Disneyland. So, in order to fit everything in, he used movie makers’ tricks to make everything look bigger. One trick was to use things that are familiar, but make them smaller than normal. Unless you look carefully and measure with your eyes, you’ll assume, for example, that the Disneyland train is normal size. It isn’t. It is built to 5/8 scale. Many of the Disney buildings use the same trick, but that’s just the beginning. If you look carefully at some of the Disney buildings, you’ll notice there’s something a little odd about them. They are not only smaller than normal, but their second and third stories are smaller still. By tapering the upper stories, the designers fool your eyes into believing that they are bigger and taller than they really are. ① Movie Making in Disneyland ② Disneyland: Land of Illusions ③ Tricks Do Not Always Work ④ Safety Rules in Disneyland 영어 A형 4 / 4 17. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글을 순서대로 바르게 배열한 것은? When we speak of the political organization of a particular cultural system, we frequently are left with the impression that political boundaries and cultural boundaries are the same. (A) Thus, the term Comanche refers to a people with a common language and culture who never united to carry out common political activities. (B) But the boundaries of a polity, or politically organized unit, may or may not correspond with the boundaries of a particular way of life. (C) For example, the Comanche of the Great Plains shared a common language, customs, and ethnic identity, yet politically, they were never organized above the local group. ① (B) — (A) — (C) ② (B) — (C) — (A) ③ (C) — (A) — (B) ④ (C) — (B) — (A) 18. 다음 글에서 주장하는 바를 한 문장으로 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? The commons dilemma takes its name from this parable: You are a shepherd in a small village. There is a piece of land, called the commons, that everyone is free to share. Most of the time, your sheep graze on your own land, but when a few of them need a little extra grass, you are free to take them to the commons. There are 50 shepherds in the village, and the commons can support about 50 sheep a day. So if each shepherd takes an average of one sheep per day to the commons, everything works out. Suppose a few shepherds decide to take several sheep per day to the commons to save the grass on their own land. Not to be outdone, other shepherds do the same. Soon the commons is barren and useless to all. Pursuing (A) interests only can lead to  (B) effects to the whole. (A) (B) ① collective ― damaging ② collective ― beneficial ③ individual ― positive ④ individual ― harmful 19. 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 한 곳은? This factor is evident in technology, since most technological advancements are the result of such recombinations. An innovation may be anything ― from new religious beliefs to a technological change ― that is internally generated by members of the society. People are constantly changing what they do and how they do it. In most cases these changes are minor, imperceptible, and unconscious. ( ① ) In the telling of a myth a person may delete some part while elaborating another. ( ② ) Individuals may wear their hair differently or paint their faces with a new design. ( ③ ) Most innovations consist of the recombining of two or more existing ideas or objects to produce something new. ( ④ ) In North America, Fulton took a paddle wheel, a steam engine, and a boat and put them together to create a steamboat. 20. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Similarity can consist of being part of the same group, even if the party in distress is a stranger. In one study, students were made to think about their favorite soccer team, thereby activating their identity as a fan of that team. Each participant was then made to walk to another building. On the way, he encountered a student who was injured and either wearing a shirt of the participant’s favorite team, a shirt of a competitor, or a shirt with no team name. The injured student received more help when wearing a shirt of the participant’s favorite team than when wearing either of the other kinds of shirts. People who are fans of the same soccer team form an ingroup, and generally speaking, we are more likely to help ingroup rather than outgroup members. ① Social identity is strongly related to people’s hobbies. ② Outgroup members regard similarity as a key to friendship. ③ People are likely to mimic one another to get help. ④ Similarity plays a role in likelihood of being helped.






수정 2016 지방교행 9급 영어 해설 손진숙.pdf 기출이 2021-07-20 01:28
2016 지방교행 9급 사회 문제 해설 +6 (2017-10-06) 2016 지방교행 9급 수학 문제 해설 +6 (2017-10-06) →2016 지방교행 9급 영어 문제 해설 +12 (2017-10-06) 2016 지방교행 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +34 (2017-10-06) 2016 지방교행 9급 행정법 문제 해설 +17 (2017-10-06)
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  58. 2016 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +18

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  59. 2016 지방직 9급 기계설계 문제 정답

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  62. 2016 지방직 9급 수학 문제 해설 +3

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  63. 2016 지방직 9급 식용작물 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 2313
  64. 2016 지방직 9급 안전관리론 문제 정답

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    지방직 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 66812
  66. 2016 지방직 9급 응용역학 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 7093
  67. 2016 지방직 9급 임업경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 270
  68. 2016 지방직 9급 자료조직개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.04.30 조회수 499
  69. 2016 지방직 9급 재난관리론 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.10.06 조회수 1078
  70. 2016 지방직 9급 재배학 문제 해설

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