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(국가직 9급 면접시험) 상황형 과제 작성방법 1. 변화에 저항하는 구성원

7급_영어A정답(2017-10-03 / 640.3KB / 2,663회)

7급_영어B정답(2017-10-03 / 673.3KB / 324회)

2013 서울시 7급 영어 해설 강수정 (2017-10-03 / 280.6KB / 3,541회)

2013 서울시 7급 영어 해설 김정연 (2017-10-03 / 237.6KB / 2,156회)

- 3 - 영 어 ――――――― (1번~20번) (7급) ※ 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은? (1~4) 1. Doctors exhort obese individuals to go on diets. ① advise ② exasperate ③ distress ④ squander ⑤ baffle 2. A recent law gives employers a strong push toward part-time employment by levying a significant fee per full-time employee. ① imposing ② abrogating ③ precluding ④ hampering ⑤ declaiming 3. It was not because the three-penny tax on tea was so exorbitant that our revolutionary fathers fought and died, but to establish the principle that such taxation was unjust. ① preposterous ② moderate ③ exoteric ④ excretive ⑤ prerogative 4. This romanticization, as often is the case in American commercials, trades on our continuing infatuation with the civility, tradition, and savoir-faire of Europe. ① bargains ② exchanges ③ abuses ④ beats ⑤ dismisses 5. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? ① I can’t make out if it’s a man or a woman over there. ② Are you sure you haven’t made up this whole story? ③ Fortunately the plan came off. ④ Why did you turn off such a good offer? ⑤ I’ve found out what the problem is with the exam. ※ 문맥상 빈칸에 가장 적합한 것은? (6~9) 6. It is essential to the proper conduct and operation of government that public officials be independent and and that public office not be used for private gain other than the provided by law. The public interest, therefore, requires that the law protect against any conflict of interest and establish standards for the conduct of elected officials and government employees in situations where conflicts may exist. ① impartial - remuneration ② compassionate - reconciliation ③ disinterested - stipulation ④ nondiscriminating - reimbursement ⑤ open-minded - settlement 7. Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are would be expected to be very , but surprisingly, they are not. ① untreated - dangerous ② unusual - refractory ③ innovative - perplexing ④ widespread - fierce ⑤ lethal - rare 8. Up to the middle of the 19th century the chief interest of the historian and of the public alike lay in the (A) classes. The historian were not concerned to probe the (B) lives and activities of the great mass of humanity, upon whose slow toil was built up the prosperity of the world and who were the hidden foundation of the political and constitutional edifice reared by the famous men they praised. Today the new history has come. The present age differs from the centuries before it in its vivid realization of that much-neglected person, the man (C) . (A) (B) (C) ① ruling obscure in the street ② educated tough with the spear ③ working extravagant on the tree ④ middle obscure with the hoe ⑤ ruling tough in the world 9. Customer:Can you tell me the price of this dress? Clerk :It should be on the (A) . Customer:Yes, but I see three different prices here. Take a look. Clerk :Oh, I’m sorry. It has been marked several times. Now it’s $14.99. Final sale. Customer:Can I return it if it doesn’t (B) ? Clerk :Oh, (C) . Perhaps you want to try it on before you purchase it. Customer:I guess I’d better. (D) . Clerk :Right over there. ① (A) counter (B) work (C) yes, you can (D) Where’s the change room? ② (A) tag (B) good (C) I’m fine (D) Where’s the dress room? ③ (A) brand (B) sound (C) I’m not afraid of that (D) Where’s the gentlemen’s room? ④ (A) tag (B) fit (C) I’m afraid not (D) Where’s the fitting room? ⑤ (A) brand (B) fit (C) I’m afraid of that (D) Where’s the gentlemen’s room? 10. 글의 흐름상 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? Traditional education policies, based principally on extending coverage to more students, are inadequate to the major social and economic changes currently sweeping the region. Latin America reached the limits of one model of economic development in the early 1980s, and is shifting rapidly to another. The old model, in place for over three decades, was based on industrial protectionism, foreign borrowing, the exploitation of natural resources, and domestic budget deficits. The new model is based on opening national economies to international competition, foreign investment, technological innovation and macroeconomic equilibria. Democratic governance has spread throughout much of the region, and public administration is rapidly being decentralized. Overall, Latin America is steadily integrating itself into a new world economic and political order, while it builds closer ties with the United States. ① The importance of the new education system in terms of social changes ② The need for new approach to education ③ The relation between education policies and economic development ④ The new education system needed for the new economic development model ⑤ The problems of traditional education Ⓐ- 4 - (7급) ※ 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? (11~15) 11. Most studies have affirmed the positive effects of friendship, with some ① exploring whether you’re better off ② had many companions or just one good one. Some studies find that having a wide range of social contacts― ③ belonging to community groups as well as ④ having a network of friends― offers the greatest protection. But others show that the most crucial is ⑤ having even just a few close friends― “the kind of people you can’t imagine life without,” says psychologist Laura Carstenson. “Quality beats quantity all the time.” 12. A large difference exists between what viewers are likely to experience ①in reality and ②what they are likely to see in the media. This perhaps would not be a concern if the portrayals of crime and justice in the media ③were balanced in other aspects and ④present various ⑤ competing constructions of the world. 13. ① Maria was awarded first prize. ② 250 dollars was fined to him. ③ English wasn’t taught there. ④ Our solutions were explained to him. ⑤ Nash was considered a genius. 14. The builders of the Giza pyramids ① feasted ② on food from ③ a massive catering-type operation, the remains of ④ what scientists ⑤ have discovered at a workers’ town near the pyramids. 15. It is the duty of all public servants to ①ensure that the public’s money is spent ②as efficient as possible and that ③programs are provided effectively, without discrimination or prejudice, with transparency ④ and without waste of money or resources. Most public servants work in the administrative functions related to ⑤ public service program provision. 16. 다음 ㉠~㉤을 문맥에 맞게 배열한 것은? ㉠ Moreover, it is generally the young and active members of the population who tend to migrate, leaving the old people, the children, and the infirm to run the farms, which is hardly likely to improve the efficiency of the farms. ㉡ Some geographers say that urbanization is a good thing because it relieves pressure on the land and in many countries on the land there are too many people for the work available. ㉢ There is thus a decline in rural industries and food supply. ㉣ Others consider that urbanization is a bad thing because a city depends very much on food being supplied from the surrounding countryside. ㉤ In countries where there are already very great problems of food supply, this massive increase in the size of towns will place a tremendous strain on the surrounding agricultural areas. ① ㉡-㉤-㉣-㉠-㉢ ② ㉢-㉣-㉡-㉠-㉤ ③ ㉤-㉠-㉢-㉡-㉣ ④ ㉣-㉤-㉠-㉡-㉢ ⑤ ㉡-㉣-㉤-㉠-㉢ 17. 다음 내용이 들어갈 가장 적절한 곳은? Such praises lead to negative consequences later in life, when the children grow up and realize they cannot live up to the false high expectations, he said. A U.S. psychologist Stephen Grosz, who teaches psychoanalytic theory at University College London, alleged that parents may be putting their children’s confidence at risk by bombarding them with “empty” compliments, such as “You really are an artist,” or “You’re so clever.” (A) “Empty praise is as bad as thoughtless criticism ― it expresses indifference to the child’s feelings and thoughts,” Grosz was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying. (B) To back his theory, Grosz cited a study Columbia University psychologists which suggested children who were highly praised performed worse academically. (C) The researchers asked 128 children aged 10 and 11 to solve math problems. Then the participants were divided into two groups: the first group was told that they were clever, and the second group was praised upon their efforts. (D) Researchers found out when given more difficult problems, the second group performed better than the first. (E) ① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E) ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (18~19) Reflation is the act of stimulating the economy by (A) the money supply or by (B) taxes, seeking to bring the economy (specifically price level) back up to the long-term trend, following a dip in the business cycle. It is the opposite of disinflation, which seeks to return the economy back down to the longterm trend. Reflation, which can be considered a form of inflation (increase in the price level), is contrasted with inflation (narrowly speaking) in that “bad” inflation is inflation above the long-term trend line, while reflation is a recovery of the price level when it has fallen below the trend line. For example, if inflation had been running at a 3% rate, but for one year it falls to 0%, the following year would need 6% inflation (actually 6.09% due to compounding) to catch back up to the long-term trend. This (C) is considered reflation, since it is a return to the trend, not exceeding the long-term trend. This distinction is predicated on a theory of economic growth where there is long-term growth in the economy and price level, which is widely accepted in economics. 18. 문맥상 (A), (B)에 가장 적절한 표현은? (A) (B) (A) (B) ① reducing - increasing ② increasing - raising ③ increasing - reducing ④ decreasing - raising ⑤ decreasing- reducing 19. 밑줄 친 (C)에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은? ① lower-than-normal inflation ② lower-than-normal deflation ③ higher-than-normal disinflation ④ higher-than-normal deflation ⑤ higher-than-normal inflation 20. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? Despite an affected from which casual observers were convinced that he was indifferent about his painting and enjoyed only frivolity, Warhol cared deeply about his art and labored at it . ① sympathy -methodically ② zeal - secretly ③ nonchalance - diligently ④ dejection -energetically ⑤ hysteria -intermittently Ⓐ






2013 서울시 7급 경제학 문제 해설 +5 (2017-10-03) 2013 서울시 7급 국어 문제 해설 +7 (2017-10-03) →2013 서울시 7급 영어 문제 해설 +3 (2017-10-03) 2013 서울시 7급 지방자치론 문제 해설 +12 (2017-10-03) 2013 서울시 7급 지역개발론 문제 정답 (2021-04-12)
댓글수 3
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  1. 2013 국가직 9급 형사소송법개론 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2021.04.16 조회수 825
  2. 2013 국가직 9급 화학공학일반 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2021.04.16 조회수 388
  3. 2013 국가직 9급 회계원리 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 1568
  4. 2013 국가직 9급 회계학 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2792
  5. 2013 국회직 5급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.3.16.

    국회직 5급 2017.10.03 조회수 2464
  6. 2013 국회직 5급 상황판단영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.04.16 조회수 272
  7. 2013 국회직 5급 언어논리영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.04.16 조회수 452
  8. 2013 국회직 5급 자료해석영역 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.04.16 조회수 199
  9. 2013 국회직 8급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.7.6.

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 2203
  10. 2013 국회직 8급 경제학 문제 해설

    국회직 8급 2018.05.13 조회수 7326
  11. 2013 국회직 8급 국어 문제 해설 +8

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 6689
  12. 2013 국회직 8급 영어 문제 해설 +3

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 4675
  13. 2013 국회직 8급 행정법 문제 해설 +9

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 8199
  14. 2013 국회직 8급 행정학 문제 해설 +9

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 6158
  15. 2013 국회직 8급 헌법 문제 해설 +12

    국회직 8급 2017.10.03 조회수 4137
  16. 2013 국회직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.9.7.

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2987
  17. 2013 국회직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +14

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 6700
  18. 2013 국회직 9급 기계설계 문제 해설

    국회직 9급 2017.10.29 조회수 1146
  19. 2013 국회직 9급 기계일반 문제 정답

    국회직 9급 2021.04.15 조회수 328
  20. 2013 국회직 9급 물리학 문제 해설 +2

    국회직 9급 2017.11.12 조회수 1539
  21. 2013 국회직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +4

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 5221
  22. 2013 국회직 9급 자료조직개론 문제 정답

    국회직 9급 2021.04.15 조회수 205
  23. 2013 국회직 9급 정보학개론 문제 정답

    국회직 9급 2021.04.15 조회수 212
  24. 2013 국회직 9급 행정법 문제 해설 +5

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 4436
  25. 2013 국회직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +9

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 4695
  26. 2013 국회직 9급 헌법 문제 해설 +5

    국회직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 3043
  27. 2013 군무원 9급 국어 문제 해설 - 2013.6.29. +3

    군무원 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 5855
  28. 2013 군무원 9급 한국사 해설 +1

    군무원 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2765
  29. 2013 군무원 9급 행정학 문제 해설 +3

    군무원 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 4580
  30. 2013 기상직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.4.13.

    기상직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 1306
  31. 2013 기상직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +6

    기상직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 4815
  32. 2013 기상직 9급 기상학개론 문제 정답

    기상직 9급 2021.04.14 조회수 183
  33. 2013 기상직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +6

    기상직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 4497
  34. 2013 기상직 9급 일기분석및예보법 문제 정답

    기상직 9급 2021.04.14 조회수 138
  35. 2013 기상직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +4

    기상직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 6402
  36. 2013 법무사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.6.29. +1

    법무사 2017.10.03 조회수 989
  37. 2013 법무사 공탁법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 41
  38. 2013 법무사 민법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 128
  39. 2013 법무사 민사집행법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 49
  40. 2013 법무사 부동산등기법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 42
  41. 2013 법무사 상법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 55
  42. 2013 법무사 헌법 문제 정답 +3

    법무사 2021.04.14 조회수 531
  43. 2013 법원직 5급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.8.24.

    법원직 5급 2017.10.03 조회수 720
  44. 2013 법원직 5급 민법 문제 정답

    법원직 5급 2021.04.13 조회수 254
  45. 2013 법원직 5급 헌법 문제 해설 +6

    법원직 5급 2017.10.03 조회수 2159
  46. 2013 법원직 5급 형법 문제 해설

    법원직 5급 2017.10.03 조회수 1475
  47. 2013 법원직 9급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.3.9.

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 1975
  48. 2013 법원직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +6

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 5232
  49. 2013 법원직 9급 민법 문제 해설

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 1992
  50. 2013 법원직 9급 민사소송법 문제 해설

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2106
  51. 2013 법원직 9급 부동산등기법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.04.13 조회수 74
  52. 2013 법원직 9급 상법 문제 정답

    법원직 9급 2021.04.13 조회수 100
  53. 2013 법원직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +5

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 5968
  54. 2013 법원직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +4

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 9601
  55. 2013 법원직 9급 헌법 문제 해설 +7

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 3991
  56. 2013 법원직 9급 형법 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2838
  57. 2013 법원직 9급 형사소송법 문제 해설 +1

    법원직 9급 2017.10.03 조회수 2845
  58. 2013 변호사시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.1.4. +2

    변호사 2017.10.03 조회수 2896
  59. 2013 변호사시험 공법 문제 정답 +2

    변호사 2021.04.13 조회수 1200
  60. 2013 변호사시험 민사법 문제 정답

    변호사 2021.04.13 조회수 279
  61. 2013 변호사시험 형사법 문제 정답

    변호사 2021.04.13 조회수 671
  62. 2013 서울시 7급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2013.9.7.

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 3988
  63. 2013 서울시 7급 경제학 문제 해설 +5

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 4655
  64. 2013 서울시 7급 국어 문제 해설 +7

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 10703
  65. 2013 서울시 7급 영어 문제 해설 +3

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 7861
  66. 2013 서울시 7급 지방자치론 문제 해설 +12

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 4752
  67. 2013 서울시 7급 지역개발론 문제 정답

    서울시 7급 2021.04.12 조회수 128
  68. 2013 서울시 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +11

    서울시 7급 2017.10.03 조회수 9694
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