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[채용] 2024년 육군 주관 일반군무원(공채 및 경채) 채용계획 공고

영어(2017-09-12 / 84.7KB / 391회)

2005 노동부 9급 영어 해설 신성일 (2017-09-12 / 208.8KB / 614회)

2005 노동부 9급 ※ 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은? [1~2] 1. 그들이 이번 방안이 대학의 구조개혁을 촉진시킬 것 이라고 말했다. ① They said this measure would be facilitate structural reform of the university. ② They said this measure will facilitate with a structural reform of the university. ③ They said this measure must facilitate structural reform of a university. ④ They said this measure will facilitate structural reform of university. 2. 무슨 일을 하는 것에 대해 말하는 것과 실제로 그 일 을 하는 것은 다르다. ① Talking about doing something is no better than actually doing it. ② The one is talking about doing something and the other is actually doing it. ③ Talking about doing something is one thing and actually doing it is another. ④ Talking about doing something makes a difference just as actually doing it does. ※ 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은? [3~7] 3. For years, the Republic of South Africa was a nation in trouble. Located at the southern tip of the continent, South Africa is the most industrialized country in Africa. It has large deposits of gold and diamonds, a good climate, and great natural beauty. But it has also been the scene of terrible racial violence. This violence was a result of the official government policy of racial _______ called apartheid, the African word for "apartness." ① segregation ② suggestion ③ selection ④ struggle 4. Do you ever go to the rest room to rest? Or to the powder room to powder? And just how often do you take a bath when you make a trip to the bathroom? Did you know that in many parts of the southern United States people don't die? No, they pass away. Some even go to their reward. In other parts of the country, people just buy the farm or experience the end of the ball game. Shakespeare never said "die," his characters shuffled off this mortal coil. People who would be mortally ashamed to discuss being naked feel free to discuss their birthday suit, or being in the altogether. Aware of it or not, we all use _______. ① idioms ② euphemisms ③ formulaic expressions ④ dialects 5. Statistics show that people travel more safely in airplanes than in cars. For that reason, it seems foolish to be afraid of flying and not be concerned about safety in a car. The figures are clear - planes are safer than cars, per passenger mile. But statistics do not tell the whole story. Automobile accidents usually involve only a few people per occurrence and kill or injure only some of the victims. They involve situations which drivers believe they can avoid through skill or caution. _______, airplane accidents usually involve large numbers of people and high death rates. One hundred percent is not uncommon. Surviving an airplane accident requires luck, not skill or caution, and passengers are totally dependent upon their crew. ① For example ② On the other hand ③ As a matter of fact ④ In addition 6. Images of her childhood came back to her: her authoritarian mother, who favored her brothers and always made her feel guilty, and her father, a broken man who was afraid of his wife and agreed with her whenever possible, giving in to her every whim. These painful recollections gave way to a feeling of injustice toward her husband. She had reproached him about everything that reminded her of her father, and it was her constant reproaches that had inhibited him, broken him and little by little made him like her father. The cycle had thus begun all over again. Without even realizing it, she had re-created the thing she hated most, _______. ① the recollections of her childhood ② her husband who is too selfish to love others ③ the relationship between her father and mother ④ the sympathy for her parents' unhappy marriage life 7. Hope is an essential element in everyday life. Without hope, we live in perpetual despair and frustration. "If it were not for hope, the heart would break," and "Hope is the poor man's bread" are two sayings containing deep truths. Alexander Pope again, that great poetic source of common proverbs, wrote in his Essay of Man; "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." We often use this line in a humorous way when we have been waiting a long time to be served in a shop, or to win a prize in a lottery. Hope is a very strong and tenacious emotion, so much so that it stays with us to the very end of our lives: "___________" ① Art is long, life is short. ② Child is father of the man. ③ A drowning man will catch at a straw. ④ Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 8. 다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Let me repeat, however, the caveat which I put forward in my first lecture, that no historical judgement are absolute and that any historical interpretation depends in part in the value held by the historian, which will in turn reflect the value held by the age and society in which he lives. It is therefore incumbent on the historian, whether explicitly or by implication, to make clear the value on which his interpretation rests, and this I shall attempt to do. But first let me contest an obvious criticism. Does not the admission that the value held by the historian necessarily enter into the history that he writes deprive history of any objective character? Now it seems to me foolish and misleading to deny the subjective element in history. *caveat 경고, 통고, 주의사항 ① 역사에 있어서 주관적인 요소의 개입이란 있을 수 없다. ② 역사가는 역사를 통해 자기가 사는 시대의 가치를 반영한다. ③ 역사의 해석에 있어서 어떤 역사적 판단도 절대적 일 수는 없다. ④ 역사가가 견지하고 있는 가치들이 서술하는 역사 속에 개입된다. 9. 다음 글에서 언급되지 않은 것은? Psychologists agree that most of us have creative ability that is greater than what we use in daily life. In other words, we can be more creative than we realize! The problem is that we use mainly one hemisphere of our brain-the left. From childhood, in school, we're taught reading, writing, and mathematics; we are exposed to very little music or right hemisphere much. Then can we be taught to use our right hemisphere more? Many experts believe so. ① Many of us don't exercise our right hemisphere. ② Different parts of the brain control different activities. ③ Most people probably don't use all their creative ability. ④ Small pieces of memory are kept in different parts of the brain. 10. 다음 글에 바로 이어질 문장으로 가장 적절한 것은? Chris Bencze, a ten-year-old from Auburn, Washington, saved his eight-year-old brother's life. Chris and Alex were home alone one Friday evening when Alex began to choke on an orange. Chris got behind his brother and squeezed his chest - using the Heimlich maneuver - until the fruit came out. Where did Chris learn the technique? From watching a recent episode of the cartoon show, "The Simpsons." The publicist for Fox Television, producer of the show, had heard of one other instance in which a choking victim had been helped, based on learning the maneuver from that episode. ① We can learn a lot by watching others, whether live or on TV. ② Each sphere of life has its heroes. ③ The visual mass media, like TV, movies, video tapes, magazines, and newspapers, represents the mode of modeling. ④ TV and movies are basic features of our lives. 11. 다음 글에 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? One of the most controversial and painful issues of our time is that of euthanasia - helping or allowing someone to die by either active or passive methods. As our society ages, and medical science is able to keep people alive who would have died "naturally" in the past, most of us will be confronted with this decision at some point in our lives. As with all important topics, perhaps more so, we must carefully consider the different perspectives and examine the arguments on all sides of the subject of euthanasia before we can form a good opinion. ① 안락사 대상의 다양한 특징 ② 안락사의 공론화에 대한 주장 ③ 안락사에 대한여러 가지 견해 ④ 안락사 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인. 12. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은? Every Sunday one can peruse the wedding ads in the classified. Many people still arrange an alliance in the traditional manner - through family and friend connections. Caste is becoming less important a factor in the selection of a spouse. Replacing caste are income and type of job. The educational level of the bride-to-be is also a consideration, an asset always worth mentioning in the ad. A faculty member at a college for girls has estimated that 80 to 90 percent of the students there will enter an arranged marriage upon receiving the B.A. In this way, educating a daughter is parental investment toward securing an attractive, prosperous groom. ① factors in arranging a marriage ② norms of "bride price" to the man's family ③ marriage prestige within the community ④ cultural differences in marriage 13. 다음 글에 이어질 문장으로 전체 흐름상 적절하지 않 은 문장은? The root of the trouble springs from too much emphasis upon competitive success as the main source of happiness. I do not deny that the feeling of success makes it easier to enjoy life. ① A painter, let us say, who has been obscure throughout his youth, is likely to become happier if his talent wins recognition. ② Nor do I deny that money, up to a certain point, is very capable of increasing happiness; beyond that point, I do not think it does so. ③ The people I admire most are those who are sensitive and want to create something or discover something, and get more of a chance under a democracy than elsewhere. ④ What I do maintain is that success can only be one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the other ingredients have been sacrificed to obtain it. 14. 글의 흐름으로 보아 다음문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞 은 곳은? In the initial stage, however, the system will likely cause more problems than it solves. With the introduction of the work permit for foreigners on Tuesday, Korea opened the way for legal importation and employment of foreign laborers. It calls for the government to introduce migrant workers and allocate them to local businesses that have failed to employ Koreans. ( ① ) The new system is supposed to provide equal treatment for foreign workers to their local counterparts, including basic labor rights and legal minimum wages, while guaranteeing stable supply of manpower for Korean employers. ( ② ) First of all, there are still too many illegal aliens for the new system to take root. ( ③ ) Currently, there are 420,000 foreign workers in the nation, including 166,000 unlawful sojourners, and the number is expected to top 500,000 by the end of this year, about 100,000 more than Korea can absorb. ( ④ ) The government needs to deal more sternly with lawbreakers, both foreigners and their Korean employers. 15.다음 글의 내용과 가장 어울리지 않는 것은? The Food and Drug Administration cautions consumers affected by Tropical Storm Bonnie and Hurricane Charley to protect their health and food supply while dealing with the aftermath of the storm. There are actions that can be taken to help maintain personal health and safety during power outages and flooding following a hurricane. ① Perishable food such as meat, poultry, seafood, milk and eggs that are not properly refrigerated or frozen may cause illness if consumed, even if it is thoroughly cooked. ② For infants, if possible, use prepared canned baby formula that requires no added water. When using concentrated or powered formulas, prepare with bottled water if the local water source is potentially contaminated. ③ While parents worry about picking up the pieces, the children whose lives were upturned by Charley are dealing with another problem, boredom. Many schools are closed because of damage. And with electricity still out, youngsters are being deprived of their normal creature comforts: television, video games and computers. ④ Discard wooden cutting boards, plastic, baby bottle nipples and pacifiers. There is no way to safely clean them if they have come in contact with contaminated flood waters. ※ 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고 르시오. [16 ~ 17] 16. About three decades ago, pensions were so attractive in many cases that workers were retiring earlier and earlier, and labor force participation rates for men in their 50s and 60s were declining. One director at General Motors told a reporter: "There used to be a stigma to going out. He was over the hill. But now it's a looked-for status. Those retirement parties, they used to bo sad affairs. They are happy affairs now. ① a power or ability to please ② a feeling of shame or dishonor ③ a hard fight or determined effort ④ a position in law or in relation to others 17. There was a student who was always pulling someone's leg. For example, one day before class, he put a long homework assignment on the board and made us think that the teacher had given it. We all had long faces until the teacher came in. Then we realized that someone had played a joke on us. ① not talking advice, stubborn ② kidding or tricking someone ③ hurrying up or moving faster ④ wanting to know other people's business ※ 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오. [18~20] 18. A: I'm thinking of going back to school to get another degree. It's so hard to find a job with a degree in literature. B: Yeah, I know what you mean. A: I ________ something more practical. If I'd been more sensible, I would have majored in economics. B: Why did you major in literature? A: I don't know! My mother wanted me to major in business. B: Oh? What does she do? A: Mom? She's a literature professor. ① must have studied ② don't need to study ③ wouldn't have studied ④ should have studied 19. M: Hi, Oliver. I see you're on your way home, too. W: Exactly. But it'll be another twenty-five minutes before the next bus. M: Then we've got a little time to kill. Let me treat you to a chocolate parfait or something. W: Oh, that would be much too fattening and we don't have all that much time anyway! M: Shall we settle for a cup of coffee or tea, then? W: Fine! But don't forget, it's my turn to treat. M: ______________. ① OK, have it your way. This time it's on you. ② Please do. I'm looking forward to another chat. ③ I really enjoyed the tea. Thanks for your kindness. ④ Please accept my apology. I'm afraid I'm getting old. 20. A: I'm Susan, Ted's sister. B: It's nice to meet you. I'm Matt. A: So, how do you know Ted? B: We work together. A: You mean at Atlas Window Cleaners? B: Yeah. A: Do you like the work? It seems dangerous. B: It's O.K. It's just a temporary job. A: Oh? What are you planning to do? B: Well, I'd like to be a computer programmer. In fact, I just registered for a computer training course at Elmhurst College. A: ___________ Are you taking the intensive program? B: No. I work all day, so I have no time. A: Neither do I. I'm taking evening classes. ① Give me a break! ② What a coincidence! So did I. ③ You're telling me! Me too. ④ Oh! don't take offence any more. 






2005 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 (노동부) +1 (2017-09-12) →2005 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 (노동부) +2 (2017-09-12) 2005 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 (노동부) +1 (2017-09-12) 2005 국가직 9급 행정법 문제 해설 (노동부) (2017-09-12) 2005 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 (노동부) +1 (2017-09-12)
댓글수 2
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  1. 2005 사법시험 전과목 문제 정답 - 2005.2.27.

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  2. 2005 사법시험 경제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 62
  3. 2005 사법시험 국제거래법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 16
  4. 2005 사법시험 국제법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 86
  5. 2005 사법시험 노동법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 11
  6. 2005 사법시험 민법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 42
  7. 2005 사법시험 법철학 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 21
  8. 2005 사법시험 조세법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 9
  9. 2005 사법시험 지적재산권법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 10
  10. 2005 사법시험 헌법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 119
  11. 2005 사법시험 형법 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 109
  12. 2005 사법시험 형사정책 문제 정답

    사법시험 2023.02.15 조회수 48
  13. 2005 회계사 전과목 문제 정답 - 2005.3.1.

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 177
  14. 2005 회계사 경영학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 128
  15. 2005 회계사 경제원론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 168
  16. 2005 회계사 상법 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 15
  17. 2005 회계사 세법개론 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 66
  18. 2005 회계사 영어 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 162
  19. 2005 회계사 회계학 문제 정답

    회계사 2022.10.10 조회수 43
  20. 2005 경찰 1차 전과목 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 716
  21. 2005 경찰 1차 경찰학개론 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2021.02.28 조회수 388
  22. 2005 경찰 1차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 1차 2017.09.13 조회수 460
  23. 2005 경찰 1차 영어 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2021.02.28 조회수 430
  24. 2005 경찰 1차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2021.02.28 조회수 245
  25. 2005 경찰 1차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 1차 2021.02.28 조회수 191
  26. 2005 경찰 2차 전과목 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 388
  27. 2005 경찰 2차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 729
  28. 2005 경찰 2차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 437
  29. 2005 경찰 2차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 959
  30. 2005 경찰 2차 형법 문제 해설

    경찰 2차 2017.09.13 조회수 547
  31. 2005 경찰 2차 형법 문제 정답

    경찰 2차 2021.02.28 조회수 143
  32. 2005 경찰 3차 전과목 문제 정답

    경찰 3차 2017.09.13 조회수 372
  33. 2005 경찰 3차 경찰학개론 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.13 조회수 772
  34. 2005 경찰 3차 수사 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.13 조회수 424
  35. 2005 경찰 3차 영어 문제 해설 +1

    경찰 3차 2017.09.13 조회수 922
  36. 2005 경찰 3차 형법 문제 해설

    경찰 3차 2017.09.13 조회수 518
  37. 2005 경찰 3차 형사소송법 문제 정답

    경찰 3차 2021.02.28 조회수 147
  38. 2005 국가직 5급 언어논리 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 1679
  39. 2005 국가직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국가직 5급 2021.03.01 조회수 919
  40. 2005 국가직 5급 동역학 문제 해설 (2차)

    국가직 5급 2017.11.09 조회수 363
  41. 2005 국가직 5급 물리학 문제 해설 (2차) +1

    국가직 5급 2017.11.12 조회수 757
  42. 2005 국가직 7급 경제학 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1049
  43. 2005 국가직 7급 국어 문제 정답 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1402
  44. 2005 국가직 7급 영어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1097
  45. 2005 국가직 7급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1369
  46. 2005 국가직 7급 행정법 문제 정답

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 980
  47. 2005 국가직 7급 행정학 문제 해설

    국가직 7급 2017.09.13 조회수 1402
  48. 2005 국가직 9급 교정학 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 1012
  49. 2005 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 2359
  50. 2005 국가직 9급 세법 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 520
  51. 2005 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 +2

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 2298
  52. 2005 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 +1

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 2195
  53. 2005 국가직 9급 행정법 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 1164
  54. 2005 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 1310
  55. 2005 국가직 9급 회계학 해설

    국가직 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 412
  56. 2005 국가직 7급 행정학 해설 (노동부)

    노동부 7급 2017.09.12 조회수 613
  57. 2005 국가직 9급 국어 문제 해설 (노동부) +1

    노동부 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 960
  58. 2005 국가직 9급 영어 문제 해설 (노동부) +2

    노동부 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 922
  59. 2005 국가직 9급 한국사 문제 해설 (노동부) +1

    노동부 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 1107
  60. 2005 국가직 9급 행정법 문제 해설 (노동부)

    노동부 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 668
  61. 2005 국가직 9급 행정학 문제 해설 (노동부) +1

    노동부 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 591
  62. 2005 국가직 9급 행정학 해설 (선관위)

    선관위 9급 2017.09.12 조회수 643
  63. 2005 국회직 5급 전과목 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2017.09.12 조회수 781
  64. 2005 국회직 5급 언어논리 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.02.28 조회수 340
  65. 2005 국회직 5급 자료해석 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.02.28 조회수 227
  66. 2005 국회직 5급 한국사 문제 정답 +1

    국회직 5급 2021.02.28 조회수 397
  67. 2005 국회직 5급 헌법 문제 정답

    국회직 5급 2021.02.28 조회수 281
  68. 2005 국회직 8급 국어 문제 해설 +3

    국회직 8급 2017.09.12 조회수 1570
  69. 2005 국회직 8급 영어 문제 해설 +5

    국회직 8급 2017.09.12 조회수 1445
  70. 2005 국회직 8급 행정법 해설

    국회직 8급 2017.09.12 조회수 1027
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