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영어-가정답(2024-06-11 / 666.1KB / 512회)


 2024년도 국가공무원 9급 공채 필기시험 영 어 책형 1쪽 영 어 1. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은? Obviously, no aspect of the language arts stands alone either in learning or in teaching. Listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and visually representing are ___________________. ① distinct ② distorted ③ interrelated ④ independent [2 ~ 5] 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. 2. The money was so cleverly concealed that we were forced to abandon our search for it. ① spent ② hidden ③ invested ④ delivered 3. To appease critics, the wireless industry has launched a $ 12 million public-education campaign on the drive-time radio. ① soothe ② counter ③ enlighten ④ assimilate 4. Center officials play down the troubles, saying they are typical of any start-up operation. ① discern ② dissatisfy ③ underline ④ underestimate 5. She worked diligently and had the guts to go for what she wanted. ① was anxious ② was fortunate ③ was reputable ④ was courageous 6. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① Despite the belief that the quality of older houses is superior to ② those of modern houses, the foundations of most pre-20th-century houses are dramatically shallow ③ compared to today’s, and have only stood the test of time due to the flexibility of ④ their timber framework or the lime mortar between bricks and stones. 7. 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① They are not interested in reading poetry, still more in writing. ② Once confirmed, the order will be sent for delivery to your address. ③ Provided that the ferry leaves on time, we should arrive at the harbor by morning. ④ Foreign journalists hope to cover as much news as possible during their short stay in the capital. 8. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? ① 지원자 수가 증가하고 있어서 우리는 기쁘다. → We are glad that the number of applicants is increasing. ② 나는 2년 전에 그에게서 마지막 이메일을 받았다. → I’ve received the last e-mail from him two years ago. ③ 어젯밤에 그가 잔 침대는 꽤 편안했다. → The bed which he slept last night was quite comfortable. ④ 그들은 영상으로 새해 인사를 교환했다. → They exchanged New Year’s greetings each other on screen. [9 ~ 11] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 9. ① How long is the tour? ② What does the city tour include? ③ Do you have a list of tour packages? ④ Can you recommend a good tour guide book? 2024년도 국가공무원 9급 공채 필기시험 영 어 책형 2쪽 10. A: Thank you. We appreciate your order. B: You are welcome. Could you send the goods by air freight? We need them fast. A: Sure. We’ll send them to your department right away. B: Okay. I hope we can get the goods early next week. A: If everything goes as planned, you’ll get them by Monday. B: Monday sounds good. A: Please pay within 2 weeks. Air freight costs will be added on the invoice. B: __________________________________________________ A: I am afraid the free delivery service is no longer available. ① I see. When will we be getting the invoice from you? ② Our department may not be able to pay within two weeks. ③ Can we send the payment to your business account on Monday? ④ Wait a minute. I thought the delivery costs were at your expense. 11. A: Have you found your phone? B: Unfortunately, no. I’m still looking for it. A: Have you contacted the subway’s lost and found office? B: _________________________________. A: If I were you, I would do that first. B: Yeah, you are right. I’ll check with the lost and found before buying a new phone. ① I went there to ask about the phone ② I stopped by the office this morning ③ I haven’t done that yet, actually ④ I tried searching everywhere 12. Northeastern Wildlife Exposition에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① 10세 어린이는 입장료 40불을 지불해야 한다. ② 공연과 강연의 입장은 선착순이다. ③ 비가 올 경우에는 행사장을 닫는다. ④ 입장권은 온라인으로만 구매할 수 있다. 13. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? The tragedies of the Greek dramatist Sophocles have come to be regarded as the high point of classical Greek drama. Sadly, only seven of the 123 tragedies he wrote have survived, but of these perhaps the finest is Oedipus the King. The play was one of three written by Sophocles about Oedipus, the mythical king of Thebes (the others being Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus), known collectively as the Theban plays. Sophocles conceived each of these as a separate entity, and they were written and produced several years apart and out of chronological order. Oedipus the King follows the established formal structure and it is regarded as the best example of classical Athenian tragedy. ① A total of 123 tragedies were written by Sophocles. ② Antigone is also about the king Oedipus. ③ The Theban plays were created in time order. ④ Oedipus the King represents the classical Athenian tragedy. 14. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은? It seems incredible that one man could be responsible for opening our eyes to an entire culture, but until British archaeologist Arthur Evans successfully excavated the ruins of the palace of Knossos on the island of Crete, the great Minoan culture of the Mediterranean was more legend than fact. Indeed its most famed resident was a creature of mythology: the half-man, half-bull Minotaur, said to have lived under the palace of mythical King Minos. But as Evans proved, this realm was no myth. In a series of excavations in the early years of the 20th century, Evans found a trove of artifacts from the Minoan age, which reached its height from 1900 to 1450 B.C.: jewelry, carvings, pottery, altars shaped like bull’s horns, and wall paintings showing Minoan life. ① King Minos’ successful excavations ② Appreciating artifacts from the Minoan age ③ Magnificence of the palace on the island of Crete ④ Bringing the Minoan culture to the realm of reality 15. 다음 글의 제목으로 적절한 것은? Currency debasement of a good money by a bad money version occurred via coins of a high percentage of precious metal, reissued at lower percentages of gold or silver diluted with a lower value metal. This adulteration drove out the good coin for the bad coin. No one spent the good coin, they kept it, hence the good coin was driven out of circulation and into a hoard. Meanwhile the issuer, normally a king who had lost his treasure on interminable warfare and other such dissolute living, was behind the move. They collected all the good old coins they could, melted them down and reissued them at lower purity and pocketed the balance. It was often illegal to keep the old stuff back but people did, while the king replenished his treasury, at least for a time. ① How Bad Money Replaces Good ② Elements of Good Coins ③ Why Not Melt Coins? ④ What Is Bad Money? 2024년도 국가공무원 9급 공채 필기시험 영 어 책형 3쪽 16. 다음 글의 흐름상 어색한 문장은? In spite of all evidence to the contrary, there are people who seriously believe that NASA’s Apollo space program never really landed men on the moon. These people claim that the moon landings were nothing more than a huge conspiracy, perpetuated by a government desperately in competition with the Russians and fearful of losing face. ① These conspiracy theorists claim that the United States knew it couldn’t compete with the Russians in the space race and was therefore forced to fake a series of successful moon landings. ② Advocates of a conspiracy cite several pieces of what they consider evidence. ③ Crucial to their case is the claim that astronauts never could have safely passed through the Van Allen belt, a region of radiation trapped in Earth’s magnetic field. ④ They also point to the fact that the metal coverings of the spaceship were designed to block radiation. If the astronauts had truly gone through the belt, say conspiracy theorists, they would have died. 17. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 적절한 것은? Tribal oral history and archaeological evidence suggest that sometime between 1500 and 1700 a mudslide destroyed part of the village, covering several longhouses and sealing in their contents. From the village of Ozette on the westernmost point of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, members of the Makah tribe hunted whales. ( ① ) They smoked their catch on racks and in smokehouses and traded with neighboring groups from around the Puget Sound and nearby Vancouver Island. ( ② ) Ozette was one of five main villages inhabited by the Makah, an Indigenous people who have been based in the region for millennia. ( ③ ) Thousands of artifacts that would not otherwise have survived, including baskets, clothing, sleeping mats, and whaling tools, were preserved under the mud. ( ④ ) In 1970, a storm caused coastal erosion that revealed the remains of these longhouses and artifacts. 18. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 적절한 것은? Interest in movie and sports stars goes beyond their performances on the screen and in the arena. (A) The doings of skilled baseball, football, and basketball players out of uniform similarly attract public attention. (B) Newspaper columns, specialized magazines, television programs, and Web sites record the personal lives of celebrated Hollywood actors, sometimes accurately. (C) Both industries actively promote such attention, which expands audiences and thus increases revenues. But a fundamental difference divides them: What sports stars do for a living is authentic in a way that what movie stars do is not. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) [19 ~ 20] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. 19. ______________________________________________. Nearly every major politician hires media consultants and political experts to provide advice on how to appeal to the public. Virtually every major business and special-interest group has hired a lobbyist to take its concerns to Congress or to state and local governments. In nearly every community, activists try to persuade their fellow citizens on important policy issues. The workplace, too, has always been fertile ground for office politics and persuasion. One study estimates that general managers spend upwards of 80 % of their time in verbal communication ― most of it with the intent of persuading their fellow employees. With the advent of the photocopying machine, a whole new medium for office persuasion was invented ― the photocopied memo. The Pentagon alone copies an average of 350,000 pages a day, the equivalent of 1,000 novels. ① Business people should have good persuasion skills ② Persuasion shows up in almost every walk of life ③ You will encounter countless billboards and posters ④ Mass media campaigns are useful for the government 20. It is important to note that for adults, social interaction mainly occurs through the medium of language. Few native-speaker adults are willing to devote time to interacting with someone who does not speak the language, with the result that the adult foreigner will have little opportunity to engage in meaningful and extended language exchanges. In contrast, the young child is often readily accepted by other children, and even adults. For young children, language is not as essential to social interaction. So-called ‘parallel play’, for example, is common among young children. They can be content just to sit in each other’s company speaking only occasionally and playing on their own. Adults rarely find themselves in situations where __________________________________________________. ① language does not play a crucial role in social interaction ② their opinions are readily accepted by their colleagues ③ they are asked to speak another language ④ communication skills are highly required






2024 기상직 9급 국어 문제 정답 +1 (2024-06-11) 2024 기상직 9급 기상학개론 문제 정답 (2024-06-11) →2024 기상직 9급 영어 문제 정답 +1 (2024-06-11) 2024 기상직 9급 일기분석및예보법 문제 정답 (2024-06-11) 2024 기상직 9급 한국사 문제 정답 +3 (2024-06-11)
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2024 신용한 행정학 실전과 가장 유사한 군무원 7·9급 모의고사10,800원
출간일: 2024.06.26
2025 해커스경찰 김재규 실무종합 이론서 효자손 (경찰승진) (경찰공무원 승진 시험 대비┃경찰승진┃실무종합 특강 무료 제공┃경찰 승진 실무종합┃효과만점 자주보는 손 안의 노트)34,200원
출간일: 2024.06.26
2025 경찰형사법 3년간 최신판례 (경찰채용 및 승진 대비)14,400원
출간일: 2024.06.26
2025 경찰승진 시험대비 실무종합 오함마 요약집 (경찰승진 시험대비)27,150원
출간일: 2024.06.20
2025 신용한 행정학 최근 10년 단원별 기출문제집 세트38,700원
출간일: 2024.06.20
2024 신용한 행정학 실전과 가장 유사한 군무원 7·9급 모의고사10,800원
출간일: 2024.06.26