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2023 국회직 9급 영어 해설 장필립 (2023-11-13 / 397.8KB / 2,221회)


 2023년도 국회사무처 시행 9급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 - 6 - 영 어 ※ 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가까운 것을 고르시오. [문1. ∼ 문3.] 1. The app is designed to help users regulate their heart rhythms and mental well-being to achieve a state of “coherence,” characterized by reduced stress, increased resilience, and better overall emotional health. ① benevolence ② elasticity ③ suppression ④ promotion ⑤ experience 2. It makes sense to think demand will inevitably rebound briskly, sending Brent and WTI higher in the year to come. ① necessarily ② substantially ③ miraculously ④ utterly ⑤ incredibly 3. The flippancy of the second graders was almost more than the substitute teacher could stand it. ① disrespect ② humourlessness ③ seriousness ④ stipend ⑤ verge 4. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 적절한 것은? Kind neighbors, a fund-raising campaign organized and sponsored by local corporate leaders, _________________ its first benefit event for Kalamazoo Hospital this past Sunday. Held at the Kalamazoo Convention Center, the event drew an energetic crowd of over 800 supporters. ① jump-starts ② will jump-start ③ jump-started ④ was jump-started ⑤ has jump-started ※ 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [문5. ∼ 문6.] 5. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were the period of transition to the modern age of public finance. First in England and the Netherlands and then elsewhere, investors secured protections against arbitrary action by the sovereign. They established legislatures and parliaments, ①in which creditors were represented, to advise and consent to the state’s fiscal policies. ②With checks and balances in place, interest rates came down, and borrowing became easier. Acquisition of these additional fiscal and administrative resources allowed the formation of larger territories, ③leading to the emergence of the modern state system. Public debt played a substantial role in the advent of the nation-state and then, in the nineteenth century, ④followed the Treaty of Vienna, in a declining incidence of interstate conflict. It is no coincidence ⑤that England and the Netherlands, two countries that were early to develop markets in public debt, were in the vanguard of this process. 6. The organic molecules were found in Mars’s Gale Crater, a large area ①that may have been a watery lake over three bil ion years ago. NASA’s nuclear-powered rover Curiosity encountered traces of the molecule in rocks ②extracted from the area. The rocks also contain sulfur, ③which scientists speculate ④helping preserve the organics even when the rocks were exposed to the harsh radiation on the surface of the planet. Scientists are quick to state that the presence of these organic molecules is not sufficient evidence for ancient life on Mars, ⑤as the molecules could have been formed by non-living processes. But it’s still one of the most astonishing discoveries. 2023년도 국회사무처 시행 9급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 - 7 - 7. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Maps are imperfect projections of a three-dimensional globe onto a two-dimensional surface. Similarly, a mapmaker superimposes his own point of view upon the world he is visualizing. What he presents may seemingly appear objective, but it is to a considerable extent a product of his own cultural and political proclivities—and even of his imagination. The cartographer’s projection of the outer world is therefore dependent on his own inner psychological state as his maps are based on an “act of seeing” rather than on “what was seen.” Geographical maps reflect perceptions of space that are socially conditioned, and they are basically mental. They are “mediators” between a person’s inner world and the physical world, and they “construct” the world rather than “reproduce” it. People tend to see what they describe, rather than vice versa. Conceptual categories, such as continents or oceans, emanate from the cartographer’s intellect and are then applied to his maps just as constellations are formulated to provide a systematic vision of the skies. ① 지도 제작은 3차원 입체 형상의 정확한 투사를 요구한다. ② 지도의 종류에 따라 사람들의 공간에 대한 인식이 달라진다. ③ 지도는 제작자의 문화적·정치적 성향과 상상력의 산물이다. ④ 지도 제작자는 지도를 통해 세계를 객관적으로 보여주고자 한다. ⑤ 지도는 제작자가 물리적 세상을 건설한 것이라기보다는 재생산 한 것이다. 8. 글의 흐름상 가장 적절하지 않은 문장은? According to Sigmund Freud, the Id, Ego, and Superego are the three components of personality. He contended that people are born with the Id. ①The Id contains basic human drives like hunger and thirst. It cares for nothing except that its needs are met immediately. It does not even care whether those needs are rational or harmful. ②Therefore, it is closely associated with the reality principle. ③In contrast, the Ego develops as a person grows after birth. The Ego realizes that other people have needs as well. ④It seeks to satisfy the Id’s instinctual needs in realistic ways while simultaneously weighing those of other people. Last to develop is the Superego. The Superego functions as an individual’s conscience. ⑤It distinguishes between what is right and wrong. 9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Leucippus and Democritus taught that everything is composed of elementary objects in constant movement. This proposal did not meet with the approval of Plato or Aristotle, for if everything is made of corpuscles in motion, why are the forms of things so well preserved? The atomic theory could not account for the stability of nature or for the reappearance of organic forms generation after generation. All in all, atoms appeared to be a rather mechanical explication. This certainly did not appeal to those Greek philosophers who envisioned a world of underlying forms and ideals. All in all the Greeks preferred their elements. These were not actual physical substances—such as real fire or real water—but rather, nonmaterial essences out of which the whole world was created. Such ideas persisted in the West for well over 2,000 years, and, with the rise of alchemy, new principles, or elements, were added. The spirit Mercury, for example, is present in all that is volatile. Salt, which is unchanged by fire, represents that which is fixed, while sulfur is the principle of combustion. ① 원자론은 세대가 변해도 불변하는 자연의 안정성을 설명할 수 없었다. ② Democritus는 모든 것은 끊임없이 움직이는 기본 개체로 구성 된다고 가르쳤다. ③ Plato와 Aristotle은 Democritus의 의견에 반대했다. ④ 그리스인들은 소금이 불에 의해서 변질이 되지 않는다고 믿었다. ⑤ 당대의 그리스 철학자들은 세계가 창조된 물질적 본질을 선호했다. 10. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? We really cannot make in the schools adequate preparation for social life, for ①instilling the social point of view into the pupils and furnishing them with a social motive and purpose, ②until the schools themselves are somewhat differently equipped. The social spirit and motive is the product of people living together and doing certain things ③in common, and sharing in each other’s activities and each other’s experiences because they have common ends and purposes. It is because people have something to do which ④is interested to them and holds them all alike, and to the doing of which each makes his own contribution, that people become ⑤permeated with the real social spirit. 2023년도 국회사무처 시행 9급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 - 8 - 11. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? The system in which men have more value and more social and economic power than women is found throughout the history of the world. Women suffer both from structural oppression and from individual men. Too many movements for social justice accept the assumptions of male dominance and ignore the oppression of women, but patriarchy pervades both our political and personal lives. Feminism recognizes that no pattern of domination is necessary and seeks to liberate both women and men from the structures of dominance that characterize patriarchy. ① 역사적으로 동양 여성들은 서양 여성들보다 더 많이 억압받아 왔다. ② 여성에 대한 구조적 억압이 남성 개인들에 의한 억압보다 더욱 심각한 문제이다. ③ 사회적 정의를 추구하는 역사적 운동들도 여성 억압 현상을 경시했다. ④ 가부장제는 개인적 삶보다는 정치적 삶에 더 많이 퍼져 있다. ⑤ 여성주의 운동은 가부장제로부터 여성들을 우선적으로 해방시키려 한다. 12. 밑줄 친 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? Over the past four decades a fundamental shift has been occurring in the world economy. We have been moving away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, (A) each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems. We are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are (B) ; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent, integrated global economic system. The process by which this transformation is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization. (A) (B) ① introduced to - fulfilling ② taking care of - escalating ③ converged with - diminishing ④ winning on - unfaltering ⑤ isolated from - declining 13. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? One of the most discussed causes of de-industrialisation has been the migration of jobs to newly industrialised countries. It has been ①argued that this represents the emergence of a new international division of labour in which the manufacturing functions of the inner areas of older industrial cities ②have been surpassed. This theory is able to ③account for a number of major, worldwide economic developments. These include the de-industrialisation of Western cities, the growth of cities in newly industrialised countries and the growth of global cities as the control and command centres of an interconnected world economy. However, despite this, the explanatory scope of this theory, while not ④to be incorrect, is limited. In relying ⑤so heavily on economic processes it is able to say little about, for example, the social geographies of cities that are clearly related to economic change. This theory is able to offer only one-directional explanations of the relationship between economic change and urbanisation. 14. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 단어로 적절한 것은? Usually you will find that each scene in a fictional narrative film uses an establishing shot; that is a shot that gives the setting in which the scene is to take place and enables the viewer to establish the spatial relationships between characters involved in the scene. But, although this is what might be known as the Hollywood standard and was certainly the expected norm throughout the period of Classical Hollywood, the practice of using an establishing shot has not always been followed by filmmakers. By _____________ an establishing shot the viewer is put in the position of struggling to make sense of the relationship between the characters shown. We are effectively disorientated and this will be part of what the filmmakers are attempting to achieve; as well as perhaps defying the expected filmic norm and thereby challenging any presumption that there are certain correct (and therefore, certain incorrect) ways of making films. ① underestimating ② triggering ③ omitting ④ maintaining ⑤ controlling 2023년도 국회사무처 시행 9급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 - 9 - 15. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? Without language, an individual or a group of individuals would have no way of explaining them to others, or of directing the actions of the participants in enterprises toward the common goal. ① comprehensive ② collaborative ③ meaningless ④ competitive ⑤ harmful 16. 다음 글의 요지로 적절한 것은? The naive listener might assume a life story to be a truthful, factual account of the storyteller’s life. The assumption is that the storyteller has only to penetrate the fog of the past and that once a life is honestly remembered, it can be sincerely recounted. But the more sophisticated listener understands that no matter how sincere the attempt, remembering the past cannot render it as it was, not only because memory is selective but because the life storyteller is a different person now than he or she was ten or thirty years ago; and he or she may not be able to, or even want to, imagine that he or she was different then. The problem of how much a person may change without losing his or her identity is the greatest difficulty facing the life storyteller, whose chief concern, after all, is to affirm his or her identity and account for it. So life storytelling is a fiction, a making, an ordered past imposed by a present personality on a disordered life. ① 전기(傳記)를 읽는 독자는 행간의 의미를 정확히 파악해야 한다. ② 수동적인 독자는 전기(傳記)를 사실 그대로의 기록으로 받아들인다. ③ 정확한 기억력과 변하지 않는 인격이 전기(傳記) 작가에게 요구된다. ④ 전기(傳記)는 무결(無缺)하지 않은 작가에 의해서 기록된 일종의 픽션이다. ⑤ 올바르게 전기(傳記)를 이해하기 위해서는 독자의 적극적인 역할이 중요하다. ※ 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [문17. ∼ 문18.] 17. The problems which have preoccupied recent social anthropology are rather different to those which interested Herodotus and Tacitus. They were first formulated during the Enlightenment. Theories which attempt to resolve these problems were established at the same time. Until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, European kings had been believed to rule by Divine Right, and human society was supposed to reproduce, on a lower scale, the Divine society of Heaven. These assumptions were questioned during the Enlightenment. Once people considered themselves free to decide for themselves __________________________ according to natural rather than divine law it became possible to ask both how actual societies might be improved, and how present societies had diverged from the natural, or original human condition. Both the European past and more exotic but living, human societies were seen as sources of information that could help answer these questions. ① the truth of the assumptions underlying these social problems ② what was, or was not, proper social behaviour ③ the socialistic kind of governmental forms ④ the conflicts between citizens and kings ⑤ how society was to be degenerated 18. Hunting big game would have likely been a dangerous activity in early times, especially before the invention of throwing spears about half a million years ago. Prior to this, hunting even small and medium-size game likely depended on thrusting spears (i.e., held in the hands while thrusting into the animal). Some have suggested that hunting may have occurred by chasing animals until they died from exhaustion. This technique is called persistence hunting and essentially means that a small group of people would simply chase a selected animal, perhaps for days, until the animal died from exhaustion. This makes sense to some since, while most game animals are quite quick over short distances, they usually cannot maintain the quickness over long distances. Bipedalism in humans, on the other hand, leads to __________________. People may not be as quick as some animals over short distances, but they can outlast them over long distances. ① energy exhaustion ② comparative disadvantage ③ extended endurance ④ teamed play ⑤ delayed attack 2023년도 국회사무처 시행 9급 공개경쟁채용시험 영 어 - 10 - 19. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? Weather forecasts, market reports, cost-of-living indexes, and the results of public opinion polls are good examples. Statistical methods are employed extensively in the preparation of such reports. Reports that are based on sound statistical reasoning and the careful interpretation of conclusions are truly informative. Frequently, however, the deliberate or inadvertent misuse of statistics leads to erroneous conclusions and distortions of truth. For the general public, the basic consumers of these reports, some idea of statistical reasoning is essential to properly interpret the data and evaluate the conclusions that are drawn. Statistical reasoning provides criteria for determining the conclusions that are actually supported by data and those that are not. ① 통계학적 방법은 소비자 물가 지수와 여론 조사 결과 등에서 광범위하게 활용된다. ② 통계 리포트의 기본 소비자는 일반 대중이다. ③ 타당한 통계학적 추론에 근거한 리포트들은 유용하다. ④ 통계학적 추론은 통계 자료 해석의 기준을 제공해 준다. ⑤ 정확한 통계 자료는 실수에 의해서만 잘못된 결론으로 이어진다. 20. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 단어로 적절한 것은 ? Text representations must be built up sequentially. It is not possible psychologically to construct and integrate a text representation for a whole book chapter or a whole lecture. The chapter and the lecture have to be processed word by word and sentence by sentence. As each text segment is processed, it is immediately integrated with the rest of the text that is currently being held in working memory. The immediate processing hypothesis generally holds, at least for lower-level processes in comprehension. Occasionally, however, readers use __________ strategies when dealing with potentially ambiguous syntactic constructions or they continue reading when constructing a situation model when they do not understand something, in the hope that the succeeding text will clarify their problem. But in general information in a text is processed as soon as possible. In the model this means that as each text element is processed and a new proposition is added to the text representation, it is immediately integrated with the text representation. ① social ② delay ③ clarification ④ retrospection ⑤ compensation






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