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[장소] 2024년도 제2회 전라남도 지방공무원 임용 필기시험 장소 및 응시자 준수사항 공고

영어정답(2017-09-16 / 153.8KB / 1,330회)

2009 지방직 7급 영어 해설 강수정 (2017-09-16 / 210.9KB / 1,884회)

영 어 B 책형 1 쪽 영 어 문 1. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? The plastic surgeon was a little flustered last year when a 30-something female patient returned to his office, requesting that her breast implants be redone. ① flattered ② bewildered ③ jubilant ④ fostered ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 2 ~ 문 3] 문 2. Isabel’s cancer has been in __________ for several years now - long enough for most people to have trouble remembering the dark period when she was gravely ill. ① recession ② concession ③ remission ④ predicament 문 3. Obama cannot __________ to the Democrats who support him, nor vilify the Republicans who don’t. He must remain a philosophical centrist. ① acquiesce ② favor ③ disconcert ④ pledge ※ 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. [문 4 ~ 문 6] 문 4. ① It is a good product made of glass. ② What annoys me most is that my sons don’t study hard. ③ I thought it uselessly to fight with them. ④ I want to have this letter sent by express mail. 문 5. Advertising shapes our perception of the world ① as surely as architecture shapes our impression of a city. Good, responsible advertising can serve as a positive influence for change, ② while generated profits. Of course, the problem is that ③ the obverse is also true: advertising, like any form of mass communications, can be a force ④ for both ‘good’ and ‘bad’. 문 6. The Vietnamese Communist regime, ①long weakened by regionalism and corruption, can ② barely control the relentless destruction of the country’s forests, which are home to some of the most spectacular wild species in Asia, including the Java rhinoceros, dagger-horned goats, as well as ③ new discovered animals ④ previously unknown to Western science. 문 7. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Violence haunted America in the 1960s, and it stalked grotesquely onto center stage on November 22, 1963. While riding in an open limousine in downtown Dallas, Texas, President Kennedy was shot in the brain by a concealed rifleman and died within seconds. As the stunned nation grieved, the tragedy grew still more unbelievable. The alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was himself shot to death in front of the television cameras by an avenger, Jack Ruby. So bizarre were the events surrounding the two murders that even an elaborate official investigation conducted by Chief Justice Warren could not quiet all doubts and theories about what had really happened. ① The Legend of President Kennedy ② Violence in the 1960s America ③ Violence and the Decline of Justice ④ Mysterious Deaths in Decline 문 8. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? One of the more disingenuous defenses of slavery advanced by political apologists in the South in the years before the American Civil War went like this. Let us admit that chattel slavery is practiced in our region, mainly for economic reasons. But the Negro is well treated by his owner. It is in the economic interests of the slaveholder to treat his slave well. The Negro, being naturally inferior, could not live as well in freedom as he does in slavery, thanks to this benevolent treatment. The ‘free’ laborer in the North does not enjoy this kind of benevolence, the argument continued. He is a slave in all but name, but he is brutally mistreated because that is in the interests of his employer, who is not his owner. ① The author regards political apologists’ defense of slavery as hypocritical. ② Political apologists claimed that slave owners in the South treated the Negro well since they thought they could get even richer by doing so. ③ Political apologists maintained that the Negro, being of a lesser race, would not fare well regardless of whether he lived in freedom or in slavery. ④ In the eyes of political apologists, the laborer in the North faced more inhumane treatment than the Negro in the South did. 영 어 B 책형 2 쪽 ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [문 9 ~ 문 10] When we look at typical educational practices, we would be justified in assuming that the main purpose of education is to ensure that students accumulate knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate for the lives they are likely to lead. But when we look at the writings of the greatest educational thinkers we find that their main concern is rather different from this. If we consider Plato, Rousseau and Dewey, for example, it is clear that the accumulation of knowledge and skills in the sense that seems to exercise our schools almost exclusively, is only a small part of what concerns them. Becoming educated in their view is not being bound by the conventional ideas and beliefs which people commonly grow up to accept. Education, they passionately assert, is about something that __________. Instilling knowledge is obviously not irrelevant to them, but their concerns with it are determined by the much more important question of how one enables a student to become an autonomous thinker, able to see conventional ideas critically. 문 9. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은? ① we acquire through education ② we typically attend to very little in our schools ③ we dogmatically pursue based on our ideology ④ we advocate in order to follow conventional ideas 문 10. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Great educational thinkers believe that conventional educational practices are outdated. ② Great educational thinkers believe that education involves knowledge transmission to students. ③ Great educational thinkers believe that students receive adequate education in school. ④ Great educational thinkers believe that the ultimate goal of education is to help students be critical thinkers. 문 11. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은 것은? A : There’s not a lot of variety in this men’s clothing department. B : I know, but wouldn’t you say that the quality of the clothing they have is extraordinary? A : _______________ ① I’ll say! ② Without question! ③ I couldn’t agree with you more! ④ Like hell they are! ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [문 12 ~ 문 13] In addition to the Moon soil, astronauts gathered two basic types of rocks from the surface of the Moon: basalt and breccia. Basalt is a cooled and hardened volcanic lava common to the Earth. Since basalt is formed under extremely high temperatures, the presence of this type of rock is an indication that the temperature of the Moon was once extremely hot. Breccia, the other kind of rock brought back by the astronauts, was formed during the impact of falling objects on the surface of the Moon. This second type of rock consists of small pieces of rock compressed together by the force of impact. 문 12. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① The Moon Soil ② Astronauts’ Challenge to the Moon ③ Two Types of Rocks of the Moon ④ Volcanic Movements on the Moon 문 13. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ① Astronauts brought two types of the Moon rocks back to the Earth. ② The Moon’s temperature was extremely hot. ③ Basalt is rarely found on the Earth. ④ Some rocks were formed when meteors impacted on the surface of the Moon. 문 14. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? Now, when I say I saw my dead mother, I mean just that. I saw her. She was standing by the dugout, wearing a lavender jacket, holding her pocketbook. She didn’t say a word. She just looked at me. I pushed hard, and I lifted myself halfway off the ground. I looked up. She was gone. Was it a hallucination, a fantasy, a drunken dream, the mixed-up brain on its mixed-up way? As I say, this is what happened. She had been there. I lay on the field for an indeterminate amount of time, then I rose to my feet and I got myself walking. ① illusive ② festive ③ overblown ④ appalling 영 어 B 책형 3 쪽 ※ 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문 15 ~ 문 16] 문 15. Andrew Carnegie is best known today as a philanthropist who, in his later years, devoted much of his attention to the pursuit of world peace. He created and funded thousands of libraries, cultural centers, educational programs and music halls, yet he was the same man that drastically reduced his workers’ wages and crushed their union. Carnegie was unusual in that he championed workers’ rights and publicly supported trade unions. It is often said that he believed in the decency and nobility of the common man. And yet this same man ruthlessly kept his own plant costs low, stating that if one watched costs, the profits would take care of themselves. ① The contradictions of Carnegie ② The biography of Carnegie ③ The contributions of Carnegie ④ The social benefits by Carnegie 문 16. It is hardly a coincidence that coffee and tea caught on in Europe just as the first factories were ushering in the industrial revolution. The widespread use of caffeinated drinks -replacing ubiquitous beers -facilitated the great transformation of human economic endeavor from the farm to the factory. Boiling water to make coffee and tea helped decrease the incidence of disease among workers in crowded cities. And the caffeine in their systems kept them from falling asleep over the machinery. In a sense, caffeine is the drug that made the modern world possible. ① Pros and cons of caffeinated drinks ② Caffeine and the advent of the modern world ③ Origins and spread of coffee and tea ④ Ubiquitous caffeinated drinks for workers 문 17. 다음 대화 중 어색한 것은? ① A : I recommend Mr. Lee. B : I agree. He will be the right person for the position. ② A : I am wondering if you have decided on our offer of the position in New York. Can we talk about that this afternoon? B : I haven’t decided anything yet. I need some more time to consider. ③ A : I heard that new medicine is very good for cancer. B : We can’t be sure about that until we receive the findings of the committee. ④ A : Do you know this is private property and you’re trespassing? B : Sure. The best way to reach the property is to get the left entrance. ※ 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것을 고르시오. [문 18 ~ 문 20] 문 18. 유년기를 회상해보면 나를 끊임없이 괴롭혔던 근본적인 문제가 금방 생각난다. ① I need not brood over my own childhood if recognizing these fundamental questions gnawing at my soul. ② I need not brood my own childhood and recognize these fundamental questions gnawing at my soul. ③ It does not take long before I came to recognize these fundamental questions gnawing at my soul during my childhood. ④ It does not take long before I look back upon my own childhood and recognize these fundamental questions gnawing at my soul. 문 19. 여러분의 농장이 번창하고 깨끗한 물이 흐르도록 함께 일할 것을 맹세합니다. ① We pledge to work along with you for making your farms flourish and let clean water flow. ② We promise with you to work to make your farms flourish and to let clean water flow. ③ We give a pledge to work with you to make your farms flourish and clean water flows. ④ We pledge to work along with you to make your farms flourish and let clean water flow. 문 20. 한국 이주민 지원 센터는 한국에 살고 있는 이주노동자와 외국인들이 한국사회에 잘 적응할 수 있도록 직업교육과정과 더불어 한국의 언어 및 문화 교실을 운영하고 있다. ① The Korea Migrants’ Center provides migrant workers and foreign nationals living in Korea with Korean language and culture classes as well as job training courses to help their smooth adjustment to Korean society. ② The Korea Migrants’ Center operates Korean language and culture classes in accordance with job training courses to help migrant workers and foreigners in Korea to adapt themselves to Korean society. ③ The Korea Migrants’ Center manages migrant workers and foreign nationals so that they can be integrated into Korean society with Korean language and culture classes as well as job training courses. ④ The Korea Migrants’ Center handles Korean language and culture classes as well as job education processes in order for migrant workers and foreigners in Korea to rightly accommodate Korean society.






2009 지방직 7급 약전학 문제 정답 (2021-04-03) 2009 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답 (2021-04-03) →2009 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +2 (2017-09-16) 2009 지방직 7급 응용역학 문제 정답 (2021-03-19) 2009 지방직 7급 재배학 문제 정답 (2021-03-19)
댓글수 2
정렬  > 
  1. 2009 지방직 7급 건축시공학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 155
  2. 2009 지방직 7급 경제학 문제 해설

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1780
  3. 2009 지방직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +4

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3330
  4. 2009 지방직 7급 국제경제학 문제 해설

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 165
  5. 2009 지방직 7급 국제법 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 295
  6. 2009 지방직 7급 무역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 51
  7. 2009 지방직 7급 보건행정학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 300
  8. 2009 지방직 7급 생물학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 251
  9. 2009 지방직 7급 수리수문학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 454
  10. 2009 지방직 7급 수의병리학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 34
  11. 2009 지방직 7급 수의보건학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 124
  12. 2009 지방직 7급 수의전염병학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 65
  13. 2009 지방직 7급 약전학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 73
  14. 2009 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 92
  15. 2009 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3554
  16. 2009 지방직 7급 응용역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 432
  17. 2009 지방직 7급 재배학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 276
  18. 2009 지방직 7급 토양학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 262
  19. 2009 지방직 7급 토질역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 609
  20. 2009 지방직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +5

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3726
  21. 2009 지방직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2809
  22. 2009 지방직 7급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2460
  23. 2009 지방직 7급 헌법 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2211
  24. 2009 지방직 7급 화학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 417
  25. 2009 지방직 9급 전과목 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 3598
  26. 2009 지방직 9급 가축사양 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 300
  27. 2009 지방직 9급 가축육종 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 271
  28. 2009 지방직 9급 간호관리 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 351
  29. 2009 지방직 9급 건축계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 160
  30. 2009 지방직 9급 건축구조 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 130
  31. 2009 지방직 9급 공업화학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 386
  32. 2009 지방직 9급 공중보건 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 938
  33. 2009 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +6

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 7474
  34. 2009 지방직 9급 기계설계 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.10.29 조회수 1356
  35. 2009 지방직 9급 기계일반 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 394
  36. 2009 지방직 9급 도시계획개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 221
  37. 2009 지방직 9급 무선공학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 183
  38. 2009 지방직 9급 보건행정 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 526
  39. 2009 지방직 9급 사회복지학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 548
  40. 2009 지방직 9급 산림보호 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 74
  41. 2009 지방직 9급 세법개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 117
  42. 2009 지방직 9급 수산경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 302
  43. 2009 지방직 9급 수산일반 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 283
  44. 2009 지방직 9급 식용작물 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 246
  45. 2009 지방직 9급 식품위생 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 147
  46. 2009 지방직 9급 식품화학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 140
  47. 2009 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 7480
  48. 2009 지방직 9급 응용역학 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2237
  49. 2009 지방직 9급 임업경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 95
  50. 2009 지방직 9급 자료조직개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 230
  51. 2009 지방직 9급 재배학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 356
  52. 2009 지방직 9급 전기기기 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 694
  53. 2009 지방직 9급 전기이론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 736
  54. 2009 지방직 9급 전자공학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 522
  55. 2009 지방직 9급 정보봉사개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 191
  56. 2009 지방직 9급 조경학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 534
  57. 2009 지방직 9급 조림 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 116
  58. 2009 지방직 9급 지역사회간호 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 333
  59. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 전과목 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 106
  60. 2009 지방직 9급 지적전산학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 371
  61. 2009 지방직 9급 지적측량 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 433
  62. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 물리학 문제 해설 +3

    지방직 9급(경력) 2017.11.12 조회수 1882
  63. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 건축계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 112
  64. 2009 지방직 9급 컴퓨터일반 문제 정답 +9

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 545
  65. 2009 지방직 9급 토목설계 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1192
  66. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 건축구조 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 94
  67. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 식용작물 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 155
  68. 2009 지방직 9급 토지이용계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 456
  69. 2009 지방직 9급 통신이론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 496
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