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[장소] 2024년도 국가공무원 7급 공개경쟁채용 필기시험 시험장소 예정지 안내


영어정답(2024-01-02 / 211.5KB / 1,130회)


 21 - 1 총 10쪽 40문항입니다. 각 문항의 답을 하나만 고르시오. [1-5] 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻과 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. 1. The cruel dictator abased his people, forcing them to live in poverty and fear. ① degraded ② prosecuted ③ relieved ④ rejuvenated ⑤ sabotaged 2. The writer embellished the story with details that were not true, such as the hero’s bravery and the villain’s evilness. ① refuted ② hoaxed ③ exaggerated ④ added ⑤ invented 3. They moved with a minimum of effort and noise, and knew how to sit, walk and run in the most agile and efficient manner. ① nimble ② invasive ③ fashionable ④ tricky ⑤ dubious 4. One must not soak bran nor grind it, but may put it in a sieve or in a basket. ① flavor ② manipulate ③ bake ④ drench ⑤ snitch 5. Now the fertility of first crosses between species, and of the hybrids produced from them, is largely governed by their systematic affinity. ① management ② kinship ③ coordination ④ communication ⑤ mutation 6. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? A: Did you hear about the latest climate change report? It’s really alarming. B: Yeah, I did. It says that we have less than 10 years to take action to prevent the worst effects of climate change. A: That’s not a lot of time. I’m starting to feel really worried about the future. B: I know. It’s hard to know what to do. A: I think we all need to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint. We can start by making small changes, like driving less, eating less meat, and recycling more. B: Yeah, that’s a good idea. We can also support organizations that are working to fight climate change. A: I’m going to volunteer for a local environmental organization. I think it is important to . B: That’s great. I’m going to make some changes to my lifestyle. I will bike to work more often and eat less meat. A: That’s awesome! It’s important to do what we can, even if it’s just small changes. ① support those who are fighting climate change ② collect scientific evidence for climate change ③ reduce our carbon footprint ④ get involved and make a difference ⑤ make people aware of climate change [7-8] (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 7. Adoption in the United States has become increasingly difficult, es p e cia lly fo r in fan ts . In te rn a tio n a l ad op tion s h av e (A) plummeted / augmented in recent years due to stricter policies in other countries and a Hague Convention treaty designed to encourage domestic adoptions. Domestically, (B) fewer / more young mothers are voluntarily giving up their babies, and private adoption has become a costly waiting game. Fostering to adopt is now a common option, but it can also be a long process due to legal requirements to give birth parents a chance before terminating their rights. Intervention has emerged as a new way for prospective adopters to (C) speed up / slow down the process and have more of a say in whether the birth family should be reunited. (A) (B) (C) ① plummeted …… fewer …… speed up ② plummeted …… more …… speed up ③ augmented …… fewer …… slow down ④ augmented …… more …… slow down ⑤ augmented …… fewer …… speed up 【영 어】 21 - 2 8. The (A) amazing / worrisome thing about spiders is that they bite. A few, such as Black Widows and Brown Recluses, are actually dangerous. In backyards, Black Widows might be found beneath pieces of wood or trash lying on the ground; Brown Recluses are more often found inside homes, especially on floors behind furniture. In other words, unless your backyard is particularly ( B ) clean / trashy , you probably don’t have to worry too much about any really dangerous spiders. M oreover, both of these (C) venomous / innocuous species have striking field marks making them easy to identify. If you acquire a spider field guide, the first thing you need to do is to look up these two species, notice the widow’s “red hour-glass,” and the recluse’s “violin,” and henceforward keep your distance from spiders with those marks. (A) (B) (C) ① amazing …… clean …… innocuous ② amazing …… trashy …… venomous ③ amazing …… clean …… venomous ④ worrisome …… trashy …… venomous ⑤ worrisome …… trashy …… innocuous [9-10] 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. 9. DNA is a natural part of our diet ① being present in foods which either retain or are derived from whole cells (fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.). ② This being the case it would be expected that we would also digest the DNA from GE foods without any health problems. It would therefore appear that the mere presence of genetic material in GE food only poses a danger in certain special cases as, for example, ③ where antibiotic resistance genes persist in a product. However, the main hazards that result from the use of genetic engineering in food production ④ stemming from the fact that genetic engineering brings about combinations of genes that would never occur naturally and, in the case of plants and animals, genetic engineering is an imprecise technology ⑤ resulting in the random incorporation of the new genes into the host DNA. 10. Before some of the greatest explorers in history were born, Vikings ① had already navigated their way around the world. But with no compasses, satellites or radios, how did these tribes of Scandinavians manage ② to map the globe so impressively? The answer is simpler than you might expect― experience. Rather than ③ relying on devices, Viking travellers trusted nature to guide them. They would study the positions of the stars and Sun, and even the colour of the sea and movement of the waves would give them an indication of how close they were to land. Once a journey was complete, sailors would recount their voyage to others who ④ wished to make the same journey. This ancient wisdom would be passed through generations. The only tools Viking sailors needed ⑤ relating to the Sun. For example, a Sun-shadow board would be used at noon to check whether the ship was on course. 11. 다음 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? ① Policy experts have long argued that the coordination costs associated with inter-organizational arrangements often exceed the benefits. ② Educational reforms in history teaching confirm the existence of the vital relation between current social interests and the learning process. ③ At that period, it prevailed in all the schools a most extraordinary reverence for the writings of Aristotle, the preceptor of Alexander the Great. ④ With the interest of people being focused on the event, it seems timely to post my findings about it. ⑤ If we could obtain information regarding all the earth’s surface, we should discover that the earth is almost always undergoing shocks. 12. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것은? ① Records of cranes keeping in captivity by Chinese nobility date back more than two thousand years. ② The food industry spends billions of dollars each year to develop products, packaging, advertising and marketing techniques that entice us to buy more food. ③ When there comes to the effects of global warming on weather trends, there is more agreement among the growing number of meteorologists. ④ Being asked what he was master, he replied that he was simply a “philosopher,” that is, a “lover of wisdom.” ⑤ No matter what well ventilated the nursery may be, all children more than six weeks old need unmodified outside air. 21 - 3 [13-14] 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 13. Humanity is on course to (A) multiple global “tipping points” that could lead to irreversible instability or the complete collapse of ecological and institutional systems, a United Nations report warned Wednesday. The third annual Interconnected Disaster Risks report from the U.N. University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany, found that drastic changes will occur if urgent actions are not taken around six problems when sociological systems are no longer able to (B) risks. The tipping points include several issues that California is confronting head-on―groundwater depletion, rising insurance costs, extreme heat and species extinction. The other threats are melting glaciers and space debris. According to U.N. officials, “when one system tips, other systems may also be pushed over the (C) .” (A) (B) (C) ① traverse …… outreach …… edge ② traverse …… outreach …… center ③ transgress …… buffer …… edge ④ transgress …… outreach …… center ⑤ transmit …… buffer …… edge 14. Now we can begin to understand that we live in proportion as we breathe. The activity of the child is in close relation to the strength of its lungs, and so, too, is the calmness, dignity and power of a man in proportion to the depth and tranquility of his (A) . If the lungs are strong and active, there is courage and boldness. If (B) , there is cowardice and debility. To be out of spirits is to be out of breath. To be animated and joyous is to be full of breath. Breathing is an actual vivifying act, and the need of breath as felt is a real life-hunger and a proof that without the continual charging of the blood-column with the proper force, all the other vital organs would soon (C) and cease action altogether. (A) (B) (C) ① perspiration …… feeble …… endure ② perspiration …… energetic …… endure ③ respiration …… feeble …… stagnate ④ respiration …… energetic …… stagnate ⑤ inspiration …… feeble …… endure [15-16] 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 15. So, how many muscles make up this vast system of tissue, strength and mobility? The human body is a wondrous thing, especially when you consider how intricate and efficient each bodily system is. ( ① ) For instance, an adult’s blood vessels could encircle the earth 2.5 times if connected end to end; the human nose is capable of recognizing more than a trillion different scents; and a human heart beats more than 3 billion times in an average lifespan. ( ② ) But among the most impressive systems of the body are the musculoskeletal system and all its muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons and connective tissue. ( ③ ) This system allows us to move about freely starting with climbing out of bed each morning and then getting to school, work or play, followed by all the countless activities and movements that follow. ( ④ ) It turns out the answer is not as straightforward as one might think, says James Smoliga, DVM, Ph. D. ( ⑤ ) “The numbers vary,” he explains, with some experts saying the body has close to 600 muscles and others saying it may be as many as 840. He says this discrepancy exists because “anatomists have different ways of deciding whether a given muscle is one muscle with multiple parts or if it should be considered multiple distinct muscles.” 16. Kings and queens competed to build the tallest, most magnificent monuments, but this came at a cost―huge amounts of stone were needed to build them, not to mention the costs of labour. In the early days of Ancient Egypt, pharaohs and other wealthy members of society were buried in mastabas. These were flat-roofed, rectangular structures with sloping sides, which helped to protect the grave from scavenging animals and thieves. ( ① ) But during the Third Dynasty, an architect named Imhotep came up with the idea of stacking multiple mastabas on top of each other, creating a much taller structure composed of a number of ‘steps’. ( ② ) This would act as a staircase, allowing the deceased to ascend to the heavens. ( ③ ) The first was called the Pyramid of Djoser, and it was built around 2680 BCE. ( ④ ) Over the next few hundred years, pyramids became the norm for pharaonic burials, and eventually the sides became smooth rather than stepped. ( ⑤ ) Pyramids were also easy targets for gravediggers. By the time of the Seventh Dynasty, it was much more common for pharaohs to be buried in tombs carved deep into the rock. 21 - 4 [17-18] 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 한 것을 고르시오. 17. Hospitals and health systems around the country have been rolling out flavors of “acute hospital care at home” programs as part of a national movement to not only boost the patient experience but to reduce hospital overcrowding and bed shortages, problems that are expected to intensify as more and more baby boomers advance into their senior years. (A) If the answer is yes, and the patient is on board, they are “transferred” home, where they’re met by a professional who sets up everything they need to be monitored on their own turf. (B) This may include a 4G-enabled tablet for video visits with a virtual care team accessible 24/7 at the push of a button; a phone that immediately connects to that team; a wearable device that continually tracks their vital signs; a blood pressure cuff; a pulse oximeter; an emergency alert necklace; and so on. (C) Exactly how a program works can vary from hospital to hospital and state to state, based on regulatory issues. But generally, a patient lands in the ER or other inpatient unit and is screened to see if they’d be a good fit. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 18. According to Family Voices, an advocacy group, more than 12 million children in the United States have some medical problem, from asthma to cerebral palsy. (A) But they receive little recognition and few supports. While the president has tipped his rhetorical hat to family caregivers, proposed legislation to help ease some of the burden still languishes in Congress, and no one expects any relief soon. (B) In many instances, a family member is the primary caregiver. This is a national issue. More than 25 million Americans are family caregivers taking care of spouses and parents as well as children. (C) The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services counts about 4 million children with special needs, including 2 million with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. Who takes care of all these children? ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) [19-20] 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르시오. 19. The Black Death spread throughout Europe in the 14th century, killing an estimated 50 million people. It changed society for ever. ① One of these changes, it’s been argued, was the breakdown of the feudal system. ② As the number of peasants dwindled, there were fewer people to work the land―the main source of wealth and power for the lords, and the foundation of the feudal system. ③ Nevertheless the feudal system serves as an analogy for the imbalanced structure of Medieval society. ④ Those who survived the deadly disease seized their chance to get richer―from lands left by the dead and by demanding higher wages in return for labour. ⑤ More money meant the lower classes could afford to dress like their social superiors and a law was passed in 1363 in a bid to stop this trend. The law put restrictions on the clothes and diets of people at every level of society, but it was impossible to enforce and it’s been suggested that this led to the emergence of a middle class. 20. The distinction between natural science and history begins at the point where we seek to convert facts into knowledge. ① Here we observe that the one seeks to formulate laws, the other to portray events. In the one case thought proceeds from the description of particulars to the general relations. ② In the other case it clings to a genial depiction of the individual object or event. For the natural scientist the object of investigation which cannot be repeated never has, as such, value. ③ It serves his purpose only so far as it may be regarded as a type or as a special instance of a class from which the type may be deduced. The natural scientist considers the single case only so far as he can see in it the features which serve to throw light upon a general law. ④ On the other hand, a historian should find the single exact cause which brought about a historical event. For the historian the problem is to revive and call up into the present, in all its particularity, an event in the past. ⑤ His aim is to do for an actual event precisely what the artist seeks to do for the object of his imagination. It is just here that we discern the kinship between history and art, between the historian and the writer of literature. It is for this reason that natural science emphasized the abstract; the historian, on the other hand, is interested mainly in the concrete. 21 - 5 [21-26] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 21. Though Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz and the Sanderson sisters in Hocus Pocus had colorful wardrobes, the base of the standard witch costume is typically a black dress, cloak or robe. “Historically, healing women and others who would later be called witches would wear what everyone else in their village community did―homemade clothes that were made to be functional,” says Katherine Walker, an assistant professor of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “In the medieval period and beyond, these clothes would feature cloaks or hoods. So it’s very likely that, in terms of dress, witches at first were not .” It didn’t take long, however, for these garments to be affiliated with witches. “The connection with a black dress in particular is probably the result of the association of the color black with the devil and ‘black magic’ throughout the Renaissance,” Walker explains. ① visually distinct from their neighbors ② susceptible to their neighbors’ criticism ③ meant to be harmful to their neighbors ④ considered as frugal as their neighbors ⑤ identical with their neighbors in costumes 22. Only in the twentieth century did non-European cultures adopt a truly global vision. This was one of the crucial factors that led to the collapse of European hegemony. Thus in the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62), Algerian guerrillas defeated a French army with an overwhelming numerical, technological and economic advantage. The Algerians prevailed because they were supported by a global anti-colonial network, and because they worked out how to harness the world’s media to their cause―as well as public opinion in France itself. The defeat that little North Vietnam inflicted on the American colossus was based on a similar strategy. These guerilla forces showed that even superpowers could be defeated if . ① their strategy was exposed to the enemy ② no lessons were learned from previous invasions ③ they didn’t have a well-trained, elite unit ④ they engaged the adversary in fierce combat ⑤ a local struggle became a global cause 23. When you’re inside the walls of high tech, whether for an interview or for a temporary work assignment, there’s one thing you should keep in mind. You’ll be judged largely on your attitude. High-tech people like others who are enthusiastic and show it. If that sounds corny, sorry, but it’s true. A positive attitude, a smile, a sense of humor―these can do wonders for you when you come in. When you’re interviewing for a position, you’ll not only see the hiring manager, you’ll be interviewed by three to six others, usually people who would be your future associates if you get the job. Each of these people is going to judge you mainly by something called “fit.” Yes, you have to be smart, demonstrate that you understand the job and can perform it. But you can do all that and still strike out on the question of “fit.” Your attitude and demeanor during the interviews will, it’s hoped, settle the question of . ① how well you’ll perform in your future job ② how politely you’ll respond to your supervisors ③ how humorous you are in the workplace ④ how enthusiastic you are towards demanding tasks ⑤ how well you’ll fit into the group 24. We have a tendency to imagine that life can not exist under conditions other than terrestrial, and that the other worlds can only be inhabited on the condition of being similar to our own. But terrestrial nature itself demonstrates to us the error of this way of thinking. We die in the water: fishes die out of the water. Again, short-sighted naturalists affirm categorically that life is impossible at the bottom of the sea: first, because it is in complete darkness; second, because the terrible pressure would burst any organism; third, because all motion would be impossible there, and so on. There is no light in these depths: they make it with their own phosphorescence. Other inquirers visit subterranean caverns, and discover animals and plants whose organs have been transformed by . ① enormous pressure of water ② adaptation to their gloomy environment ③ interbreeding tendencies across different species ④ natural inclination of marine lives ⑤ sudden environmental changes 21 - 6 25. What Ptolemy saw in the movements of the stars led him to the conclusion that they were bright points attached to the inside of a tremendous globe. The movements of this globe were only compatible with the supposition that the earth occupied its center. The obvious fact that the sun, the moon, and the stars rose day by day, moved across the sky in a glorious never-ending procession, and duly set when their appointed courses had been run, demanded some explanation. The circumstance that the fixed stars preserved their mutual distances from year to year, and from age to age, appeared to Ptolemy to prove that the sphere which contained those stars, and on whose surface they were believed by him to be fixed, revolved completely around the earth once every day. He would thus account for all the phenomena of rising and setting consistently with the supposition that . ① the constellation of stars affects our globe ② our globe was stationary ③ the sun is the center of the universe ④ our globe revolves around the sun ⑤ our globe was dynamic 26. Perhaps the most serious obstacle impeding the evolution of a land ethic is the fact that our educational and economic system is headed away from, rather than toward, an intense consciousness of land. People today are separated from the land by many middlemen, and by innumerable physical gadgets. They have no vital relation to it; to them it is the space between cities on which crops grow. Turn them loose for a day on the land, and if the spot does not happen to be a golf links or a ‘scenic’ area, they are bored stiff. If crops could be raised by hydroponics (water culture) instead of farming, it would suit them very well. Synthetic substitutes for wood, leather, wool, and other natural land products suit them better than the originals. In short, land is . ① the model they aspire to copy ② something they have outgrown ③ the spot for their organic products ④ something profitable to them in any case ⑤ what they cultivate with the assistance of mediators 27. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? It is difficult to find an issue that more exemplifies the dysfunction of American government today than immigration. In the past year, more than a million people have entered the United States through the southern border, overflowing shelters and straining public services. Most of the newcomers claim asylum, a status that allows them to be in the country legally but leaves them in limbo. They often must wait years for their cases to be heard, and it can be a lengthy process to obtain legal permission to work. This nation has long drawn strength from immigration, and providing asylum is an important expression of America’s national values. But Congress has failed to provide the necessary resources to welcome those who are eligible and to turn away those who are not. Instead, overwhelmed immigration officials allow nearly everyone to stay temporarily, imposing enormous short-term costs on states and cities that the federal government hasn’t done enough to mitigate. ① how hard new immigrants obtain a new citizenship ② why so many immigrants cross the southern border ③ who should be blamed for the recent immigration problems ④ what makes asylum processes so difficult and lengthy ⑤ why US government becomes unwelcome to immigrants 28. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? Ozone molecules are constantly being destroyed by natural compounds containing nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine. The nitrogen comes from soils and the ocean, the hydrogen comes mostly from atmospheric water vapor, and the chlorine comes from the oceans. Ozone is also continuously being destroyed when it absorbs ultraviolet light. This process produces atomic oxygen (O) that reacts with molecular oxygen (O2) to form another ozone molecule (O3). With creative and destructive forces balanced, the average amount of ozone in the stratosphere since Earth’s current atmosphere developed is believed to have remained fairly constant. The scientific and public policy issue now surrounding stratospheric ozone arises as a result of concern that ozone destruction resulting from releases of chlorofluorocarbons and halons may be upsetting the natural balance. ① The nitrogen and the hydrogen come from the same sources. ② Ultraviolet light has nothing to do with the amount of ozone. ③ Ozone is produced by the reactions of atomic oxygen. ④ Creative forces are greater than destructive ones, making the amount of ozone constant. ⑤ The breakdown of the natural balance of ozone is a great concern. 21 - 7 29. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? Poor listeners are inexperienced in hearing difficult, expository material. Good listeners apparently develop an appetite for hearing a variety of presentations difficult enough to challenge their mental capacities. Perhaps the one word that best describes the bad listener is “inexperienced.” Although he spends 40 percent of his communication day listening to something, he is inexperienced in hearing anything tough, technical, or expository. He has for years painstakingly sought light, recreational material. The problem he creates is deeply significant, because such a person is a poor producer in factory, office, or classroom. Inexperience is not easily or quickly overcome. However, knowledge of our own weakness may lead us to repair it. We need never become too old to meet new challenges. ① How to Use Light Listening Material ② What Inexperienced Listeners Should Do ③ Pleasure of Being a Good Listener ④ Don’t Reveal the Weak Points of Your Listening ⑤ Time Needed to Be a Good Listener 30. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Most rockets are made up of several stages, which are detached, as the craft travels into space. The largest, most expensive part of the rocket is the first stage, that might account for some 80% of the launch price. So far, the expensive rocket stages have been dumped into the ocean after one mission, making aerospace activities so expensive that space tourism has been impossible. But now, engineers have allowed the rockets to steer safely down the atmosphere and land on a platform to be reused. One of them is the New Shepard rocket that will fly into space and detach a manned capsule. The six paying tourists will experience four minutes in a state of weightlessness and see Earth’s bend, before the capsule will once again head towards Earth carried by parachutes. The rocket’s first stage will slow down shortly before contact with Earth, landing softly to be readied for a new launch. ① Recycling makes space tourism more affordable. ② Future space travel has a long way to go. ③ Reused rockets are good for the environment. ④ The pricey rocket stages were thrown into the sea. ⑤ Engineers figured out how to reduce rocket velocity before landing. 31. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Most of us rely on expiration dates to know whether our groceries are still fresh. But as British-based industrial designer Solveiga Pakštaite learned when she interviewed blind people for a project on public transportation, if you can’t see, you can’t read those dates. The revelation inspired the 23-year-old to design the Bump Mark, a series of raised bumps coated with a layer of gelatin on food packaging. As the gelatin protein decays, the bumps become tangible. That’s when you know the food is past its prime. This works because gelatin―made from animal hooves―rots at roughly the same rate as a steak, fish fillet, or bag of salad. The potential for this technology is even greater than what you might think. Printed dates are just guidelines, not true indicators of food spoilage, so we waste a lot of perfectly good food. (In the U.K., grocery stores and consumers throw away a total of 12 million tons of food every year.) Because the Bump Mark measures real rates of decay, the invention could help fix that. Pakštaite is now doing market research, studying manufacturing, and running lab tests to increase the accuracy of the gelatin-to-food decay rate. From a fresh idea, fresh food. ① For a project on public transit, Pakštaite spoke with blind persons. ② Food packaging bearing the Bump Mark features a number of raised bumps covered in gelatin. ③ The bumps become noticeable when the food has lost its freshness. ④ The rate of deterioration of gelatin is faster than that of a steak. ⑤ Printed dates are only recommendations rather than accurate indicators of food degradation. 21 - 8 [32-33] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. My colleague Jonathan Rothwell and I reported hundreds of places that exceed commonly held expectations in Brookings’s recently released Black Progress Index, an interactive tool and report developed in partnership with the NAACP that provides a means to understand the health and well-being of Black people and the conditions that shape their lives. Instead of comparing Black people to white people, we examine life expectancy differences among the Black population in different places. This method reveals the locales where Black people are thriving. Researchers often (A) compare rates of home ownership, educational attainment, income and mortality without attending to past and present discrimination that intended to create disparities. Consequently, broad national averages void of context policy and local contexts camouflage the very real progress that’s occurring across the country. Still, in places like Jefferson County, Ohio, the average Black person lives 33 fewer years than Manassas Park, Va. and Weld County, Colo. That gap is roughly equivalent to 100 years of progress in living standards, medical science, and public health. Black people are not a(n) (B) . They have widely different outcomes in very different places. Local contexts matter as Black people do. Lower life expectancy in counties and metro areas across the country suggests that people are losing battles against racism. But geographic areas where Black people are thriving offer more than hope: People’s civic actions are delivering positive change. 32. 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Black people’s well-being needs to be scientifically studied. ② Black people’s well-being is clearly represented in figures of national averages. ③ Black people’s well-being depends on their local contexts. ④ Black people’s well-being lags far behind that of white people. ⑤ Black people’s well-being is irrelevant to their civic actions. 33. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 짝지은 것 중 가장 적절 한 것은? (A) (B) ① sharply …… monolith ② sharply …… assortment ③ sharply …… colossus ④ sloppily …… monolith ⑤ sloppily …… assortment [34-35] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, the ideal of home ownership is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S. soldiers came home after World War II, (A) , they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. So there was a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and nearly identical, but they satisfied a deep need. Many saw the single-family house as the basis of their way of life. For the new suburbanites of the 1950s and 1960s, (B) , life inside their small houses was very different from life on a farm. First, the family spent much less time together in the house. The father frequently drove, or commuted, as much as an hour to work each morning. The children went to school all day and played after school with neighborhood children. The suburb itself was sometimes called a bedroom community because people used their houses basically for sleeping. Second, the suburb frequently was not a stable community: families moved frequently as the fathers sought upward mobility― better-paying jobs and bigger houses. Although the idea of home was still as precious as always, it had taken on a different meaning. In the seventies and eighties, as more women entered the labor force, the family spent even less time together. But the picture is changing: people can now telecommute, or work at home, while being linked to the office by means of their computer. More and more people can now stay at home. So the old expression could change from “Home, sweet home” to “Home, sweet office,” but the emphasis on the cherished home will most likely stay the same. 34. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① Life on a Farm and in the Suburbs ② The Evolving Notion of Home ③ Building Homes in America ④ Theoretical Analysis of Demography ⑤ Women Employment and Social Mobility 35. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (A) (B) ① in addition …… however ② in addition …… similarly ③ for example …… however ④ on the contrary …… however ⑤ on the contrary …… similarly 21 - 9 [36-37] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. There have been sightings of strange things in the sky since ancient times, but it was only in the middle of the 20th century they acquired the name ‘unidentified flying object’, or UFO. During the 1940s and 1950s, there was a huge surge in sightings around the world, often described as disc-shaped craft or ‘flying saucers’. The timing of this first great UFO wave was significant, coming at a period of widespread public paranoia caused by the nuclear arms race. The most common theory in the early days was that UFOs were advanced military aircraft that had been developed in total secrecy. Within a few years public perceptions changed, thanks in part to Hollywood. Suddenly UFOs were no longer assumed to originate on Earth, but from another planet. Since then, the situation has been complicated by other alleged evidence for extraterrestrial visitation, from rumours that governments are concealing information about their dealings with UFO occupants to apparent memories of alien abduction recalled under hypnosis. Although these cases have little or no direct connection to strange objects seen in the sky, the term UFO still tends to be applied to them. Last year, for example, a UK newspaper carried the headline ‘UFO hunter spots alien lizard on Mars’, even though no flying object was involved. The fact is that the terminology has become hopelessly confused. To some people, particularly in official circles, ‘unidentified flying object’ means just that: an airborne object that hasn’t been identified. To many ordinary people, however, UFO means ‘alien spacecraft’. For this reason, the US military has started using the term UAP, for unidentified aerial phenomena, to avoid appearing to talk about extraterrestrials every time they say they’ve seen something they can’t explain. And UAP has another advantage, because UFOs may not always be literal ‘flying objects’. As you’ll see, some may be mirages, unusual weather effects or even astronomical bodies. Therefore ‘aerial phenomena’ is a much more appropriate term in these cases. UFO and UAP do have one letter in common, and that’s U, for unidentified. But it’s important not to read too much into this. It doesn’t automatically mean that what’s been spotted came from another planet, or defies the known laws of physics. In the case of a photograph or video, for example, the resolution simply may not be good enough to work out what it shows. With a fleeting eyewitness report, even by a trained observer like a pilot or police officer, if they had no firm idea of the size or distance of the object, it might have been anything from a person’s drone to an alien starship. And electronic systems such as radar are designed to pick up particular types of known objects, so anything falling outside the expected parameters is likely to be classed as ‘unidentified’. 36. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① The Shifting Language of Skybound Mysteries: UFO to UAP ② The Shift in Public Opinion Regarding UFO ③ A Scientific Approach to the Issue of Alien Life ④ UAP: A New Hypothesis toward Its Identity ⑤ Unraveling the Mystery of UAP: Mere Optical Illusions 37. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① People haven’t reported seeing unusual objects in the sky until modern times. ② Advances in technology allow aviation experts to accurately identify fast flying objects. ③ The term UAP was first used by a group of civilians interested in UFO. ④ UAP refers only to mysterious flying objects from other planets. ⑤ Hollywood played a role in changing public attitudes towards UFO. 21 - 10 [38-40] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Having distinguished two different arguments against commodification, I now turn to one hotly contested case, that of commercial surrogacy. Contracts for “surrogate motherhood,” as the practice is commonly known, typically involve a couple unable to conceive or bear a child, and a woman who agrees, in exchange for a fee, to be inseminated with the sperm of the father, to carry the child to term, and to give it up at birth. (A) I would like to consider both of those analogies. Each can help clarify the moral status of commercial surrogacy. As is often the case with reasoning by analogy, however, we may find that the intuitions that constitute our moral starting point do not emerge unscathed. Reflecting on the rights and wrongs of surrogacy may lead us to revise our initial views about the moral status of baby-selling and of sperm-selling. (B) Some argue that commercial surrogacy represents an objectionable kind of commodification. How can such claims be assessed? Many arguments about commodification proceed by way of analogy. Those who oppose contracts for surrogate motherhood argue that they are morally tantamount to baby-selling. With commercial surrogacy as with baby-selling, a woman is paid a fee (typically $10,000 in the surrogacy market), in exchange for relinquishing a child. (C) Defenders of commercial surrogacy must either resist the analogy or defend both practices. Those who dispute the analogy argue that commercial surrogacy is more like selling sperm than selling a baby; when a woman agrees to undergo a pregnancy for pay, she does not sell a preexisting child but simply allows another couple to make use of her reproductive capacity. And if it is morally permissible for men to sell their reproductive capacity, this argument goes, why is it not morally permissible for women to sell theirs? 38. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) 39. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? ① How Has Surrogacy Been Developed? ② The Ugly Facets of Surrogacy ③ Two Views on Commercial Surrogacy ④ Why Do We Stop Commodification of Motherhood? ⑤ When Do We Permit Commercial Surrogacy? 40. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? ① For those who oppose surrogate motherhood, it is like sperm-selling. ② Supporters of surrogate motherhood argue that it is equivalent to baby-selling. ③ It is generally agreed that commercial surrogacy is more like selling sperm than selling a baby. ④ Analogy is used only for those who defend surrogate motherhood. ⑤ Contemplation on the ethics of surrogacy may change our initial view on it. ※확인사항 ▷ 답안지의 해당란에 필요한 내용을 정확히 기입․표기 했는지 확인하시오.






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