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영어(2017-09-13 / 273.4KB / 1,157회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 강수정 (2017-09-13 / 463.5KB / 1,093회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 신성일 (2017-09-13 / 252.1KB / 728회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 심상대 (2017-09-13 / 290.2KB / 543회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 춘추관 (2017-09-13 / 763.5KB / 440회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 한덕현 (2017-09-13 / 217.7KB / 489회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 한영   (2017-09-13 / 1.28MB / 481회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 황남준 (2017-09-13 / 186.0KB / 353회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 ○○○ (2017-09-13 / 266.4KB / 552회)

2006 국가직 9급 영어 1 교육문의 02-2650-3939 2006 국가직 9급 영어 (2006년 4월 8일 시행) ※ 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 의미의 단어를 고르시오.(1-2) 문1] If you happen to have an unhealthy penchant for salt, it may not be solely your fault. Mom may have to share some of the blame, or so suggests a small but intriguing body of research. ① ailment ② ornament ③ treatment ④ liking 문2] Once pregnant. women face an uncomfortable reality: The stigma of unwed motherhood is greater than that of having an abortion. Students ore often forced to drop out of school. Working women can find their careers jeopardized. ① increased ② destroyed ③ endangered ④ revealed 문3] 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 공통적으로 들어갈 숙어는? * Half through the chapter I stopped. I could not a single word. * Many households in the neighborhood of the university students to add to their income * It was really easy to you. ① take in ② figure out ③ pick up ④ get through 문4] 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 고르시오. This attitude - that nothing is easier than to love - has continued to be the prevalent idea about love in spite of the overwhelming evidence . ① in vain ② in addition ③ by and large ④ to the contrary 문5] 다음 대화 중 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 적합한 표현을 고르시오 A : Excuse me. I bought this radio here, and it doesn't work B: Do you have your receipt? A : No. I lost it. Can I exchange the radio for another one? 2006 국가직 9급 영어 2 교육문의 02-2650-3939 B : Without your receipt, it's hard. A : Believe me. I bought it this morning. B : Then do you have any identification? A : Yes, I have a driver's license, and a credit card. B : O. K. All you have to do is go to the manager's office, right over there. ① Your opinion doesn't stand. ② I couldn't help it ③ All of them matter ④ Either will do 문6] 다음 대화 중 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 적합한 표현을 고르시오 Mary : Our student from Seoul arrived on Monday Bill : What's her name? Mary : Soon-hee Bill : That's a pretty name! . Mary : She's really nice. I'm sure we'll get along well. We seem to have a lot in common. Bill : How do you know that already? What does she like doing? Mary : Well, she likes dancing, and so do I. And we both like listening to the same kind of music Bill : Oh, that's good. I can't wait to meet her ① What does she look like? ② What's she like? ③ How is she now? ④ What would she like to do? 문7] 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은? For many years, alligator skin was popular in the United States for making fashionable leather shoes and purses. From 1870 to 1965 at least ten million alligators were killed in the United States for leather. Then, in 1967, the government made laws against hunting alligators. After that the alligator population began to grow again. Now there are . ① more alligators than there were in 1967 ② more alligators hunters than in 1870 ③ still more alligators killed in America ④ fewer alligators than they expected ※ 다음 각 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (8-9) 문8] Wildlife officials would introduce five bears to the Bitterroot Mountains each year for five consecutive years, starting in 2002. They anticipate that the grizzly population, with its slow reproductive cycle, would take more than 100 years to reach the projected goal of about 300 bears. Wildlife officials have a plan . 2006 국가직 9급 영어 3 교육문의 02-2650-3939 ① to live with five bears in the Bitterroot Mountains ② to observe the grizzlies' behavior in a wild state ③ to set bears free to increase their population ④ to reproduce bears in an extremely controlled situation 문9] The Hawthorne experiment was conducted in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The management of Western Electric's Hawthorne plant, located near Chicago, wanted to find out if environmental factors such as lightning, could affect workers' productvity and morale. A team of social scientists experimented with a small group of employees who were set apart from their coworkers. The environmental conditions of this group's work area were controlled, and the subjects themselves were closely observed. To the great surprise of the researchers, the productivity of these workers increased in response to any change in their environmnetal conditions. The rate of work increased even when the change (such as sharp decrease in the level of light in the workplace) seemed unlikely to have such an effect. It was concluded that the presence of the observers had caused the workers in the experimental group to feel special. As a result, the employees came to know and trust one another, and they developed a strong belief in the importance of their job. The researchers believed that this, not the changes in the work environment, accounted for the increased productivity. The Hawthorne experiment suggests that . ① social scientists are good workers ② worker' attitudes are more important than their environment ③ even those Hawthorne workers who were not in the experiment improved their productivity ④ productivity in electric plants tends to be low 문10] 아래의 글들을 문맥에 맞게 순서대로 연결한 것은? 가 : In one study, biometeorologists suggested a statistical correlation between bone density and temperature. Some Hungarian scientists found an increase in dental periostitis (gum inflammation) with the passage of a warm front. According to some Swedish doctors, migraine headaches increase three days after a change in barometric pressure and temperature 나 : In Europe, where biometeorology began and has flourished, it's assumed that ordinary weather affects ordinary human beings in myriad ways. 다 : Meanwhile, researchers in Japan noticed an increase in asthma attacks when the wind changes direction ① 나-다-가 ② 다-가-나 ③ 나-가-다 ④ 다-나-가 문11] 아래 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말은? When it comes to American presidential elections, blue blood . So say British researchers who predict Democratic challenger John Kerry will oust President Bush on Nov. 2 simply because he boasts more royal connections than his Republican rival. After months of research into Kerry's ancestry, Burke's Peerage, experts on British aristocracy, reported on Monday that the Vietnam War veteran is related to all the royal houses of Europe 2006 국가직 9급 영어 4 교육문의 02-2650-3939 and can claim kinship with Czar lvan "The Terrible," a previous Emperor of Byzantium and the Shahs of Persia. "Because of the fact that every presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has always won the November presidential election, the coming election - based on 42 previous presidents - will go to John Kerry." Similar research carried out on Bush ahead of the 2000 presidential race showed that he beat Al Gore in the royal stakes claiming kinship with Britain's Queen Elizabeth as well as kings Henry lll and Charles ll of England. ① is to be made little of ② counts ③ can have a positive effect on Bush ④ fails the Vietnam War veteran ※ 다음 각 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.(12-13) 문12] The economic struggle in America continues; but it seems apparent that the stuggle is no longer between the giant segments of our society, but within them. Battles for power and control are being fought within some of the large corporations, enlivened by wars in which the big prizes are stockholders' votes or proxies. Similarly struggles for power are taking place within the large labor organizations. In each case public opinion seems to be playing an increasingly important part, judging by the dramatic efforts being made to inform the people about the partisan positions. And so long as the battleground involves public favor, moderation seem neither implausible nor unnatural. ① A compromise in disputes between labor and capital ② The importance of votes and proxies ③ Public influence of internal industrial conflicts ④ The need for moderation in labor-management disputes 문13] Then there was the dark side. Amid the glories of the century lurked some of history's worst horrors: Stalin's collectivization, Hitler's Holocaust, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot's killing fields, Idi Amin's rampages. We try to personalize the blame, as if it were the fault of just a few madmen, but in fact it was whole societies, including advanced ones like Germany, that embraced of tolerated madness. What they had in common was that they sought totalitarian solutions rather than freedom. Theologians have to answer the question of why God allows evil. Rationalists have one almost as difficult: Why doesn't progress make civilzations more civilzed? ① The Global Century ② The Century of Capitalism ③ The Century of Revolution ④ The Genocidal Century ※ 다음 각 글의 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (14~15) 문14] I do not mean to suggest that we should seek to eliminate fear altogether from human life. Were this humanly possible it would not be practically . Fear is the elemental alarm system of the human organism which warns of approacing dangers and without which man could not have survived in either the primitive or modern worlds. Moreover, fear is a powerfully creative force. 2006 국가직 9급 영어 5 교육문의 02-2650-3939 ① desirable ② repentable ③ lamentable ④ potential 문15] In 1966, Edward Hall compared the nature of culture to an iceberg. You can see part of an iceberg, but most of the iceberg is below the water and cannot be seen, most aspects of culture are not visible. These invisible aspects are things that we are familiar with but don't usually think abut or question ① Nevertheless ② Similarly ③ In contrast ④ After all 문16] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미하는 바가 나머지 셋과 다른 점은? One superstition I can't seem to escape is the one dealing with calendars. In my family, we believe it's bad luck to look at ① a new calendar before the start of the new year. I can't ignore this because efficient administrative assistants at work hand out new calendars in late November or early December. And some of my coworkers hang ② them up as soon as they get them. So at any time, I'm likely to walk into a colleague's space and confront ③ the offending object. If I see one, I avert my eyes. Try as I might to rid myself of ④ this superstition, I'm not willing to take any chances, either. 문17] 다음 우리말을 영어로 옮기는 경우 적절하지 않은 것은? “내가 집을 나서자 마자, 비가 몹시 내리기 시작했다.” ① The moment I left home, it began to rain heavily ② No sooner had I left home than it began to rain heavily ③ As soon as I left home, it began to rain heavily ④ I never left home without beginning to rain heavily 문18] 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? ① Nine million children below the age of 5 live in homes with one smoker. ② Nine million children above the age of 5 live in homes with at least one smoker. ③ Nine million children of the age of 5 live in homes where both parents smoke. ④ Nine million children under the age of 5 live in homes where at least one person smokes. 문19] 다음 밑줄 친 부분에서 문법 상 어색한 것은? Toy-related injuries for last year ① are estimated at about two million. This is bad news. but, there is god news. Part of good news is that this estimate was about one percent less than ② those for the previous year. The other good news is that ③ less than three percent of these injuries required emergency room visits. However, ④ this word suggests millions of these injuries were serious. “5세 미만의 9백만 명 아이들이 적어도 한 명의 흡연자가 있는 집에 산다.” 2006 국가직 9급 영어 6 교육문의 02-2650-3939 문20] 다음 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오. As in other jurisdicions, public safety determines the priority for snow removal in the district. Clearing and salting efforts focus first on major roads, commuter through fares and designated Snow Emergency Routes. Streets that are narrow, steep, or shaded, receive special attention, ___________ scheduled for next day trash collection. Please be patient and allow sufficient time for snow operations to be implemented. ① as do those streets ② do as those streets ③ as those streets do ④ do those streets as [ 정답 및 해설 ] 1. ④ [어구] * happen to+R: 우연히 ~하다 penchant : 경향(inclination); 기호(liking) * or so : …그쯤, …그정도 * intriguing : 흥미를 자아내는, 호기심을 자극하는 ① 병; 불쾌 ② 꾸밈, 장식(품), 장신구 ③ 취급; 대우; 치료(법); 처리 [번역] 만일 당신이 우연히 건강에 좋지 않은 소금을 몹시 좋아한다면, 그건 당신만의 잘못이 아닐지도 모 릅니다. 어머니께서 그 책임의 일부는 더불어 지셔야 할지도 모를 일이며 (대략) 그 정도일 것이라고 소 규모이긴 하지만 흥미를 일으키는 한 연구단체가 시사하고 있다. 2. ③ [어구] * once: 접속사: 일단~하기만 하면 pregnant : 임신한 * uncomfortable : 마음이 편치 못한, 거북한; 살기 불편한, 난처한 * stigma : 오명, 치욕, 불명예(=dishonor), 오점; 반점 * unwed motherhood : 미혼모 (상태)(unwed mother) * have an abortion : 유산(낙태)하다. * drop out of school : 중퇴하다, 학교를 그만두다. * career : 직업; 생애, 경력, 이력; 출세, 성공 * jeopardize : 위태롭게 하다(endanger)






2006 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +2 (2017-09-13) 2006 국가직 9급 세법 해설 (2017-09-13) →2006 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +3 (2017-09-13) 2006 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1 (2017-09-13) 2006 국가직 9급 행정법 해설 (2017-09-13)
댓글수 3
정렬  > 
  1. 2006 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2006.2.24.

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 104
  2. 2006 사법시험 경제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 80
  3. 2006 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 36
  4. 2006 사법시험 국제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 92
  5. 2006 사법시험 노동법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 22
  6. 2006 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 54
  7. 2006 사법시험 법철학 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 24
  8. 2006 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 15
  9. 2006 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 16
  10. 2006 사법시험 헌법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 153
  11. 2006 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 137
  12. 2006 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 56
  13. 2006 회계사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2006.2.26.

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 36
  14. 2006 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 172
  15. 2006 회계사 경제원론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 106
  16. 2006 회계사 상법 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 25
  17. 2006 회계사 세법개론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 38
  18. 2006 회계사 영어 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 341
  19. 2006 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 140
  20. 2006 경찰 1차 경찰학개론 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 787
  21. 2006 경찰 1차 수사 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 446
  22. 2006 경찰 1차 영어 해설 +1

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 1296
  23. 2006 경찰 1차 형법 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 704
  24. 2006 경찰 1차 형사소송법 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 480
  25. 2006 경찰 2차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 735
  26. 2006 경찰 2차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 424
  27. 2006 경찰 2차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 1163
  28. 2006 경찰 2차 형사소송법 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 533
  29. 2006 국가직 5급 상황판단 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 1437
  30. 2006 국가직 5급 언어논리 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 1788
  31. 2006 국가직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 989
  32. 2006 국가직 5급 동역학 문제 해설 (2차)

    국가직 5급 2017.11.09 조회수 345
  33. 2006 국가직 5급 물리학 문제 해설 (2차) +1

    국가직 5급 2017.11.12 조회수 916
  34. 2006 국가직 7급 경제학 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1193
  35. 2006 국가직 7급 국어 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1870
  36. 2006 국가직 7급 영어 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1393
  37. 2006 국가직 7급 한국사 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1777
  38. 2006 국가직 7급 행정법 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1395
  39. 2006 국가직 7급 행정학 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1361
  40. 2006 국가직 7급 헌법 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1141
  41. 2006 국가직 7급 회계학 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 479
  42. 2006 국가직 9급 교육학 문제 정답

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 1047
  43. 2006 국가직 9급 교정학 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 817
  44. 2006 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 2762
  45. 2006 국가직 9급 세법 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 623
  46. 2006 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +3

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 2681
  47. 2006 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 2897
  48. 2006 국가직 9급 행정법 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 1610
  49. 2006 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 1683
  50. 2006 국가직 9급 회계학 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 460
  51. 2006 국가직 9급 국어 해설 (선관위) +2

    선관위 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 975
  52. 2006 국가직 9급 영어 해설 (선관위) +2

    선관위 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 1052
  53. 2006 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 (선관위) +1

    선관위 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 1053
  54. 2006 국가직 9급 행정법 해설 (선관위)

    선관위 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 767
  55. 2006 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 (선관위)

    선관위 9급 2017.09.13 조회수 874
  56. 2006 국회직 5급 전과목 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2017.09.13 조회수 652
  57. 2006 국회직 5급 상황판단 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 310
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    국회직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 326
  59. 2006 국회직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 176
  60. 2006 국회직 5급 헌법 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 200
  61. 2006 국회직 8급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국회직 8급 2017.09.13 조회수 1391
  62. 2006 국회직 8급 영어 해설 +1

    국회직 8급 2017.09.13 조회수 1336
  63. 2006 국회직 8급 행정법 해설

    국회직 8급 2017.09.13 조회수 1374
  64. 2006 국회직 8급 행정학 해설

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  65. 2006 군무원 9급 행정학 문제 해설

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  66. 2006 법무사 전과목 문제 정답

    법무사 2017.09.13 조회수 386
  67. 2006 법무사 공탁법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.01 조회수 49
  68. 2006 법무사 민법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.01 조회수 73
  69. 2006 법무사 민사집행법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.01 조회수 49
  70. 2006 법무사 부동산등기법 문제 정답

    법무사 2021.03.01 조회수 46
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