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 of 04(93) Ash  1/43  *  * 1  9  97 777 7777 zlé? (1–2)  Norwegians led by Roald Amundsen arrived in Antarctica's Bay of Whales on January 14, 1911. With dog teams, they prepared to race the British to the South Pole. Amundsen's ship, Fram, loaned by renowned Arctic explorer Fridtjof Nansen, was the elite polar vessel of her time.  6. F 19 TH Ž 7174 of of ?  1 A : I need to ask you to do me a favor.  B : Sure thing, what is it? 2 A : I'm afraid I have to close my account.  B : OK, please fill out this form. 3 A : That was a beautiful wedding.  B : I'll say. And the wedding couple looked so  right for each other. ® A: I bought this jacket last Monday and already  the zipper was broken. I'd like a refund. B : OK, I will fix the zipper.  1 famous 3 early  2 intrepid @ notorious  2.  In her presentation, she will give a lucid account of her future plan as a member of this organization.  1 loquacious 3 placid  © sluggish ® perspicuous  7. O 7777 e 7 ?  The poverty rate is the percentage of the population  which family income falls below an absolute level. 2 Not surprisingly, any college graduate would rather  enter the labor force in a year of economic expansion  than in a year of economic contraction. 3 It is hard that people pick up a newspaper without  seeing some newly reported statistic about the economy. ® Despite the growth is continued in average income,  the poverty rate has not declined.  ***]  090122  7+7+ 71 F  ? (3-5)  ed to  3. People need to _ _ skills in their jobs in order to  | be competitive and become successful.  abolish 3 diminish  2 accumulate ® isolate  Manhattan has been compelled to expand skyward because of the  of any other direction in which to grow. This, more than any other thing, is responsible for its physical majesty.  8. 01234 7134 az itt ez?  1 With nothing left, she would have to cling to that  which had robbed her. 2 Send her word to have her place cleaning up. 3 Alive, she had been a tradition, a duty, and a care. ® Will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?  1 absence 3 exposure  2 decision @ selection  is using someone else's exact words or ideas in your writing, and not naming the original writer or book, magazine, video, podcast, or website where you found them.  9. 777 X Pe ?  1 An ugly, old, yellow tin bucket stood beside the  stove. 2 It is the most perfect copier ever invented. 3 John was very frightening her. © She thought that he was an utter fool.  1 citation 3 modification  © presentation o plagiarism  of 04(93) A tha || 2/45  *  H  2  Ž  ¥* 7+7  7)  20? (10-11)  People have opportunities to behave in sustainable ways every day when they get dressed, and fashion, when I creating within a broad understanding of sustainability, can sustain people as well as the environment. People have a desire to make 2 socially responsible choices regarding the fashions they purchase. As designers and product developers of fashion, we are challenged to provide responsible choices. We need to stretch the perception of fashion to remain  3 open to the many layers and complexities that exist. The people, processes, and environments that embody fashion are also calling for new sustainable directions. What a fabulous opportunity awaits!  In the early 1980s, a good friend of mine discovered that she was dying of multiple myeloma, an especially dangerous, painful form of cancer. I had lost elderly relatives and family friends to death before this, but I had never lost a personal friend.  I had never watched a relatively young person die slowly and painfully of disease. It took my friend a year to die, and 2 I got into the habit of visiting her every Saturday and taking along the latest chapter of the novel I was working on. This happened to be Clay's Ark. With its story of disease and death, it was thoroughly inappropriate for the situation. But my friend had always read my novels. 3 She insisted that she no longer wanted to read this one as well. I suspect that neither of us believed she would live to read it in its completed form-@although, of course, we didn't talk about this.  Newspapers, journals, magazines, TV and radio, and professional or trade publications provide further information that may help interpret the facts 3 given in the annual report or on developments since the report published.  14. Zo  Z) Z 7171 72 72?  * 29 čast 777? Of xH ēt Iz ? (12–13)  Tropical forests are incredibly rich ecosystems, which provide much of the world's biodiversity. 1 However, even with increased understanding of the value of these areas, excessive destruction continues. There are a few promising signs, however.  Deforestation in many regions is slowing as governments combat this practice with intensive tree planting. Asia, for example, has gained forest in the last decade, primarily due to China's large-scale planting initiatives. 3 One part of this challenge is to allow countries a more equitable share of the revenue from pharmaceutical products originating in the tropical forests. Moreover, the number of reserves designated for conservation of biodiversity is increasing worldwide with particularly strong gains in South America and Asia. Unfortunately, despite these gains, the capacity for humans to destroy forests continues to appear greater than their ability to protect them,  From computers to compact-disc players, railway engines to robots, the origins of today's machines can be traced back to the elaborate mechanical toys that flourished in the eighteenth century. As the first complex machines produced by man, automata represented a proving ground for technology that would later be harnessed in the industrial revolution. But their original uses were rather less utilitarian. Automata were the playthings of royalty, both as a form of entertainment in palaces and courts across Europe and as gifts sent from one ruling family to another. As a source of amusement, the first automata were essentially scaled-down versions of the elaborate mechanical clocks that adorned cathedrals. These clocks provided the inspiration for smaller and increasingly elaborate automata. As these devices became more complicated, their time-keeping function became less important, and automata became first and foremost mechanical amusements in the form of mechanical theaters or moving scenes.  The history of machine has less to do with a  source of amusement. 2 Modern machine has a non-utilitarian origin. 3 Royalty across Europe was interested in toy industry. ® The decline of automata is closely associated with  the industrial revolution.  of 04(92) AH || 3/4  15. Z  4877 7777 oužlötzl on z ze?  To speak of the aim of scientific activity may perhaps sound a little (A) _; for clearly, different scientists have different aims, and science itself (whatever that may mean) has no aims. I admit all this. And yet it seems that when we speak of science we do feel, more or less clearly, that there is something characteristic of scientific activity; and since scientific activity looks pretty much like a rational activity, and since a rational activity must have some aim, the attempt to describe the aim of science may not be entirely (B)  When Ali graduated, he decided he didn't want to join the ranks of commuters struggling to work every day. He wanted to set up his own online gift-ordering business so that he could work from home. He knew it was a risk but felt he would have at least a fighting chance of success. Initially, he and a college friend planned to start the business together. Ali had the idea and Igor, his friend, had the money to invest in the company. But then just weeks before the launch, Igor dropped a bombshell: he said he no longer wanted to be part of Ali's plans. Despite Ali's attempts to persuade him to hang fire on his decision, Igor said he was no longer prepared to take the risk and was going to beat a retreat before it was too late. However, two weeks later Igor stole a march on Ali by launching his own online gift-ordering company. Ali was shell-shocked by this betrayal, but he soon came out fighting. He took Igor's behaviour as a call to arms and has persuaded a bank to lend him the money he needs. Ali's introduction to the business world has certainly been a baptism of fire, but I'm sure he will be really successful on his own.  (A)  naive  reasonable  (B) futile fruitful  acceptable discarded  chaotic  consistent  18. (¥71) EZ! to 010171 39 IME 7+7+ 22  1 본래 온라인 선물주문 사업은 Ali의 계획이었다. 2 Igor 77 774 I93011 to wp_727. 3 Igor 7 Alių7 OLXT XV 777] 19 70 71  ž] . ® Aliz ole of 0 Igor 01171) Ig Z 771 7.  -( 71) The child that is born today may possibly have the same faculties as if he had been born in the days of Noah; if it be otherwise, we possess no means of determining the difference.  * (A) 87 (B) 01  02  3 771 72 t ze? (16-17)  16. Scientists are working on many other human organs  and tissues. For example, they have successfully generated, or grown, a piece of liver. This is an exciting achievement since people cannot live without a liver. In other laboratories, scientists have created a human jawbone and a lung. While these scientific breakthroughs are very promising, they are also limited. Scientists cannot use cells for a new organ from a very diseased or damaged organ. (A) , many researchers are working on a way to use stem  cells to grow completely new organs. Stem cells are very simple cells in the body that can develop into any kind of complex cells, such as skin cells or blood cells and even heart and liver cells. (B) , stem cells can grow into all different kinds of cells.  (A) That development is entirely under the control of  the influences exerted by the society in which  the child may chance to live. (B) If such society be altogether denied, the faculties  perish, and the child grows up a beast and not a man; if the society be uneducated and coarse, the growth of the faculties is early so stunted as never afterwards to be capable of recovery; if the society be highly cultivated, the child will be cultivated also, and will show, more or less,  through life the fruits of that cultivation. (C) Hence each generation receives the benefit of the  cultivation of that which preceded it. (D) But the equality of the natural faculties at  starting will not prevent a vast difference in their ultimate development.  (A) Specifically Additionally Consequently Accordingly  (B) For example On the other hand  1 (A) – (B) – (D) – (C) 2 (A) – (D) – (B) – (C) 3 (D) – (A) – (B) – (C) ® (D) – (B) – (A) – (C)  In other words  In contrast  04(93) A#  4/4*  *  * Ž  U11 2012  7+7+ z ? (19~20)  It is quite clear that people's view of what English should do has been strongly influenced by what Latin does. For instance, there is (or used to be — it is very infrequently observed in natural speech today) a feeling that an infinitive in English should not be split. What this means is that you should not put anything between the to which marks an infinitive verb and the verb itself: you should say to go boldly and never to boldly go. This 'rule' is based on Latin, where the marker of the infinitive is an ending, and you can no more split it from the rest of the verb than you can split ing from the rest of its verb and say goboldlying for going boldly. English speakers clearly do not feel that to and go belong together  go and -ing. They frequently put words between this kind of to and its verb.  1 less closely than 2 as closely as 3 more loosely than ® as loosely as  A company may be allowed to revalue non-current assets. Where the fair value of non-current assets increases this may be reflected in an adjustment to the value of the assets shown in the statement of financial position. As far as possible, this should reflect the fair value of assets and liabilities. However, the increase in value of a non-current asset does not necessarily represent  for the company. A profit is made or realized only when the asset is sold and the resulting profit is taken through the income statement. Until this event occurs prudence — supported by common sense — requires that the increase in asset value is retained in the balance sheet. Shareholders have the right to any profit on the sale of company assets, SO the shareholders' stake (equity) is increased by the same amount as the increase in asset valuation. A revaluation reserve is created and the balance sheet still balances.  1 the fair value 2 an actual cost 3 an immediate profit 4 the value of a transaction 






2022 서울시 8,9급 생물 문제 정답 (2월) (2022-02-27) 2022 서울시 9급 수학 문제 해설 (2월) (2022-02-27) →2022 서울시 9급 영어 문제 해설 (2월) +14 (2022-02-27) 2022 서울시 9급 의료관계법규 문제 정답 (2월) (2022-02-27) 2022 서울시 9급 임업경영 문제 정답 (2월) (2022-02-27)
댓글수 14
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  1. 2022 법원직 5급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2022.3.5.

    법원직 5급 2022.03.08 조회수 3239
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  5. 2022 서울시 9급 전과목 문제 정답 (2월) - 2022.2.26.

    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 19367
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    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 3567
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    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 1908
  13. 2022 서울시 9급 수학 문제 해설 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 2005
  14. 2022 서울시 9급 영어 문제 해설 (2월) +14

    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 35478
  15. 2022 서울시 9급 의료관계법규 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 1815
  16. 2022 서울시 9급 임업경영 문제 정답 (2월)

    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 1023
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    서울시 9급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 2299
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  24. 2022 서울시 7급 전과목 문제 정답 (2월) - 2022.2.26.

    서울시 7급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 4008
  25. 2022 서울시 7급 약물학 문제 정답 (2월)

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    서울시 7급(2월) 2022.02.27 조회수 664
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  29. 2022 국가직 5급 전과목 문제 정답 - 2022.2.6.

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  34. 2022 변리사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2022.2.19.

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    소방 간부 2022.01.16 조회수 43586
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    소방 간부 2022.01.16 조회수 24307
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    소방 간부 2022.01.16 조회수 6777
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    소방 간부 2022.01.16 조회수 3114
  56. 2022 경찰 승진시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2022.1.8.

    경찰 승진 2022.01.09 조회수 22755
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  62. 2022 해경 간부후보 전과목 문제 정답 - 2021.11.6. +2

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  65. 2022 해경 간부후보 형법 문제 정답 +12

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  67. 2022 경찰 간부후보 전과목 문제 정답 - 2021.10.16.

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