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영어A책형정답(2017-09-16 / 170.6KB / 2,005회)

영어C책형정답(2017-09-16 / 170.9KB / 987회)

2009 지방직 9급 영어 해설 강수정 (2017-09-16 / 310.7KB / 3,622회)

2009 지방직 9급 영어 해설 안성호 (2017-09-16 / 201.9KB / 1,838회)

영 어 A 책형 1 쪽 영 어 문 1. 다음 중 의미상 서로 어울리지 않은 표현끼리 짝지어진 것은? ① generous-benefactors ② luxuriant-hair ③ complimentary-gift ④ stationery-troops 문 2. 다음 중 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? The latest move to stave off a recession saw another reduction in the interest rates last night-the second cut in only eight days. The Central Bank also indicated that further cuts could be enforced. ① improve ② prevent ③ treat ④ recover from 문 3. 다음 중 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? The Acme Construction Company is having problems. They have been working on a new office building for the last seven months, and everything seems to be going wrong. Earlier, they stopped work on a smaller structure that they had been building so they could take on this job. Now both projects are in jeopardy. ① finish ② share ③ evaluate ④ undertake 문 4. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? Officials at the National Institute of Health say that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) is spreading and all children under five are at stake. ① safe ② at risk ③ free ④ immune 문 5. 어법상 괄호 안에 들어갈 적절한 표현은? Richard Wagner had the emotional stability of a ( ) child. ① ten-year-old's ② ten-year-olds ③ ten-years-old ④ ten-year-old 문 6. 어법상 밑줄 친 곳에 가장 적절한 것은? Our failure to provide full security to the American people has shaken the nation devastated by this terrible carnage and has stunned the whole world. It is high time that we our foreign policy in the Middle East. ① have reviewed ② review ③ reviewed ④ are reviewed 문 7. 다음 주어진 문장에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? A Brazilian woman who has lived in the United States for many years was explaining why it was difficult for her parents and sister to come to visit her in the United States. (가) "What happens if Congress disagrees with the President?" her American friend asked. "Oh", she replied, "the President can just tell the Congress to take a vacation, and then he can go on and pass new laws or do whatever he wants." (나) When they return, they can get their money back, but no interest is paid on it. This was the decision of the Minister of Finance and the President, she said, and the Congress was not even consulted. (다) Because the government wishes to discourage people from traveling abroad and spending their money in other countries, the Minister of Finance decided to require Brazilian tourists to deposit $1,200 in a special account before leaving the country. ① (가), (나), (다) ② (나), (가), (다) ③ (다), (나), (가) ④ (가), (다), (나) 문 8. 다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? Mary is six years old. She loves her grandmother a lot. Whenever she comes to visit her, she meets her at the port. One day she was taken to the port to see her grandmother off. When she got on the ship, Mary began to cry. She said to her mother, "Why does Grandmother live in the ocean and not on the ground like everybody else?" ① sad ② disappointed ③ anxious ④ humorous 영 어 A 책형 2 쪽 문 9. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는? Emily is a writer and is always writing things down. Even when she can't find paper, she scrambles to find envelopes, napkins, anything she can use to write down her thoughts. She does this because she is both realistic and disciplined enough to know humans run across too many ideas to remember all of them or even most of them. Good ideas come floating into our heads and will easily float out. Writers acknowledge they carry around a notebook so that the best of those ideas can make it to paper. You don't have to be a writer, however, to have good ideas floating through you. Keep a notebook and pen and you will be able to hold onto those floating thoughts. ① neat ② handy ③ fancy ④ remote 문 10. 다음 글의 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은? Rosa Lopez was a maid working quietly and anonymously until she became a key witness in the O. J. Simpson trial. Suddenly, she was the focus of intense scrutiny. Lopez cameras and reporters everywhere she went. Her every move was analyzed. She eventually returned to her native country to escape the pressure, only to find that the media followed her there. ① followed ② was hounded by ③ enjoyed treating ④ liked being interviewed by 문 11. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? At one moment the word 'diplomacy' is employed as a synonym for 'foreign policy', as when we say 'British diplomacy in the Near East has been lacking in vigour'. At another moment it signifies 'negotiation', as when we say 'the problem is one which might well be solved by diplomacy'. More specifically, the word denotes the processes and machinery by which such negotiation is carried out. A fourth meaning is that of a branch of the Foreign Service, as when one says 'my nephew is working for diplomacy'. ① The importance of diplomacy ② Branches of politics ③ Diplomatic methods ④ Different interpretations of the word 'diplomacy' 문 12. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 괄호에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는? A helicopter piloted by a woman lifted a ( ) from a rooftop of La Sante Prison in Paris on Monday and flew him out. The escaped one was identified as Michel Vaujour, 34, who was found guilty of armed robbery last year. He was serving an 18-year sentence and this was his fourth escape from prison. According to police, the helicopter flew into the prison at about 10:45 A.M. and hovered over a prison building. Two people were aboard the aircraft. They dropped a line to Vaujour and then flew away. ① janitor ② policeman ③ prisoner ④ flight 문 13. 다음 글의 종류로 가장 적절한 것은? In one of the most widespread man-made disasters the region has known, smoke from the fires has blanketed a broad swath of Southeast Asia this month. Flights have been canceled around the region, the busy shipping lanes of the Strait of Malacca have been disrupted by low visibility, and millions of people are coughing and wheezing. It is impossible to say how many people have been made sick by the smoke. The fires are mostly intentionally set. Hundreds of Indonesian and Malaysian companies - mostly large agricultural concerns, and some with high-placed Government connections - are using fire as a cheap and illegal means of land-clearing. ① 신문기사 ② 문학비평 ③ 기행문 ④ 관광안내 문 14. 지문의 내용으로 보아 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는? A survey reveals that most adults consider themselves "well informed about the affairs of the nation and the world." Yet a regularly taken Roper poll that asks, "From where do you obtain most of your information about the world?" has found the percentage of people who reply, "Television" has been increasing steadily over the past decade. The latest questionnaire found that well over 60 percent of the respondents chose television over other media as their major source of information. These two facts are difficult to ________ since even a casual study of television news reveals it is only a headline service and not a source of information enabling one to shape a world view. ① reconcile ② confirm ③ demonstrate ④ discern 영 어 A 책형 3 쪽 문 15. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? ① 나는 그에게 충고 한 마디를 했다. → I gave him an advice. ② 많은 아버지의 친구들이 그 모임에 왔다. → Many father's friends came to the meeting. ③ 나는 나 혼자서 사업을 운영하겠다고 주장하였다. → I insisted to run my business alone. ④ 밥은 쓸데없는 일에 돈을 낭비한 것을 후회한다. → Bob regrets wasting his money on useless things. 문 16. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은? ① 우리는 통금시간을 청소년을 괴롭히는 또 다른 방식으로 보지 않는다. → We don't look at the curfew as another way to hassle juveniles. ② 불법 이민자 수가 이백만 명에서 천만 명에 이를 것이라고 추산되고 있다. → Estimates of illegal immigrants range from two million to ten million. ③ 우리는 더 많은 지식을 얻음으로써 의심을 없앨 수 있다. → We can rid ourselves of our suspiciousness only by procuring more knowledge. ④ 여기에 서명하세요, 그렇지 않으면 법적 효과가 없대요. → Please sign here, in case it is not valid. 문 17. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적합한 것은? Many women have prolonged difficulties achieving good sleep. As mothers, students, caretakers, and professionals, many of us lead hectic lives, filled with both obvious and subtle stressors that are on our minds as we attempt to settle into sleep. The sheer numbers of over-the-counter and prescription sleep aids give you an idea of how widespread insomnia is today. But the problem with these sleep aids is that even though they induce drowsiness, they do not promote real sleep - deep, lasting, and refreshing. And some of these agents, if taken over the course of months may lead to dependency or stop working altogether. Don't be surprised if your physician is not inclined to prescribe them. ① Women, as opposed to men, suffer from insomnia. ② There are many different kinds of pills for insomnia, but their safety isn't guaranteed. ③ Many women suffer from insomnia, but they need prescription to purchase sleep aids that help alleviate their symptom. ④ Many women suffer from insomnia, but doctors will never prescribe sleep aids for them. 문 18. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Please examine your shipment upon receipt. Any damage or inconsistencies with the materials ordered or invoiced must be reported within ten days. Any billing errors should be reported as soon as possible by calling toll-free 1-800-848-9500. ① 상품 하자(瑕疵) 신고 ② 반품(返品) ③ 상품 광고 ④ 상품 주문 안내 문 19. 다음 중 의미하는 바가 나머지 셋과 다른 것은? ① You said it. ② I'm all for it. ③ Over my dead body. ④ I couldn't agree with you more. 문 20. 다음 대화의 흐름으로 보아 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적절한 표현은? A : I got my paycheck today, and I didn't get the raise I expected to get. B : There is probably a good reason. C : You should right away and talk to the boss about it. A : I don't know. He might still be mad about the finance report last week. ① take the bull by the horns ② let sleeping dogs lie ③ give him the cold shoulder ④ throw in the towel 






2009 지방직 9급 식품위생 문제 정답 (2021-03-07) 2009 지방직 9급 식품화학개론 문제 정답 (2021-03-07) →2009 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2 (2017-09-16) 2009 지방직 9급 응용역학 문제 해설 (2017-09-16) 2009 지방직 9급 임업경영 문제 정답 (2021-03-07)
댓글수 2
정렬  > 
  1. 2009 지방직 7급 건축시공학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 155
  2. 2009 지방직 7급 경제학 문제 해설

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 1779
  3. 2009 지방직 7급 국어 문제 해설 +4

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3327
  4. 2009 지방직 7급 국제경제학 문제 해설

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 165
  5. 2009 지방직 7급 국제법 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 295
  6. 2009 지방직 7급 무역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 51
  7. 2009 지방직 7급 보건행정학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 299
  8. 2009 지방직 7급 생물학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 251
  9. 2009 지방직 7급 수리수문학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 454
  10. 2009 지방직 7급 수의병리학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 34
  11. 2009 지방직 7급 수의보건학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 123
  12. 2009 지방직 7급 수의전염병학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 65
  13. 2009 지방직 7급 약전학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 73
  14. 2009 지방직 7급 약제학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.04.03 조회수 92
  15. 2009 지방직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3553
  16. 2009 지방직 7급 응용역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 432
  17. 2009 지방직 7급 재배학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 276
  18. 2009 지방직 7급 토양학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 262
  19. 2009 지방직 7급 토질역학 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 609
  20. 2009 지방직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +5

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 3723
  21. 2009 지방직 7급 행정법 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2806
  22. 2009 지방직 7급 행정학 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2458
  23. 2009 지방직 7급 헌법 문제 해설 +1

    지방직 7급 2017.09.16 조회수 2209
  24. 2009 지방직 7급 화학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 7급 2021.03.19 조회수 417
  25. 2009 지방직 9급 전과목 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 3591
  26. 2009 지방직 9급 가축사양 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 299
  27. 2009 지방직 9급 가축육종 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 271
  28. 2009 지방직 9급 간호관리 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 350
  29. 2009 지방직 9급 건축계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 160
  30. 2009 지방직 9급 건축구조 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 130
  31. 2009 지방직 9급 공업화학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 386
  32. 2009 지방직 9급 공중보건 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 937
  33. 2009 지방직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +6

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 7470
  34. 2009 지방직 9급 기계설계 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.10.29 조회수 1356
  35. 2009 지방직 9급 기계일반 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 393
  36. 2009 지방직 9급 도시계획개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 221
  37. 2009 지방직 9급 무선공학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 183
  38. 2009 지방직 9급 보건행정 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 526
  39. 2009 지방직 9급 사회복지학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 547
  40. 2009 지방직 9급 산림보호 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 74
  41. 2009 지방직 9급 세법개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 117
  42. 2009 지방직 9급 수산경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 302
  43. 2009 지방직 9급 수산일반 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 282
  44. 2009 지방직 9급 식용작물 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 245
  45. 2009 지방직 9급 식품위생 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 147
  46. 2009 지방직 9급 식품화학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 140
  47. 2009 지방직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 7476
  48. 2009 지방직 9급 응용역학 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 2237
  49. 2009 지방직 9급 임업경영 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 95
  50. 2009 지방직 9급 자료조직개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 230
  51. 2009 지방직 9급 재배학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 356
  52. 2009 지방직 9급 전기기기 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 694
  53. 2009 지방직 9급 전기이론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 735
  54. 2009 지방직 9급 전자공학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 520
  55. 2009 지방직 9급 정보봉사개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 191
  56. 2009 지방직 9급 조경학 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 534
  57. 2009 지방직 9급 조림 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 114
  58. 2009 지방직 9급 지역사회간호 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 332
  59. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 전과목 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 106
  60. 2009 지방직 9급 지적전산학개론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 371
  61. 2009 지방직 9급 지적측량 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 428
  62. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 물리학 문제 해설 +3

    지방직 9급(경력) 2017.11.12 조회수 1880
  63. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 건축계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 110
  64. 2009 지방직 9급 컴퓨터일반 문제 정답 +9

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 543
  65. 2009 지방직 9급 토목설계 문제 해설

    지방직 9급 2017.09.16 조회수 1191
  66. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 건축구조 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 94
  67. 2009 지방직 9급 경력채용 식용작물 문제 정답

    지방직 9급(경력) 2021.04.03 조회수 154
  68. 2009 지방직 9급 토지이용계획 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 454
  69. 2009 지방직 9급 통신이론 문제 정답

    지방직 9급 2021.03.07 조회수 489
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