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 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문 1】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Now we stand at the edge of a turning point as we face the rise of a coming wave of technology that includes both advanced AI and biotechnology. Never before have we witnessed technologies with such transformative potential, promising to reshape our world in ways that are both awe-inspiring and daunting. (A) With AI, we could create systems that are beyond our control and find ourselves at the mercy of algorithms that we don't understand. With biotechnology, we could manipulate the very building blocks of life, potentially creating unintended consequences for both individuals and entire ecosystem. (B) With biotechnology, we could engineer life to tackle diseases and transform agriculture, creating a world that is healthier and more sustainable. But on the other hand, the potential dangers of these technologies are equally vast and profound. (C) On the one hand, the potential benefits of these technologies are vast and profound. With AI, we could unlock the secrets of the universe, cure diseases that have long eluded us and create new forms of art and culture that stretch the bounds of imagination. * daunt 겁먹게(기죽게) 하다. ** elude (사물이)∼에게 이해되지 않다. ① (B) - (A) - (C) ② (B) - (C) - (A) ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 【문 2】다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Controversy over new art-making technologies is nothing new. Many painters recoiled at the invention of the camera, which they saw as a debasement of human artistry. Charles Baudelaire, the 19th-century French poet and art critic, called photography “art’s most mortal enemy.” In the 20th century, digital editing tools and computer-assisted design programs were similarly dismissed by purists for requiring too little skill of their human collaborators. What makes the new breed of A.I. image generating tools different is not just that they’re capable of producing beautiful works of art with minimal effort. It’s how they work. These tools are built by scraping millions of images from the open web, then teaching algorithms to recognize patterns and relationships in those images and generate new ones in the same style. That means that artists who upload their works to the internet may be unwittingly . * unwittingly 자신도 모르게, 부지불식간에 ① helping to train their algorithmic competitors ② sparking a debate over the ethics of A.I.-generated art ③ embracing digital technology as part of the creative process ④ acquiring the skills of utilizing internet to craft original creations 【문 3】Duke Kahanamoku에 대한 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? Duke Kahanamoku, born August 26, 1890, near Waikiki, Hawaii, was a Hawaiian surfer and swimmer who won three Olympic gold medals for the United States and who for several years was considered the greatest freestyle swimmer in the world. He was perhaps most widely known for developing the flutter kick, which largely replaces the scissors kick. Kahanamoku set three universally recognized world records in the 100-yard freestyle between July 5, 1913, and September 5, 1917. In the 100-yard freestyle Kahanamoku was U.S. indoor champion in 1913, and outdoor titleholder in 1916-17 and 1920. At the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912, he won the 100-metre freestyle event, and he repeated that triumph at the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium, where he also was a member of the victorious U.S. team in the 800-metre relay race. Kahanamoku also excelled at surfing, and he became viewed as one of the icons of the sport. Intermittently from the mid-1920s, Kahanamoku was a motion-picture actor. From 1932 to 1961 he was sheriff of the city and county of Honolulu. He served in the salaried office of official greeter of famous personages for the state of Hawaii from 1961 until his death. * intermittently 간헐적으로 ** sheriff 보안관 ① 하와이 출신의 서퍼이자 수영 선수로 올림픽 금메달리스트이다. ② 그는 플러터 킥을 대체하는 시저스 킥을 개발한 것으로 널리 알려져 있다. ③ 벨기에 앤트워프 올림픽의 800미터 계주에서 우승한 미국 팀의 일원이었다. ④ 그는 1920년대 중반부터 간헐적으로 영화배우로도 활동했다. 【문 4】다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? The understandings that children bring to the classroom can already be quite powerful in the early grades. For example, some children have been found to hold onto their preconception of a flat earth by imagining a round earth to be shaped like a pancake. This construction of a new understanding is guided by a model of the earth that helps the child explain how people can stand or walk on its surface. Many young children have trouble giving up the notion that one-eighth is greater than one-fourth, because 8 is more than 4. If children were blank slates, just telling them that the earth is round or that one-fourth is greater than one-eighth would be . But since they already have ideas about the earth and about numbers, those ideas must be directly addressed in order to transform or expand them. ① familiar ② adequate ③ improper ④ irrelevant 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-18 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문 5】Urban farming에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? Urban farming, also known as urban agriculture, involves growing food within city environments, utilizing spaces like rooftops, abandoned buildings, and community gardens. This sustainable practice is gaining traction in cities across the world, including New York, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, and Berlin, as well as in many African and Asian cities where it plays a crucial role in food supply and local economies. Urban farming not only helps reduce carbon footprints by minimizing transport emissions but also increases access to fresh, healthy food in urban areas. It bolsters local economies by creating jobs and keeping profits within the community. Additionally, urban farms enhance cityscapes, improve air quality, conserve water, provide educational opportunities, promote biodiversity, connect people with nature, and improve food security by producing food locally, making cities more resilient to disruptions like natural disasters. * traction 흡입력, 견인력 ** bolster 강화시키다 ① 옥상, 버려진 건물, 그리고 공동체 정원과 같은 공간을 활용 하여 도시 환경 내에서 식량을 재배하는 것이다. ② 지속 가능한 관행으로 식량 공급과 지역 경제에서 중요한 역할을 하는 많은 아프리카와 아시아를 포함한 세계의 도시 들에서 인기를 얻고 있다. ③ 운송 배출을 최소화하여 탄소 발자국을 줄이는 것을 도울 뿐만 아니라 도시 지역에서 신선하고 건강한 식량에 대한 접근성을 증가시킨다. ④ 생물 다양성을 촉진하고, 지역에서 식량을 생산함으로써 식 량의 안정성을 향상시키나, 자연 재해와 같은 혼란에 대한 도시의 회복력은 약화시킨다. 【문 6】밑줄 친 “unfinished animals.”가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Ideas or theories about human nature have a unique place in the sciences. We don’t have to worry that the cosmos will be changed by our theories about the cosmos. The planets really don’t care what we think or how we theorize about them. But we do have to worry that human nature will be changed by our theories of human nature. Forty years ago, the distinguished anthropologist said that human beings are “unfinished animals.” What he meant is that it is human nature to have a human nature that is very much the product of the society that surrounds us. That human nature is more created than discovered. We “design” human nature, by designing the institutions within which people live. So we must ask ourselves just what kind of a human nature we want to help design. ① stuck in an incomplete stage of development ② shaped by society rather than fixed by biology ③ uniquely free from environmental context ④ born with both animalistic and spiritual aspect 【문 7】다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Passive House is a standard and an advanced method of designing buildings using the precision of building physics to ensure comfortable conditions and to deeply reduce energy costs. It removes all guesswork from the design process. It does what national building regulations have tried to do. Passive House methods don’t affect “buildability”, yet they close the gap between design and performance and deliver a much higher standard of comfort and efficiency than government regulations, with all their good intentions, have managed to achieve. When we use Passive House methods, we learn how to use insulation and freely available daylight, in the most sensible way and in the right amounts for both comfort and energy efficiency. This is, I believe, fundamental to good design, and is the next step we have to make in the evolution of our dwellings and places of work. The improvements that are within our grasp are potentially transformative for mankind and the planet. ê Passive House utilizes precise building physics to ensure comfort and energy efficiency, (A) traditional regulations and offering transformative potential for (B) design. (A) (B) ① persisting sustainable ② persisting unsustainable ③ surpassing unsustainable ④ surpassing sustainable 【문 8】다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥 상 낱말의 쓰임이 가장 적절 하지 않은 것은? Today, there is only one species of humans, Homo sapiens, left in the world. But that one species, despite the fact that it is over 99.9 percent genetically ① identical, has adapted itself to a wide array of disparate environments. And while some degree of human genetic variation results from each society’s adaptation to its own unique environment, the cultural adaptations that each society makes in so adjusting itself will, in their turn, exact some further degree of ② variation on that society’s genetic makeup. In other words, we are so entangled with our local ecologies that not only do we humans ③ transform the environment as we cull from it the various resources upon which we come to depend but also the environment, which we have so transformed, transforms us in its turn: at times exerting upon us profound biological pressures. In those regions of the world, for example, where our environmental exploitation has included the domestication of cattle-northern Europe, for instance, or East Africahuman populations have ④ reduced adult lactose tolerance: the ability to digest milk past infancy. * lactose 유당, 젖당 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-19 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문 9】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? Briefly consider a metaphor that plays a significant role in how we live our daily lives: Time Is Money. (A) We often speak of time as if it were money—for example, in everyday expressions such as “You’re wasting my time,” “This device will save you hours of work,” “How will you spend your weekend?” and “I’ve invested a lot of time in this relationship.” (B) Every metaphor brokers what is made visible or invisible; this one highlights how time is like money and obscures ways it is not. Time thus becomes something that we can waste or lose, and something that diminishes as we grow older. It is abstracted in a very linear, orderly fashion. (C) This metaphor, however, fails to disclose important phenomenological aspects of time, such as how it may speed up or slow down, depending on our engagement with what we are doing. We may instead conceive of time as quite fluid—as a stream, for example—thought we lose sight of this to the extent that we have adopted the worldview of Time Is Money. * obscure 모호하게 하다 ① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B) ③ (B) - (A) - (C) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 【문10】다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? His last thought were for his wife. “He is afraid she would ① hardly be able to bear it,” he said to Burnet, the bishop who was allowed to be with him the last few days. Tears came into his eyes when he spoke of her. The last day came, and Lady Russell brought the three little children to say good-bye for ever to their father. “Little Fubs” was only nine, her sister Catherine seven, and the baby three years old, too young to realize his loss. He kissed them all ② calmly, and sent them away. His wife stayed and they ate their last meal together. Then they kissed in silence, and silently she left him. When she had gone, Lord Russel broke down completely. “Oh, what a blessing she has been to me!” he cried. “It is a great comfort to me to leave my children in such a mother’s care; she has promised me to take care of ③ her for their sake; she will do it,” he added resolutely. Lady Russell returned heavy-hearted to the sad home ④ to which she would never welcome him again. On July 21st, 1683, she was a widow, and her children fatherless. They left their dreary London house, and went to an old abbey in the country. * bishop 주교(성직자) 【문11】The gig economy에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? The gig economy, referring to the workforce of people engaged in freelance and side-hustle work, is growing rapidly in the United States, with 36% of employed participants in a 2022 McKinsey survey identifying as independent workers, up from 27% in 2016. This workforce includes a wide range of jobs from highly-paid professionals like lawyers to lower-earning roles like delivery drivers. Despite the flexibility and autonomy it offers, most independent workers desire more stable employment; 62% prefer permanent positions due to concerns over job security and benefits. The challenges faced by gig workers include limited access to healthcare, housing, and other basic needs, with a significant reliance on government assistance. Technological advancements have facilitated the rise in independent work, making remote and freelance jobs more accessible and appealing. The trend reflects broader economic pressures such as inflation and job market dynamics, influencing individuals to choose gig work for survival, flexibility, or enjoyment. * side-hustle work 부업 ① 조사에 참가한 사람들 중 독립 근로자의 비율이 2016년의 27%에서 36%까지 상승하였다. ② 대부분의 독립 근로자들은 안정적인 고용보다는 직업이 제 공하는 유연성과 자율성을 선호하고 있다. ③ 근로자들이 직면한 어려움에는 의료, 주거 및 기타 기본 요 구 사항에 대한 제한된 접근성이 포함된다. ④ 기술 발전은 독립 근로의 증가를 촉진하여 원격 및 프리랜 서 일자리를 접근하기 쉽고 매력적인 것으로 만들고 있다. 【문12】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? We come to know and relate to the world by way of categories. (A) The notion of an animal species, for instance, might in one setting best be thought of as described by folklore and myth, in another as a detailed legal construct, and in another as a system of scientific classification. (B) Ordinary communication is the most immediate expression of this faculty. We refer to things through sounds and words, and we attach ideas to them that we call concepts. (C) Some of our categories remain tacit; others are explicitly governed by custom, law, politics, or science. The application of category systems for the same things varies by context and in use. * tacit 암묵적인, 무언의 ① (B) - (A) - (C) ② (B) - (C) - (A) ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-20 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문13】다음 글에 나타난 화자의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? It’s three in the morning, and we are making our way from southern to northern Utah, when the weather changes from the dry chill of the desert to the freezing gales of an alpine winter. Ice claims the road. Snowflakes flick against the windshield like tiny insects, a few at first, then so many the road disappears. We push forward into the heart of the storm. The van skids and jerks. The wind is furious, the view out the window pure white. Richard pulls over. He says we can’t go any further. Dad takes the wheel, Richard moves to the passenger seat, and Mother lies next to me and Audrey on the mattress. Dad pulls onto the highway and accelerates, rapidly, as if to make a point, until he has doubled Richard’s speed. “Shouldn’t we drive slower?” Mother asks. Dad grins. “I’m not driving faster than our angels can fly.” The van is still accelerating. To fifty, then to sixty. Richard sits tensely, his hand clutching the armrest, his knuckles bleaching each time the tires slip. Mother lies on her side, her face next to mine, taking small sips of air each time the van fishtails, then holding her breath as Dad corrects and it snakes back into the lane. She is so rigid, I think she might shatter. My body tenses with hers; together we brace a hundred times for impact. * gale 강풍, 돌풍 ** skid 미끄러지다 *** jerk 홱 움직이다 **** fishtail(차량)뒷부분이 좌우로 미끄러지다 ① excited and thrilled ② anxious and fearful ③ cautious but settled ④ comfortable and relaxed 【문14】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? However, there are now a lot of issues with the current application of unmanned distribution. The city lockdown policy during COVID-19 has facilitated the rapid growth of numerous takeaways, vegetable shopping, community group buying, and other businesses. ( ① ) Last-mile delivery became an important livelihood support during the epidemic. ( ② ) At the same time, as viruses can be transmitted through aerosols, the need for contactless delivery for last-mile delivery has gradually increased, thus accelerating the use of unmanned logistics to some extent. ( ③ ) For example, the community space is not suitable for the operation of unmanned delivery facilities due to the lack of supporting logistics infrastructure. ( ④ ) In addition, the current technology is unable to complete the delivery process and requires the collaboration of relevant space as well as personnel to help dock unmanned delivery nodes. * last-mile delivery 최종 단계의 배송 【문15】주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? People are too seldom interested in having a genuine exchange of points of view where a desire to understand takes precedence over the desire to convince at any price. (A) Yet conflict isn’t just an unpopular source of pressure to act. There’s also a lot of energy inherent to it, which can be harnessed to create positive change, or, in other words, improvements, with the help of a skillful approach. Basically, today’s misery is the starting shot in the race towards a better future. (B) A deviating opinion is quickly accompanied by devaluation, denigration, insults, or even physical confrontations. If you look at the “discussions” taking place on social media networks, you don’t even have to look to such hot potatoes as the refugee crisis or terrorism to see a clear degradation in the way people exchange opinions. (C) You probably know this from your own experience, too, when you have succeeded in finding a constructive solution to a conflict and, at the end of an arduous clarification process, realize that the successful outcome has been worth all the effort. * denigration 명예훼손 ** arduous 몹시 힘든 고된 ① (B) - (A) - (C) ② (B) - (C) - (A) ③ (C) - (A) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) 【문16】다음 중 Belus Smawley에 대한 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? Belus Smawley grew up on a farm with his parents and six siblings. In his freshman years, he was tall and able to jump higher than any other boy, trying to improve his leaping ability by touching higher and higher limbs of the oak tree on their farm. This is where his first jump shot attempt is said to have taken place. When Belus Smawley started using his shot regularly, he became the leading scorer. At the age of 18, he got accepted for a position on an AAU18 basketball team. He finished high school afterwards and got an All-American athletic scholarship for Appalachian State University (majoring in history and physical education). He became player-coach until he went to the Navy. He started playing in their basketball team and refined his jump shot. He got married and either worked as a high school teacher and basketball coach or further pursued his NBA basketball career playing fulltime for several teams. Eventually he focused on family and his teaching career, becoming the principal of a junior high school. ① 부모님과 여섯 형제와 함께 농장에서 자랐다. ② 나무의 더 높은 가지를 만지면서 점프 연습을 하였다. ③ 애팔래치아 주립대학교에서 전미 체육 장학금을 받았다. ④ 결혼 후 NBA 농구 선수로서 한 팀에서 활동했다. 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-21 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문17】글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? It might be understandable, then, for us to want to expect something similar from our machines: to know not only what they think they see but where, in particular, they are looking. Humans, relative to most other species, have distinctly large and visible sclera—the whites of our eyes—and as a result we are uniquely exposed in how we direct our attention, or at the very least, our gaze. ( ① ) Evolutionary biologists have argued, via the “cooperative eye hypothesis,” that this must be a feature, not a bug: that it must point to the fact that cooperation has been uncommonly important in our survival as a species, to the point that the benefits of shared attention outweigh the loss of a certain degree of privacy or discretion. ( ② ) This idea in machine learning goes by the name of “saliency”: the idea is that if a system is looking at an image and assigning it to some category, then presumably some parts of the image were more important or more influential than others in making that determination. ( ③ ) If we could see a kind of “heat map” that highlighted these critical portions of the image, we might obtain some crucial diagnostic information that we could use as a kind of sanity check to make sure the system is behaving the way we think it should be. ( ④ ) * sclera (눈의)공막 ** outweigh 보다 더 크다 *** discretion 신중함 **** saliency 특징, 중요점 【문18】다음 (A), (B), (C) 중, 어법상 옳은 것끼리 고른 것은? The climate of the irrigated plains can be glimpsed in the murals. The summer sun beats down on the hard ground, and the king himself is shaded by a large umbrella. War, often present, is also carved in vivid detail. In or about 878 BC, three men are depicted (A)(fleeing / fled) from a city which has probably been captured. Dressed in long robes, they jump into the Euphrates River (B)(which / where) one is swimming while the others hug a lifebuoy to their chests. Like a long pillow, the lifebuoy consists of the skin of an animal, inflated with air. As the hands of the refugees (C)(is / are) clutching the inflated lifebuoy, and as much of their breath is expended in blowing air into it, they can only stay afloat by swimming with their legs. Whether they reached the opposite shore will never be known. (A) (B) (C) ① fleeing which is ② fleeing where are ③ fled which is ④ fled where are 【문19】다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? When the Dutch arrived in the 17th century in what’s now New York City, their encounters with the indigenous peoples, known as the Lenape, were, at first, mostly amicable, according to historical records. They shared the land and traded guns, beads and wool for beaver furs. The Dutch even “purchased” Manahatta island from the Lenape in 1626. The transaction, enforced by the eventual building of wall around New Amsterdam, marked the very beginning of the Lenape’s forced mass migration out of their homeland. The wall, which started showing up on maps in the 1660s, was built to keep out the Native Americans and the British. It eventually became Wall Street, and Manahatta became Manhattan, where part of the Lenape trade route, known as Wickquasgeck, became Brede weg, later Broadway. The Lenape helped shape the geography of modern-day New York City, but other traces of their legacy have all but vanished. ① 네덜란드인과 르나페 원주민들은 총과 동물의 털을 교환하는 무역을 했다. ② 이후에 월스트리트가 된 지역에 지어진 벽은 르나페 원주민 이 영국인을 막기 위해 세웠다. ③ 르나페 원주민의 무역로의 일부가 나중에 브로드웨이가 되었다. ④ 르나페 원주민은 현대 뉴욕시의 지형을 형성하는데 도움을 주었다. 【문20】다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 가장 틀린 것은? Today, we take for granted that the media and the celebrity culture it sustains have created new forms of publicness, ① through which we might have intimate relationships with people we have never met. Thanks to media technologies we ② are brought ever closer to the famous, allowing us to enjoy an illusion of intimacy with them. To a greater or lesser degree, we have internalized celebrities, unconsciously made them a part of our consciousness, just ③ as if they were, in fact, friends. Celebrities take up permanent residence in our inner lives as well, ④ become central to our reveries and fantasies, guides to action, to ambition. Now, indeed, celebrity culture can be permanently insinuated into our sensibilities, as many of us carry them, their traits, and our relationships with them around as part of our mental luggage. * reverie 몽상 ** insinuate 암시하다, 일부가 되다 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-22 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문21】다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Festivals are significant cultural events that showcase tradition, heritage and community spirit globally. They serve as platforms to celebrate diversity, with each festival reflecting unique traditions like Brazil’s Carnival or India’s Diwali. Festivals also commemorate historical moments, such as Independence Day in the US or Bastille Day in France. Additionally, they preserve customs and rituals that strengthen personal and cultural identity, while fostering strong community ties through shared activities. Festivals reflect societal values, promote local crafts and arts, enhance spirituality, and attract tourism, which facilitates cultural exchange and understanding. Seasonal festivals, like Holi in India, align with natural cycles, celebrating times of renewal. Ultimately, participating in festivals reinforces community and individual identity, contributing to a global narrative that _______________________________________________. * commemorate 기념하다 ① makes the participants forget their daily concerns and pains ② values diversity and encourages mutual respect and understanding ③ allows people to break the link between personal life and social life ④ keeps the festivals from determining how people think about themselves 【문22】밑줄 친 you’ve been thrown a curve ball이 다음 글에 서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? Life is full of its ups and downs. One day, you may feel like you have it all figured out. Then, in a moment’s notice, you’ve been thrown a curve ball. You’re not alone in these feelings. Everyone has to face their own set of challenges. Learning how to overcome challenges will help you stay centered and remain calm under pressure. Everyone has their own preferences for how to face a challenge in life. However, there are a few good tips and tricks to follow when the going gets tough. There’s no need to feel ashamed for asking for help. Whether you choose to rely on a loved one, a stranger, a mentor, or a friend, there are people who want to help you succeed. You have to be open and willing to accept support. People who come to your aid truly do care about you. Be open to receiving help when you need it. ① 어려운 상황에 직면하다. ② 흥미로운 상황을 맞이하게 되다. ③ 대안적인 방법을 적용하게 되다. ④ 정면 승부를 피하여 에둘러 가다. 【문23】다음 중 글에 설명된 사회적 지배력과 번식 성공 사이의 관계 를 가장 잘 요약한 것은? Social dominance refers to situations in which an individual or a group controls or dictates others’ behavior primarily in competitive situations. Generally, an individual or group is said to be dominant when “a prediction is being made about the course of future interactions or the outcome of competitive situations”. Criteria for assessing and assigning dominance relationships can vary from one situation to another. It is difficult to summarize available data briefly, but generally it has been found that dominant individuals, when compared to subordinate individuals, often have more freedom of movement, have priority of access to food, gain higher-quality resting spots, enjoy favorable grooming relationships, occupy more protected parts of a group, obtain higher-quality mates, command and regulate the attention of other group members, and show greater resistance to stress and disease. Despite assertions that suggest otherwise, it really is not clear how powerful the relationship is between an individual’s dominance status and its lifetime reproductive success. * dominance 지배, 우세 ① 하위 개체에 비해 모든 지배적인 개체는 평생 동안 높은 번 식 성공률을 보인다. ② 개체의 우세 상태와 평생 번식 성공 사이의 관계는 다면적 이며 명확하게 정립되어 있다고 할 수는 없다. ③ 사회적 지배력을 갖춘 존재는 음식 및 짝과 같은 자원에 대 한 접근을 통해 번식 성공에 영향을 미친다. ④ 하위 개체는 스트레스 수준이 높지 않기 때문에 평생 번식 성공률이 더 높은 경향이 있다. 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-23 【영어 25문】 ①책형 【문24】다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? While mindfulness meditation is generally safe, concerns arise from its side effects like panic attacks and psychosis, which are seldom reported and poorly understood in academic studies. Critics argue the rapid adoption of mindfulness by organizations and educational systems may inappropriately shift societal issues to individuals, suggesting that personal stress is due to a lack of meditation rather than addressing systemic causes like environmental pollution or workplace demands. Critics like Professor Ronald Purser suggest that mindfulness may make individuals more compliant with adverse conditions instead of empowering them to seek change. Despite these concerns, the critique isn’t against mindfulness itself but against its promotion as a universal solution by entities resistant to change. For a more thorough understanding of mindfulness' benefits and risks, long-term and rigorously controlled studies are essential. * psychosis 정신 질환 ** compliant 순응하는 ① the criticism regarding the safety and societal implications of the widespread adoption of mindfulness meditation ② the social and national measures which are taken to relieve personal stress and prevent social and cultural confusion ③ the basic elements of mindfulness that must precede the resolution of social problems rather than individual problems ④ the disadvantages that individuals and societies face due to the meditation performed improperly and the lack of meditation 【문25】Mike Mansfield에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 것은? A man of few words and great modesty, Mike Mansfield often said he did not want to be remembered. Yet, his fascinating life story and enormous contributions are an inspiration for all who follow. Mike Mansfield was born in New York City on March 16, 1903. Following his mother’s death when Mike was 7, his father sent him and his two sisters to Great Falls, Montana, to be raised by an aunt and uncle there. At 14, he lied about his age in order to enlist in the U.S. Navy for the duration of World War I. Later, he served in the Army and the Marines, which sent him to the Philippines and China, awakening a lifelong interest in Asia. Mike Mansfield’s political career was launched in 1942 when he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He served five terms from Montana’s 1st District. In 1952, he was elected to the U.S. Senate and re-elected in 1958, 1964 and 1970. His selection as Democratic Assistant Majority Leader was followed by election in 1961 as Senate Majority Leader. He served in that capacity until his retirement from the Senate in 1977, longer than any other Majority Leader in history. * House of Representatives 하원 ** Senate 상원 *** Majority Leader 다수당 원내대표 ① 말수가 적고 겸손했으며 자신이 기억되지 않기를 원했었다. ② 모친이 사망한 이후 친인척의 보살핌을 받았다. ③ 군 복무 중 아시아 파병을 계기로 아시아에 대한 관심이 커졌다. ④ 상원의원에 5번 당선되었으며 가장 긴 다수당 원내대표를 역임했다. 1교시 ①책형 전체 24-24






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